The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 203 - Princess

Once she felt better, Emily looked at Patrick who signaled that she should go ahead with what she is thinking.

So Emily surprised Lisa with shocking news.

"Lisa, if you don\'t mind would you like to move in with me into my apartment?" Emily asked her.

"Why Ems? What happened so suddenly?" Lisa was surprised as this suggestion came out of nowhere.

"Today when I woke up and saw you sleeping next to me, I remembered those good old days when we lived like this. I really miss those days" Emily told her and seeing Lisa who was calm, she continued.

"You have been living with mom and dad for a really long time and also they live a bit far away from the hospital. So, why not you move in with me? We can spend more time with each other, go to work and come back together. It will be a lot of fun" Emily excitedly suggested.

Lisa too was smiling imagining the scenarios she just said.

When she was young this was always Lisa\'s dream to live with Emily separately from their family, host parties for their friends and go on trips during the weekend. So, when Emily herself suggested this, Lisa couldn\'t say no and immediately agreed to this idea."

"I would love it Emily, but you sure about it, right?"

"Yes of course" Emily confirmed and was glad her sister agreed so soon.

Lisa too smiled brightly and these people could see how Emily\'s presence and words improved Lisa\'s mood already so living with her would definitely get her over Steve is what the two men thought.

"By the way Lisa, there is something else I want to tell you" Emily hesitantly spoke looking at Patrick.

Looking at Emily\'s face Patrick understood what she wanted to say to Lisa and was looking at him to seek for his permission.

He smiled and nodded his head.

"Yeah, what?" Lisa paid her complete attention to her sister.

"Me and Pat are back together" Emily announced and Lisa was very happy, not because they got back together but because they announced it to her.

"I already knew it but thank you so much for telling me" Lisa said as she hugged Emily and Patrick after congratulating them.

"You already knew?" Patrick asked her in surprise.

"Yeah, one day you dropped Emily at the hospital and your PDA was enough to understand you two got back together" She teased them just like the old days.

Emily looked at her in guilt, "So, you already knew?"

"Hmm, but it\'s okay, I always knew someday you two will be back together"

"Oh, that much confidence in us?" Patrick laughed.

"Yeah, the way you two acted in the past, always sticking together, it was obvious you two will never accept anyone else" Lisa taunted them.

Just like Matt, she too was aware of everything that happened between Patrick and Emily, and the truth behind their break up as she was after all Emily\'s family.

"Hmm, you are smart." Patrick smiled.

"Sorry Lisa, we just wanted to take things slow so we didn\'t tell anyone about us" Emily explained as she felt her sister deserved an explanation.

"But he knew, didn\'t he?" LIsa pointed at Matt.

Emily nodded her head.

Lisa pouted, "At times I think you love him more than you love me"

"No, that\'s not true" Emily denied as she indeed doesn\'t love anyone more than Lisa, not even Patrick.

"Anyway, I am glad you shared this news with me" Lisa brightly smiled.

Emily hugged her, "How is your hangover?"

"Much better"

"After some time, go home and get all your basic stuff and move in with me today itself" Emily suggested and Lisa happily agreed.

After a few hours, Lisa came back with her luggage and moved in with Emily.

Their parents too were happy as Lisa is the only person in their family Emily talks to. For the past few years Emily had not been in contact with her family which made them sad.

They tried to talk to her but she couldn\'t forgive them for what they did to her.

So, they were glad Lisa would be with Emily as they always worried about Emily and now seeing the two sisters bond, they felt better.

Daniel\'s house

Rachel woke up with a heavily spinning head because of the hangover.

She looked around her surroundings to understand where she was, the room looked familiar and she realized she slept at Daniel\'s house and he didn\'t send her back home.

Then she heard voices coming from the living room, she got down the bed and walked towards the living room where Daniel and Jessica were sitting at the dining table and were discussing something.

"Morning Princess" Jessica cheerfully greeted Rachel as soon as she saw her.

Daniel turned around to look at Rachel, who was evidently in pain.

"Princess?" Rachel asked her in confusion and joined the two people at the dining table.

Daniel handed her a hangover juice, "Drink this juice it will help you feel better"

Rachel drank the juice in one go as she didn\'t like the taste of it, "I hate this drink" She complained but finished it.

"Aww don\'t trouble our princess" Jessica glared at Daniel in anger.

"What is this princess business?" Rachel asked in confusion after drinking the juice. She wondered why suddenly Jessica kept addressing her like this.

"Last night, you told us how you like it when someone addresses you as princess. So, I decided to address you like that" Jessica winked at her.

"What?" Rachel looked at Daniel in confusion as she didn\'t remember a few things about last night because of being drunk.

Daniel patted her head, "How are you feeling after drinking the juice?"

"My head still aches"

"Don\'t worry, after your breakfast I\'ll give you another one, you will be better" Daniel assured her.

"And why is Jessica calling me a princess?" Rachel asked Daniel in confusion as Jessica is not clearly answering her.