The domineering president loves his wife like loving his life

Chapter 184

"What do you mean?" Assistant Wu doesn't understand. I don't understand.

Even if Leng Haotian repeated it countless times, assistant Wu would not understand.

"Why are you so stupid?" Leng Haotian angrily patted the table and scolded.

Assistant Wu trembled: "I... I really don't understand."

"Less cold, can you say it more carefully?" Assistant Wu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Yes, the little girl gave me a fifty cent coin. She also has one. It's for lovers. It must mean something." Leng Haotian glared at him angrily and shouted, "assistant Wu, you can't even ask such a simple question. What's the use of you?"

Assistant Wu really doesn't know.

What do you mean by that?

These are the thoughts of little girls. How can he understand?

But doesn't Leng Haotian know?

And said he was stupid.

Isn't he stupid?

Besides, the handsome seven foot man spends his mind on his work. How can he spend his mind on these little girls? How can he understand these gadgets.

"Talk." Leng Haotian roared angrily.

"I... Leng Shao, I, I don't have a daughter-in-law. How can I understand these? Be careful. If I knew, I would have a daughter-in-law long ago." Assistant Wu said weakly.

"Just like you, EQ is so low. It's normal to have no daughter-in-law." Leng Haotian scolded discontentedly.

Assistant Wu looked up at his angry look and thought that his EQ was not much higher. What's the matter? He always had to ask him, didn't he?

Of course, in this case, assistant Wu certainly dare not say.

"Yes... Leng Shao, you're right. I don't have a normal daughter-in-law and my EQ is too low. Well, why don't I go out and ask those little girls?" Assistant Wu really doesn't understand these little girls' careful thinking.

"Get out of here." Leng Hao's eyes are red in the weather.

"Yes, yes, yes." When assistant Wu was about to leave, Leng Haotian stopped him again: "wait a minute... How was the investigation yesterday?"

Assistant Wu was even more trembling.

Assistant Wu really hasn't found it yet. If he told Leng Haotian that he hasn't found it yet, he might be scolded as stupid again: "Leng Shao... This time it seems that it's not so simple. It seems that Yu Yiling didn't do it. I've checked her, but I can't find anything. In addition, this time it seems that the same person did it when I was chased and killed. I'm so skeptical. A lot of information points to this. I'll go back and show you the information I found first. "

"Go." Leng Haotian nodded solemnly.

"Yes." Assistant Wu also regained his serious expression and was ready to go out.

"Remember, help me ask about the fifty cents and don't talk nonsense about me in the company." Leng Haotian doesn't want to lose face.

I can't guess such a gadget.

"Don't worry, no, No." Assistant Wu promised.

"You can roll." Leng Haotian said coldly, feeling stuffy and angry.

Although Leng Haotian just scolded assistant Wu for his stupidity and low EQ, why didn't he think about it?

It seems that in the face of feelings, he seems to be very stupid and his EQ is not high.

"Alas..." Leng Haotian leaned back in his chair tired. He always felt a dangerous force approaching her.