The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 444

Zhu Tiancheng felt that his life was coming to an end.

However, when the cold light came to me, it disappeared. I just heard a joking voice nearby: "I won't kill the Chinese people first, Lao Zhu, please answer the phone first!"

"Oh Zhu Tiancheng all of a sudden back to God, very obedient to answer the phone.

Zhu Wenhao at the other end said, "uncle, no one has touched the switch!"

"No one has moved, no one has moved. What's your phone call? It's a bad pen Zhu Tiancheng felt that he was very angry. This phone call almost killed him!

But Lin Feng jokingly said: "do you suspect I moved the switch? I don't have the leisure. I don't have to spend a lot of time dealing with you! I just turn off the main switch of the light. Why do you make it so complicated? Ha ha ha

Then he said to the side: "Ren Changfeng, turn on the light!"


There was a crackle, and the lights were all around.

Suddenly Zhu Tiancheng is speechless. It seems that he thinks too much!

Many times people are like this, a very simple thing, because worry too much, but think complex, lost the direction.

At this time, the glare of light came over, and people covered their eyes in succession.

The next second, they got used to the light and were all startled.

The four or five dead warriors, all with their throats cut open, lay on the ground with their eyes open, and their deaths were miserable and their blood was red all over the ground.

The group of girls were scared into a group, Lin Feng came to them, a gentle smile, said: "beauties, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

"Really?" Asked a girl, blinking her big beautiful eyes.

"Of course Lin Feng said: "come, all come to my back. I'm here today. No one dares to move you!"

The group of girls immediately felt that they had found the backbone and ran to the back of Lin Feng, holding Lin Feng's clothes with both hands, as if they were playing with an eagle catching a chicken.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "it's OK, ladies. Go back a little bit. If you hold me like this, how can I beat Japanese guys for you?"

"Oh Those girls let go, maybe they were too afraid before and caught Lin Feng too tightly. At this time, they felt very embarrassed.

At this time, the leading warrior was very angry. Seeing that his brothers were lying on the ground, and Lin Feng said that he would beat the Japanese, he was even more angry for a time. He yelled: "Lin Feng, you dare to kill my brother, I will tear you to pieces today!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it was your brother and you who bullied and humiliated our little beauties in China, so I killed them. Don't make it as if you have a good reason. Our Chinese blood is very noble. If you dare to insult Chinese people, isn't that your own death?"

"Lin Feng, you are so arrogant The leading warrior said angrily, and then he motioned to the other warriors.

Several other warriors raised their swords and stood opposite Lin Feng.

They thought, just now Lin Feng turned off the light, they didn't adapt to it for a while. They were successfully attacked by Lin Feng and broke several brothers at once. This time, Lin Feng must be no match!

So a few people held up their swords and glared at Lin Feng fiercely, waiting for the order of the leading warrior.

At this time, other people in the field also have their own thoughts.

Zhu Tiancheng thought that he was doomed to die. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng turned on the light. This time, he really wanted to die. Ren Changfeng, an expert, couldn't even beat three warriors. No matter how powerful Lin Feng was, he couldn't beat the rest of them.

So he regained his former pride and quickly stood behind the leading warrior.

And those girls standing behind Lin Feng also began to worry about Lin Feng.

This man looks young. He is not as strong as the previous one. He succeeded in the sneak attack in the dark just now. Why should we turn on the light? I'm afraid I will suffer a loss!

Ren Changfeng was guilty. He was angry for elder brother Lin Feng. As a result, he planted here first and had to rely on elder brother Lin Feng to save himself.

What's more, there seems to be a group of experts on the opposite side. They can be killed by sneaking attack in the dark, but it's not necessary to fight openly.

At this time, the leading warrior was very angry. He waved to the other warriors and called out a Japanese word.

Other samurai rushed to Lin Feng in a murderous manner. A sword with a handle flashed the light of senhan, and chopped it towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng retreated, set up a table and smashed directly at those warriors.

In the front of the warrior a knife will table in half, mouth clamor continue to rush towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pulled out a dagger from one side of his body. It was the dagger he used to kill those warriors.

The dagger is very sharp and easy to carry.

However, as for the weapon blade, it is one inch long and one inch strong. The dagger in his hand is obviously inferior to the other's samurai sword.But now it's too late to think about it. Those warriors have rushed to Lin Feng's eyes and raised their swords to chop at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged around, occasionally raised a dagger block, although he was not too much threat, but it seems that there is no way to hurt each other.

At this time, a samurai yelled at the other samurai in Japanese, as if to urge everyone to show their skills to deal with Lin Feng.

Those Samurai shout one after another, take a lunge at their feet and attack Lin Feng from different directions.

Lin Feng parried again, but this time, he obviously felt that the opponent's strength was stronger, and the moves were more complex and diverse. The cooperation between several people was seamless, and the blade wind was fierce.

Lin Feng parried more seriously and fought with the other party instantly.

For a moment, the room was crisscrossed with swords and swords, and the sound of the impact of weapons was heard all the time.

As long as you don't pay attention to that fast knife, it's just that the head is different and the bone and flesh are separated.

So everyone pinched a cold sweat for Lin Feng.

Ren Changfeng looks dignified. Can't elder brother Lin Feng use a sword? Why do you always Parry?

We should fight back to win!

But Lin Feng was a few blocks, jumped to one side, grinning: "you this technology, still not home! Is that all you can do? "

Then, Lin Feng picked up a samurai sword on the ground, pointed to the warriors in front of him, and said, "swords and swords were introduced to you from China in ancient times. Therefore, we Chinese are the ancestors who used swords. Today, my ancestors will teach you how to use these swords!"

With that, he put the dagger in his mouth, held the samurai sword in both hands, raised it over his head, and slowly moved the tip of the knife down to point at those warriors.

His standing posture and posture are even more like warriors than those warriors. He is powerful and imposing.

The leading warrior's eyes flashed with surprise and exclaimed, "it's the stream of daggers!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!