The CEO Who Hates Me

248 Waiting For You

It was an open and shut case, also closed as the culprit, Old Man Skull, died that night. Justice had been served and everyone involved had been caught and will rot in jail.

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All were relieved that the Kens would finally live in peace but, Ryu took one shot on his chest and the bullet slightly missed the heart, but his lungs had started to collapse and so Ryu and was in critical condition and the doctors conducted an emergency operation.

It was a successful operation according to the doctor however, Ryu slipped into a coma due to lack of oxygen for a while and the doctors couldn't explain it or couldn't guarantee if Ryu would ever wake up…

Ryu's condition broke the smiling spirit of the family and the happiness of reconciling with Shawn was shadowed by the coma of Ryu. The wedding ceremonies were cancelled for the time till Ryu wakes up from his coma.

Ryu was kept in ICU for a few weeks and once his vital signs were stable gradually, his ventilator was removed and he was able to breathe on his own well very soon.

Yet he was in coma and needed IV drips to keep him alive and provide his body with essential nutrients.

The Kens were not losing hope as they believed that Ryu would someday open his eyes very soon. His whole family stood by him, especially Arya who never left his side for a single day and even stayed in hospital only to remain by his side…

Life continued as it was, Shawn was appointed as the new CEO of RK Summit holdings, Inc. and he was managing the business well like Ryu did.

Alex Ken woke up from his coma and changed his life to be a better person after realizing the love his father, Old Master Ken, had been giving him all this time even though he was not a real Ken by blood.

Arya's drama was still a big hit but her character needed to be changed because she would need to stay with Ryu. She was replaced by Brione in the drama and the viewers understood everything well and supported Arya on her endeavor.

Brione did great in the drama so it's still the highest rank drama aired.

Ryu Ken was moved to his Island with his personal team of doctors and his wife Arya...


"Damn Big Bro wake up soon! Please replace Big Bro Shawn and get back the position as CEO, he is scary as hell and even stricter compared to you. I feel like I've aged for years because of him… see, open your eyes and look at my tired face. Geez he wants to do this and do that and then change this, change that, and I feel like my head will burst out soon.I can't believe my wife lasted so long working under him. Geez..." Dean complained to Ryu who was still in bed in a coma.

"Stop that Dean… Why would you complain to Bro Ryu like that? You're slacking too often that's why brother Shawn always nags you and you deserve that." said Rita as she scolded her husband.

Dean pouted his lips, he looked at Rita and whispered, "Hmm , actually it's your fault that I'm slacking… Who wouldn't be awake till late at night and do more exercise after they woke up when they have a sexy wife like you."

Rita's face blushed and hit Dean's shoulder as she signaled him to stop teasing her in front of the family.

Yes, all the family members were present inside the large room where Ryu was staying.

Every weekend they would gather at his Island to visit Ryu and Arya…

Dean sighed and added, "Please wake up soon Big Bro. I can't believe that Uncle Alex is stronger than you. If you'll see him right now, he's back as a bull, all healthy and he's been spending most of his time to go out with a lot of girls together with Butler Omni!"

Uncle Alex laughed and hit Dean on his head as he said, "Why are you spurting nonsense in there! Shut up. I'm just enjoying the second life given to me besides…I discovered that it's better that I enjoy life like this instead of getting greedy for the things that actually do not bring happiness in the end…"

Dean scratched his head and said to Ryu, "See that? That's the effect of him going out with Butler Omni often… Geez can you believe how he's become like a preacher every now and then dropping words full of wisdom? Urghh it still gives me the creeps!"

"Dean stop disturbing Ryu and let your brother rest for a while now. You always talk too much grandson..." Old Master Ken said laughing as he signaled everyone to leave Ryu's room already.

They all went out except for Arya and Shawn.

"Is there any progress?" Shawn asked Arya who was now massaging Ryu's arms and legs.

"Deyna said there's a high chance that he will wake up soon so we just have to wait and not lose hope on him." Arya answered as she gave Shawn a reassuring smile.

"Shawn, shall I say something to you?" Arya said to which he nodded. Arya continued and looked at Shawn's sad face and said, "Whatever happened had happened, stop blaming yourself for everything. You know since the day Ryu came to know about you being his brother, he wanted to give you all the happiness in the world. I'm sure he will never be happy to know how sad you are because of him. He will wake up soon and would love to see you happy and smiling. So don't think it all happened because of you."

"Also, I trust Denya's medicines. She gave me some oils that can help him keep strong if massaged regularly, and also some other methods that could help him wake up soon, so I'm making sure not to miss a single dose to give him." Arya added.

Arya felt that Shawn would like to talk to Ryu alone so she also left afterwards.

Shawn sat beside Ryu as he held his brother's hands. He was suppressing his tears hard as he smiled.

"Bro, it's been three months already. You're resting enough I think… You should get-up in there already and start working your ass off! I understand how much you have cared for me even though you are the younger one, but now its an order from your elder brother… wake up soon… I want to take care of you, fight with you like a sibling and even play basketball with you. Please wake up now Ryu… I want my brother back…" said Shawn as he let out a long deep sigh.

"Tsk… Do you know how hard it is to manage the company alone like that? I mean yeah, the rest are helping me out but still… I need you bro, so please wake up soon! If you don't get up there soon I'm going to hate you for the rest of my life!" said Shawn, he was now crying once more.

He still couldn't believe why Ryu would protect him with his life like that...

"Do you know that the wedding ceremonies are all cancelled. We are waiting for you bro so we can have that triple wedding soon… so please wake up soon and don't keep us waiting. We all miss you bro..." said Shawn as he held one of Ryu's hands near his cheek.

At the door, Karl and Cecilewere watching the loving scene of the two brothersand they both started weeping.

"Ryu will wake up soon Karl… I can feel that… he has to wake up… he is the happiness that kept my house smiling every time, how can he be in this state for so long..." Cecile murmured and cried as Karl hugged her.

"Yes… Our son is strong and he will come back to us soon…" said Karl as he gently stroke Cecile's hair.

"God cannot be too cruel with us to give our elder son to us and take away the younger one. Ryu has to come back soon to us..."

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