The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel

99 Presley's visi

"Good evening," the silver-haired man greeted Juin when the latter arrived under the shelter of the bus stop.

Juin nodded. "Good evening."

The man smiled gently as he looked up at the sky. After a while, he muttered in a soft voice, "It\'s a beautiful night, isn\'t it?"

Feeling perplexed as to why the guy would suddenly ask this kind of question, Juin could not help but stare at him. He then narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have we met before?"

The man turned to look at him; his silver eyes gleamed lightly under the reflection of the artificial lights all around them. "What do you think, kid?"

Juin felt unnerved when he looked into those eyes, yet he could not stop staring into them. The silver eyes seemed to entrance him into moving closer to the man. "It\'s beautiful…"

"Look away!"

The sudden sharp voice broke Juin\'s concentration, and he immediately glanced away. "What… What a-are you doing to m-me?" he stuttered, not making any eye contact anymore.

The man frowned, wondering how did the boy get out of his trance. He had intended to get the teenage boy to speak by magic, but it looked like he had to do this another way. "Did his demon alert him?" the man thought as he narrowed his eyes at Juin, hoping to see some signs of the demon that he knew had possessed the boy\'s body.

He would think that Juin\'s body was fully taken by the demon if not for those expressions on Juin\'s face. Demons were arrogant, and a demon on Earth was powerful enough to not show a sign of fear in front of what seemed to be a normal human man.

Not fret by his earlier failure, the man soon replaced the frown with a smile as he extended a hand to Juin. "I\'m Elyan Presley. Nice to meet you, Juin… I was actually waiting for you here…"

Juin frowned slightly. "Elyan Presley…"

His eyes went wide as he suddenly gasped out loud. ��I remember you! You are the guard at the library!"

President Presley laughed softly. "Yes, that\'s me. Although, I can assure you that I\'m not a guard."

"W-who are you then?" Juin asked warily. He was even more cautious now that he knew this guy, who was probably the same person who came to the orphanage when he was away, had been watching him for a long time now. What made President Presley make a move now?

"Correct me if I\'m wrong, but I believe that, by now, you have heard about the Order of the Supernatural Beings..."

Juin nodded slowly. There was no reason for him to hide. This man had been going to his home and the fact that he was openly throwing the name of the Order out so casually meant that he knew something was different with Juin. In fact, Juin wouldn\'t be surprised if the man knew about the souls in him. "So?"

"I\'m the president of the Order," said President Presley in a matter-of-fact tone and with his expression unchanged.

"And?" Juin asked as he raised a brow, wondering why the president of one of the biggest supernatural groups would pay him a visit in person.

President Presley did not let Juin wait for too long. He placed his right hand into his pant pocket and took out a pure white card. After twirling it around in his hand for a few seconds, he handed it to Juin and said with a serious tone, "I would like you to join us…"

Cautiously, Juin took the card and looked at it. At first glance, it looked and felt like a credit card, except that the surface was completely blank. But Juin felt a slight aura that was being emanated by the card. He touched the card, and when his fingers slowly traced across the card, he could see a white glow, except that this glow was moving in a weird pattern.

"There\'s a magic rune engraved on it…" Lucifer mumbled as he looked over Juin\'s shoulder at the pattern of the white glow. "I don\'t sense any danger from it… It\'s probably a protective rune…"

Hearing Lucifer\'s words, Juin calmed down slowly. To be honest, he was a little afraid that the card might harm him. Now that Lucifer confirmed that it was probably a protective rune, he calmed down and held the card tighter in his grip.

Once he examined the seemingly-blank surface, Juin flipped the silver card over. Behind the card, there was something that looked like an eye with black outline… To be more accurate, it looked like a left eye.

"I think I have seen this somewhere before…" Juin mumbled as he stared at the eye that seemed to be engraved using some sort of laser. He raised the card higher and closer to his eyes, and upon taking a closer look, Juin was startled.


He nearly dropped the silver card when the pupil in the eye blinked!

"What the!"

Creeped out, he immediately threw the card back to President Presely, who chuckled out of amusement, and took a step back.

"That\'s what the Egyptians call the Eye of Horus. To them, it\'s a symbol of healing and protection…" President Presley took out a black card that he kept in his left pant pocket. Similar to the white card, this one had a blank surface, but the right eye engraved on one of the surfaces had a white outline instead of black.

Holding the two cards, President Presley then explained, "To us, that\'s a calling card. As long as you are holding the card, you can call me by placing your palm on it. All newcomers would only be given one. You can activate it by inserting your soul power into it."

He then gave the white card to Juin again.

"What do I do with it?" Juin asked, reaching out to take the card.

"When you are in danger, if you call me, I\'ll come and bail you out."

"But why?" Juin asked as he looked at the eye on the card. Every now and then, the eye would blink at him, making him uneasy.

"Cause you are a member of the Order and it\'s my responsibility as the president to make sure that you stay alive."

"But…" Juin looked up at the man with a confused expression. "I didn\'t say that I will join you."