The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

Chapter 308 - The Sword!

He then stood up and jumped down from his seat.


In the process and less than a second, he took on a bigger form, becoming at least five times bigger than Lucifer. When he landed on the ground, his feet formed two deep indentations on the otherwise flat rocky ground.

When he looked, the intelligence in his eyes was clear, unlike before.

With a smirk, he then stared at Lucifer. To him, even though the physical appearance was that of Juin, he could clearly see that, at this moment, the person fighting him was the extra soul within the boy; the one with the real strength.

"Do you think that your true form would scare me?" Lucifer snorted.

"Let\'s see then…"

Eranos could have become bigger, but the battle experience in his memory told him that it would not necessarily be a good thing to take on his true form.

After all, would a human know if an ant had somehow climbed into their pants?

Multiple green diagrams appeared all over his body, and vines shot out of these diagrams, heading for Lucifer.


The vines, though thin when they first appeared, grew as thick as an a.d.u.l.t man\'s arms, and when they were slammed down on Lucifer, if hit, the pain would be unbearable for Lucifer, or in this case, Juin\'s physical body.

Thankfully, even though those vines were fast, Lucifer was faster. He dodged each and every one of them easily.




The vines made long deep trenches when they landed on the ground, only to be lifted and slashed toward Lucifer again.

Seeing Eranos all ready for a serious fight, Lucifer felt a rush. In the second that all the vines were gearing for another attack, he called upon a spell. An ominous red diagram appeared in front of him. When he flew through the red diagram, his body was engulfed in the brightest, most vibrant red flames one had ever seen before.

It was as if the flames could cleanse all impurities in the world and within oneself.

"Let\'s see how long you are going to remain standing!" Lucifer roared as he moved at such a fast speed that he looked more like a flaming comet about to obliterate everything in the surroundings.

Eranos tried to hit him with the vines, but his vines were much slower than Lucifer, and they ended up hitting each other instead.


To Luca and Wolfe\'s surprise, even though Eranos was a Leaf Giant, he wasn\'t afraid of Lucifer at all, fighting him head-on by calling upon plants to be his shields and fists.

However, even though Lucifer could easily cut through those wooden shields and fists, he was unable to get near to Eranos.

"The Tears of God!"


Lightning and thunder filled the now darkened sky as the two major powers continued to fight. Flames were burning through the forests, and the cries of animals could be heard from miles away as they were turned into cannon fodder.

Suddenly, tens of pillars made of water fell from the sky, surrounding Eranos and protecting him from 360 degrees. The pillars then swept at the flaming Lucifer, who dodged swiftly before shouting, "Stop hiding behind those pillars of water!"

"I\'ll do whatever I want!" Eranos roared as five dark green diagrams at the same time, surrounding him. "Water Animation - Water Dragon!"

The pillars of water gathered and twirled around each other, and in a few seconds, a water eastern dragon hundreds of meters long were formed.


"No way…" Luca gasped as he took a step closer subconsciously. "The rumored reason is real!"

"What rumored reason?" Wolfe asked as he continued to watch the fight. He knew Juin was strong; that was what his guts had been telling him right from the start. But looking at Juin now, this was not just strong.

There was no way Juin could have lost to Luca if he had used the same strength in the Elimination Battle.

"I didn\'t believe it at first… But in one of the books that I read, it was stated that the Leaf Giants were hunted because of their ability to give life to inanimate objects. Of course, this is a skill that only the top echelon has the ability to master, but nevertheless, it\'s a very sought-after ability."

"This is not that special, is it?" Wolfe asked, giving Luca a quick glance. "Once you are good at controlling your own power, you would be able to do the same, no?"

"It\'s different," Luca said, shaking his head slowly. He glanced at Wolfe and explained, "When we give \'life\' to our powers, we are actually infusing a part of our soul power into the attack, basically powering it without our own strength. We have to control our powers, or they will destroy things."

To demonstrate, he created a wind bird. The wind bird flew up into the air, and when Luca said, "If you don\'t pay attention…"

He looked away, and the bird disappeared immediately.

Seeing that, Wolfe had an idea of what Luca was trying to say.

"What King Eranos is doing now is different," Luca added. He then looked at Eranos and said, "That water dragon is alive, in the sense that it has its own will and mindset."

Luca was right.

And Lucifer noticed this soon after. Eranos managed to keep attacking him without getting distracted while the dragon kept attacking him.

"This…" Lucifer frowned as the dragon opened up its jaws wide as it headed for Lucifer. He could feel Juin\'s body slowly getting heavier and harder to control.

"I\'m going to defeat you once and for all!" Lucifer roared as he flew into the dragon\'s mouth.

"What\'s he doing?!" Wolfe gasped. "Juin!"

"That\'s not Juin."

"What… Wait… He has merged with his demon?" Wolfe asked, narrowing his eyes. He saw Juin\'s eyes, but he figured that was just a normal thing. After all, many people had eyes that could shift in shapes and colors.

Luca nodded. "That\'s the real source of Juin\'s power…"

Wolfe thought for a while as he stared at the dragon that had swallowed his teammate. "Really? I don\'t feel like that\'s the case…" he mumbled as he watched the dragon\'s stomach glowing from the inside.


The dragon suddenly roared out in pain and flew to the sky. As if the water dragon had the power to control the weather, bolts of lightning started to strike violently and unpredictably.

The dragon had only flown up about 100 meters when things started to change.

"What…" Eranos narrowed his eyes at the dragon, his proudest spell; one that the members of his tribe took hundreds of thousands of years to perfect.

At this moment, the dragon\'s body started to show signs of hardening. It started from the tail until it reached all the way up to the tip of its water whiskers. Once it was completely hardened, it fell toward the earth.

Along the way, fiery, red cracks appeared on the hardened body of the dragon.


The dragon exploded from the inside; its body turned into shards that pierced deep into the earth.

"What the…" Wolfe removed his arms that were in front of his eyes. The brightness from the explosion nearly blinded him. Looking past the thick wind shield that Luca conjured, he gasped, "What is he do--the hell..."

In the middle of the air, a figure that was burning in flames stood proudly. Electric arcs moved along the flames, as a flaming sword lay on his hand.

"The Sword of the Daemon King!!!" Luca gasped when he saw it. "I knew that b*stard was lying!"

He was right. Juin\'s body was breaking down soon, and in order to end the fight quickly, Lucifer decided to use the sword that he had been hiding all this time. As for Luca and Wolfe, he would deal with them later on.

The hilt of the flaming sword lay on his hand, feeling both light and heavy at the same time. Lucifer glanced at the flaming sword, and in a split second, the flames exploded before forming a layer over the blade, giving the blade a fiery red look.

Eranos was shocked upon seeing the sword. He, who had been hoarding treasures for thousands of years, could recognize a truly great treasure upon seeing it. "But…" Eranos had a bad feeling about it. He was the king of a race that had the ability to temporary bestow lives… But that sword...

The numerous black flying souls that had appeared around Lucifer now bothered him… Those weren\'t normal souls… Each of them was an amalgamation of a million souls.
