The Era of Gods

Chapter 44

Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes. The first feeling was that something was wrong. He had no feet.

Looking down at the snake's tail wrapped in dark scales, he remembered that he had come to the head of a black scale Naga. He opened the property panel to check.

Race: black scale Naga.

Category: subspecies.

Level: medium race.

Grade: grade two.

Occupation: none.

Talent: underwater breathing, intermediate monster power, intermediate regeneration, hard scaly shell.

Skills: bloodthirsty, homeopathy chop, basic dodge LV1.

Specialty: Advanced swimming, intermediate walking, ape arm.

Constitution: 2.8 + 1 (you are a strong barbarian.)

Strength: 2.7 + 2 + 1

Agility: 1.9 + 1 + 1 (you're already a top professional sprinter.)

Spirit: 1.1 + 1 (your spirit is stronger than ordinary people. After training, you may become a caster.)

Evaluation: This is a kind of amphibian character species that has never appeared before. It has far more strange power than ordinary people.

"Not bad!"

The leader of black scale Naga was an apostle selected by Lin Xiao early before his arrival. Just like the fish man leader, he chose the strongest Naga in order to command the family better in the final exam. He spent a lot of faith value to strengthen it.

It's level 2, but talent and expertise have been improved.

The primary power becomes the intermediate power, and the power bonus changes from one point to two points.

Primary regeneration has become intermediate regeneration. This effect has not been tried, but it will be stronger literally.

When the scale shell becomes a hard scale shell, the defense should be strengthened, and the strong constitution and defense should be improved. The effect of the combination of the two should be better.

Advanced swimming is not to mention, it's faster.

The primary Strider becomes the intermediate Strider, and the speed bonus changes from 0.5 to 1.

Combined with a little divine all attribute blessing, his strength now exceeds that of ordinary level 3 creatures, and his strength is comparable to level 4 creatures.

Moreover, His Apostle can also be promoted normally. If he can be promoted to the fourth level of the upper race limit, his strength is estimated to be comparable to that of the fifth level creature under various bonus.

Close the panel, Lin Xiao looks around, many Naga and Fishman look at themselves expectantly.

When he chose the Apostle before, Lin Xiao had already published a parable. All his relatives knew their purpose very well, so he didn't have to waste words to explain anything. He grabbed two short spears, swam to a stone more than two meters high on the beach with unfamiliar movements, held up the short spear and cried out in common language:

"my Lord, send us here to kill the heretics, Children, follow my orders. Let's go

Jump directly from the stone and swim to the right side of the beach according to the map in my memory. The thick snake tail rolls out snake shaped marks on the beach.

Many Naga and Fishman followed, rolling over the white sand.

When looking at the map at the beginning, Lin xiaote looked at the map near the mission site. The place where they put it was located in a coral reef group to the north of the large fisherman tribe. He could reach it about three or four kilometers down.

However, at this time, instead of taking his family members directly to the fishman tribe, there was another rocky beach less than one kilometer down. He was going to take his family members there to settle down first.

The final exam lasted ten days, and the foreign time was ten years.

I don't know what rules lead to that the time and velocity of all crystal wall systems in the main world, the divine realm and the chaotic virtual sea are unified, one day in the main world and one year in the outer realm.

It's impossible to fight at any time for such a long time. There are about 20000 fishmen in this Fishman tribe. They can't kill them even if they don't fight back for a while and a half. Besides, they have to fight back. They can't fight head-on. They have to make a base to attack slowly.

Before long, when the team came to luanshitan, they could see a large area of sea area from a distance, with exposed reefs everywhere. The sea breeze blew, and the peculiar smell of the sea came to their faces. But for Naga and the fishman, the smell was very good.

At Lin Xiao's command, many fishermen jumped into the rocky beach and began to clean up the environment.

The nagas swam into the sea and began to patrol around the rocky beach, which is about 1700 meters long and less than 500 meters into the sea.

The fishermen served Naga as cannon fodder and coolie, and Naga provided protection for the fishermen.

Lin Xiao also moved his body into the rocky beach. The cool water passed through his body, and the coolness penetrated into his body along the cracks of scales. He felt very comfortable.

He swam to the edge of a five or six meter high boulder in the rocky beach, climbed along one of the gentle slopes, and looked around from a high position.

To the East is the endless sea, layers of waves with the wind to the shore.

To the west is the mainland. Most of the students' tasks and goals are here.To the North was a flat beach. With his eyesight exhausted, he didn't see anything. He only vaguely saw a huge shadow, which was probably the top of the mountain in the distance.

To the south is an uneven beach. Even the sand on the beach is thicker than that in the north. Under the sunny weather, you can see a shadow extending out of the sea in the distance. It is estimated that it is the coral reef occupied by the big fisherman tribe.

Fishermen industriously pick up stones and build foundations one by one by relying on the rubble reefs. In a few days, they will move more stones, get some wood leaves and grass leaves from the land, mix the sand and fish flesh, and make simple houses.

According to Lin Xiao's estimation, it will take at least one or two years to complete this first task.

There is plenty of time. Don't worry. The first step is to find out the surrounding situation.

After nearly six days, luanshitan has disappeared. Instead, there are fish people's huts built on the stones above the water, and big grass houses in the middle of luanshitan, where nagas live.

As for Lin Xiao himself, he lives next to the stone pavilion made of stone in the center.

The stone pavilion is dedicated to his holy signs. At ordinary times, the family members pray at home, but a large-scale prayer activity is held every ten days to consolidate their faith.

On the first day when the stone pavilion was built, Lin Xiao called together all the nagas and fishmen of the whole tribe to hold a large-scale prayer activity to gain some faith value. The next day, he took more than ten nagas out of the house.

It's time to start a strategy for the fishman tribe not far away.

These days, Naga and fishermen who are out fishing occasionally meet fishermen who come out from that big fisherman tribe. They specially catch several fishermen. They are the same species as fog fishermen, that is, their scales are slightly different in color, and their combat effectiveness is half a catty to eight Liang.

But his family members, grey fog fishermen, all know how to salted fish, stab, chop, and basic footwork, which is much better than the wild fishermen.