The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 632

"You sleep with me?" Fire spirit is excited all over the body. Is this too direct?

"Any questions?" Lin Feng was surprised to see the fire spirit and asked.

"No problem, no problem. Anyway, I will be your person sooner or later. But I have two points to say: first, I didn't take a bath, which will affect our first experience. Second, you know, I didn't take a bath because my aunt came and didn't leave. So, I can't have the first time tonight!" Huolingdao.

Lin Feng a crooked head: "fire spirit, you usually look very pure, ah, how to think of crooked place?"

"I... I want to be crooked again?" The fire spirit glared at her beautiful eyes, blinked her eyelashes, and then asked, "Europa, didn't you say you want to sleep with me?"

"Is it necessary to sleep?" Lin Feng said: "of course, it's also a pleasure to be able to share with you. It's just that this evening is not suitable and the time is not right."

"Yes, it's not the right time. I'm coming to my great aunt. It's definitely not the right time!" Huolingdao.

Lin Feng patted the forehead and said, "it's not the big aunt's business."

"What's the matter?" Fire spirit pursed lips to ask a way.

"My room will be free tonight, so I will come to your room and protect you by the way." Lin Feng said.

"What are you doing in your room?" Fire spirit asked.

"For guests from afar!" Lin Feng said: "the guest from Songjiang city with us all the way to here, leave a room for him to mean it!"

"Guest? From Songjiang? Europa, how can you say I'm more confused Huolingdao.

"Muddle up, muddle up!" Lin Feng looked around and said, "where do I live? Sofa? I think it's good in bed. Don't worry, I'm just sleeping. "

Fire Spirit said: "then you live on the bed, the bed is so big, I don't mind you one more person!"

This is ambiguous. Lin Feng feels comfortable after hearing this. The fire spirit beauty is so bold and unrestrained to herself. If she doesn't sleep in bed, she will be blind to others' beautiful ideas!

Huo Ling, dressed in pajamas, lay on the bed first.

Lin Feng didn't take off his clothes, just took off his shoes and lay in bed to rest.

Now it's just over seven o'clock in the evening, and the play hasn't started yet, so Lin Feng can take advantage of this time to have a rest.

On the other side, Xiangxiang couldn't sleep.

During the day, the scenes of Lin Feng came back to him.

Lin Feng's delicate face and ruffian smile are the most lethal to such a good girl as him.

He was so big that he had never been attracted to any boy. He only saw Lin Feng, and his heart was pounding out of his throat.

And Lin Feng every time ruffian a smile, she is infatuated in that smile can not extricate herself.

She tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep.

It's night. The moon is like water.

The small town fell into darkness.

A man in a black robe appeared from the street, ran towards this side, and hid in the darkness of the corner before arriving at the restaurant.

He took off his wide one-piece hat, looked at the restaurant carefully, and calculated the location of Lin Feng at this time.

At this time, it was qianfanlang, the "thief of flower picking". His goal was to kill Lin Feng first, and then solve Guli. The remaining two beauties were all his.

At the same time, the other team is also slowly approaching, but the other team is on the other side of the restaurant.

There are two of them, one is elder Qiu, the other is Liu Yuan, his apprentice, who calls himself master Liu.

They are far away from Qianfan wave and are no longer on the same side, so they can't see each other at all.

"Master, Lin Feng lives in this restaurant. It's true. I sent someone to check it out!" Liu Yuan's medicine was too strong and his legs were sharp. However, half of his face was still a little dull and could not keep up with the rhythm of the other half.

Elder Qiu said, "can you confirm which room it is?"

Liu Yuan said, "master, I'm not sure about this, but I know that the brothers of this restaurant sleep in the bedroom behind the kitchen on the first floor. We can sneak in and ask about the room of Lin Feng, the two of them!" Liu Yuan said.

"Yes, I've been with you for so long. I've seen you so smart for the first time." Elder Qiu praised.

"Well, it doesn't matter who I mix with? My master and I mix together. My IQ goes up and goes up like a bull market stock! " Liu Yuan flattered.

"You are very good at flattering. I am very comfortable to be a teacher. Wait and see. He is not insulting you. He will be a teacher for a while and he will be too much for him to do!" Elder Qiu is full of confidence.

"Master, Lin Feng also brought a beautiful girl. It's really exciting. I haven't seen such a beautiful girl for so many years. She's still sexy. Or I'll kill Lin Feng. I'll show my respect to master!" Liu Yuan said.

"And that? That's a good feeling. I haven't met any good goods recently in Chen lame! " Elder Qiu said."But master, when you've finished playing, please remember to give it to your apprentice. After all, such a wonderful thing, don't waste it!" Liu Yuan said.

"You colored stick, I knew you would take second-hand one!" Elder Qiu said, "here you are."

"Thank you, master!" Liu Yuan felt that the fire spirit was in his pocket all of a sudden: "master, are we going to act now?"

"Wait! Don't worry Qiu Changlao Dao.

"Good!" Liu Yuan nodded and lurked.

It was ten o'clock in the evening. The restaurant was not in the downtown area, so it was very quiet. There were no pedestrians. It was dark.

Qianfan wave started first, because he calculated that it was time for the magic to work.

He quietly walked to the side window of the restaurant, opened the window lock with wire, and then climbed into the restaurant.

Qianfanlang's unlocking skill is first-class. He used to value a big girl and a little daughter-in-law, but he didn't cross the wall to enter the room at night, so he developed a good ability to unlock the lock.

Qianfan waves dive into the house, like ghosts, open the kitchen door and walk to the back room bedroom.

In the bedroom, the two brothers snore and sleep like dead pigs.

Qianfanlang opened the door lock, one side into the house, and then closed the door.

He took out two pieces of adhesive tape in his hand, and immediately touched their mouths.

"Woo Hoo!"

The two brothers were awakened by sudden fright and looked at Qianfan waves in horror.

Qianfanlang held a bright knife in his hand and put it against the bald boss's neck and said, "I don't harm you. As long as you tell me the room number where Lin Feng is, I'm just looking for him for revenge! Do you understand? "

The two brothers nodded.

"Don't shout when you understand!" Qianfan wave pulled off the tape on the boss's mouth: "tell me in a low voice, where is Lin Feng's room!"

The first one is that he dare not go up to the second building with a white face

"Good! If you two dare to call people, I will let my poisonous insects kill you Qianfanlang put a pot at the door, then turned and went upstairs! , the fastest update of the webnovel!