The Farming Little Girl

C126: integration into the noble circle

In fact, the heart is really a little embarrassed a man disguised as a woman.

When I heard this, I was very calm.

He laughed and looked at her viciously.

"Well, that's what I want."

"Astringent Don't look at your own virtue, half male and half female, who is really responsible for you? "

Du Xintong is gloomy. She looks away from her.

The face, which is always indifferent and lazy, is full of haze and loss

Such him, let the soft heart of Congxiang lie prone.

But, the words have also been said. I want to take them back Difficult, difficult, difficult.

"Let's go, let's go. The Party of the lady of the city Lord is about to begin."

It was Du Xintong who, after laughing at himself and looking at Congxiang again, regained his usual indifference and casual manner on Zhang Junqiao's face.

Such him, suddenly let Congxiang extremely uncomfortable.

She closed her mouth and stopped talking. They got off together.

Entering the mansion of the lady of the city Lord's mansion, this journey, originally extremely charming and fragrant, became Du Xintong's foil.

All eyes fell on Du Xintong.

The tall, indifferent and outstanding looking "she" captured all men's hearts in this moment.

But see her: slender and beautiful eyebrows show and elegant printed on the face, the soft and white skin will be broken as soon as the wind blows, the bright lips outline an attractive arc and squint at you like a smile. If you are stared at, there will be a kind of spirit also absorbed by her.

The ruby like eyes are full of gorgeous and attractive luster, which makes a sharp and strange contrast with the black and shiny long hair, and reminds people of the bloody flowers blooming like the other shore flowers in the snow.

However, she is so gorgeous. She is also wearing a black and white fox fur fur fur coat. Under the tight waist, his slim waist looks like a grip. Men's breath, accompanied by her small waist twist, gradually become thick turbid

For all this, she seemed to be unconscious. When she saw the lady of the city Lord, she had a light smile. The pair of eyes, which seemed to be dyed with golden and bright glass, seemed to faint and dye the spring water of a pool. The faint spread, and the inspiratory sound of a room rang again.


The glass in someone's hand is smashed at this moment.

The man, however, stared at the beauty in front of him.

"Beauty, it's so beautiful. I haven't met such a gorgeous beauty in my life..." The man muttered to himself.

Pig's thick lips rolled out a suspicious water drop.

However, those who are responsible for the disaster seem to have no self-knowledge. A look back, once again shallow charm enchant a smile.

"Hiss Beauty... Beauty... "

The man, who had been foolishly passing by, would come to hold Du Xin's hand.

The latter, however, left him a cold back. Go inside with Congxiang.

Congxiang looks at the sensation brought by the culprit with a smile.

Take another look at the lady of the city Lord.

This lady, it seems to be interesting.

Unexpectedly, let them two women who obviously didn't leave the pavilion pass through this hall

It seems that the city Lord's wife is restless.

The lady of the city Lord was swept by the meaningful look of Congxiang, and then explained awkwardly.

"Well, this, we women used to have a separate channel. I didn't expect to have a banquet. Alas, originally, we held the banquet by mistake. How could I have thought that several of you heard that the rich and matchless girls would come this time. So... I have to pay a group visit on this day No, adults just have a party. Our passage, too, has to go by this way. "

Said the lady of the city Lord, glancing at Du Xintong from time to time.

It seems that she is indeed helpless.

With a smile, "it doesn't matter if you don't complain. These childish adults just want to see my girl. Ha ha, don't hide it from you. My family is like a double girl. I came here to pick my husband and son-in-law. In fact, it's also a good thing that Madame has made us unmatched girls appear in the public. It's easy to pick people. "

The lady of the city Lord was relieved at her generosity.

Eyes son again Piao to Du Xin with, eyes also flow through the meaning of pity.

"Alas, today's matchless girl's dress is really special. With today's makeup, it's even more beautiful. I don't know when the man who makes clothes for your sisters will open the shop. Our sisters are looking forward to your opening. Especially like madam, I am looking forward to it. Several women in her family have arrived at a good time. No, they are all wearing some good clothes. Just in time, I saw the unique girl's dress style. I see, today's mink coat is more in line with the taste of Madame. "

The reason why the city Lord's wife and others will soon accept the two men is that they are humorous.

