The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 232

Leng Hao's face was cold, his nerves were very nervous, and his eyes were unusually cold.

Wu Ma knew at a glance that something might have happened.

"Wu Ma, did you see a pendant hanging on my car key? It's a fifty cent coin." Leng Hao asked coldly.

"No, what's the matter? Is it missing? Is it important? " Wu Ma looked at Leng Haotian's nervous appearance and became nervous.

"Yes, it's important. Did anyone go to my room yesterday?" Leng Haotian still tightened his eyebrows and asked.

"Well, Xiao Chen, did you go to Mr. Leng's room to clean yesterday? Did you see the pendant of fifty cents on the key that LengSheng said at home?" Wu Ma looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

Xiao Chen is an aunt invited by Cheng Suqin. She looks like she is in her 40s. Therefore, Wu Ma calls her Xiao Chen.

"I've been to Mr. Leng's room to clean, but I haven't touched his things, and I haven't seen the 50 cents hard defect pendant on the car key you said." Chen Ma told the truth.

"Help me find it quickly." Lenghao said in a cold voice. Soon, the bodyguard came to help find it together.

Leng Haotian thinks something's wrong. It shouldn't be gone. He remembers very clearly that the car key was left in the room and disappeared when he got up this morning.

He thought he had forgotten to put it in the office, but he didn't find it back in the office. He thought carefully that he must have lost it at home.

Leng Haotian was shrouded in the cold breath. The whole room seemed to have lowered the breath for several degrees. The atmosphere was a little depressed, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Leng Hao's face was so cold, and his bloody eyes stared at them who were looking for car keys. Everyone felt Leng Haotian's anger. They were afraid to say a word, almost holding their breath.

Almost everyone turned over the whole villa, but they still couldn't find it.

"Damn it." Leng Haotian shouted angrily, "keep looking."

"Also, don't let your wife know about it." Leng Hao glanced at them coldly and left quickly.

Cheng Suqin came back from the outside, looked at such a big movement in the house and asked curiously, "what's going on?"

"Alas... Mr. Leng doesn't know what important things have been lost. He lost his temper. We almost searched the whole villa, inside and outside, but we still couldn't find it. Mr. Leng was very angry. " Little Chen explained to Cheng Suqin, "madam, if there's nothing wrong, I'll continue to look for it."

"Well, go." Cheng Suqin is curious. What important thing has he lost? So many people are looking for him?

Cheng Suqin didn't pay much attention. After all, for her, she didn't care much about lenghaotian, so she went back to her room.

After Leng Haotian returned to the office, he asked people to look for it in the company. In fact, Leng Haotian knew that there was nothing in the office.

"What's the matter? What did Leng always lose, even those important meetings?" An executive asked assistant Wu curiously.

Assistant Wu shook his head and glanced at the executive, who understood.

Don't ask anything you shouldn't ask.