Where she is, she will never be cold.

This woman has a delicate mind, a smooth way of dealing with people, and a strong sense of advance and retreat. This is the consensus reached by all people.

Second, although Du Xin doesn't like to talk with her, every time she appears, everyone's sight will be around her.

The reason is that she is really beautiful, and that she is lazy, a little bit decadent.

The most important thing is her clothes and make-up. I really envy her.

From their appearance to now, the clothes of these two people are always different.

I haven't seen any vulgar clothes on them.

It's just clothes. The jewelry they wear and the ornaments of flowers and flowers are also the types that people in the desert never touch.

Such a refreshing style has conquered the hearts of all women in this area of border desert town in an instant.

Every woman has a princess dream in her heart.

And this dream also contains beautiful clothes and ornaments.

It is because after seeing the new ornaments and clothes on Du Xin's body, everyone began to ask.

After all, although the border desert town is huge, it's just a little bit big.

People will know who has new materials or new styles.

However, the style of these two people is not any family they know well.

When I inquired about it, I learned that it was produced by a beauty salon called Mozhen women's salon, which has not yet run a shop. Everyone began to expect all 120000 of this women's salon.

Every time, it's just a little bit. It's said that it's a good sister's ready to open it.

Occasionally also will reveal some beauty knowledge, more will point out, Du Xintong will be so beautiful and moving. It's because every day, this professional beauty chef is dressing her up.

Even her clothes and accessories are all set by the beauty master.

For a while, everyone began to look forward to the beauty salon.

After all, many people in the desert do not lack money.

What they lack is just how to make up their skin and face better.

Now suddenly I hear a wind that can make their ugly skin and water smart, smooth and attractive

All the women in this group are boiling.

Even those who are more ambitious are thinking that it is better for me to enjoy this kind of thing alone.

Aware of these people's ambitions, Congxiang also pointed out in time.

The origin of my friend is very frightening.

It has something to do with the people above.

Especially the master behind her has an amazing background.

Even if they come out of this line, it's all up to the master behind the sister to take care of everything

It's about the origin of the two. It's true that many people have inquired about it.

But the news only makes people think that these people are very talented people.

Even after the LORD sent people to inquire about it, he got such a vague concept. This group of people seems to have a long history. Anyway, as long as such people don't move their own territory, how they like to stay is their own business.

Thus, there was the matter that the lady of the city Lord offered to show her kindness and invited them to join the circle of the rich ladies.

This also means that the rich and noble women's circle in binmo town has accommodated two new members.

When they entered the guest room, Du Xintong's clothes attracted a lady's eyes.

This person is the famous and rich family of binmo Town, such as madam!

"Well, the style of this dress is really good. It's not designed by our people at first sight. And this kind of two-color matching is even more unique. It's not bad. I like it. "

If Madame is pleased to see all this, she is astonished, only looking at Du Xin's clothes.

As for her looks and the like, they were ignored by her.

Standing beside her, a flowery woman, looking at the young woman in her twenties and eighties, tugged at her arm.

"Niang, the young lady of others comes in, haven't taken a seat yet, how can she be dragged by you?"

Such as Madam ha ha a smile, loosen Du Xin with clothes.

Only then raised an eye to look at this everybody to praise formally, extremely gorgeous, also extremely amorous woman.

This look, even if it is like madam, also have to praise.

"This matchless lady is right. No wonder since you came, the men in our desert town have been passing on your legend. Even if it is my family's a few frustrated boy, also in the legend of your everything. But it turns out that miss is really worthy of praise. Miss Wushuang, this way, please. "

Du Xin, with his jaw, chuckled and did not make a sound.

Pour is Congxiang, hurry to interrupt.

"If madam is right, my little sister is naturally bored. I've never been out of the house before. If it wasn't for the family to hurry up with his marriage, I would take it out for a while, which would still leave the family moping. You can't talk to her. When you look for her, she is in a hurry and doesn't know what to say. What's more, seeing her so rich and powerful, she didn't know what to say. Come here, please come here. I've heard about your name for a long time. It's said that the leather goods in this desert town are almost half monopolized by your family. "