The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1367

The original purpose of the five white tigers was to kill Lin Feng and seize the blood jade.

But later they missed the best opportunity to kill Lin Feng, resulting in no chance to start.

In the process, Yasha gradually fell in love with Lin Feng. As the leading elder sister of the five white tigers, she had no mind to deal with Lin Feng. Other people had no way to deal with him.

Chen Qiang did not forget his mission all the way. He always wanted to find a chance to kill Lin Feng.

But seeing that there are so many masters around Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's own strength is very strong, he can't kill Lin Feng at all.

So he was looking for opportunities all the way, hoping that one day Lin Feng could compete with the enemy snipe mussel, and then he would make a profit.

But before that day came, his brother went to huangquan road first.

This infuriated Chen duo. He felt that he would kill Lin Feng anyway, because his younger brother would not die if he did not take part in the operation. The culprit was Lin Feng.

So even if he died, he would fight with Lin Feng.

When Yasha saw this, he had a showdown with him.

"Chen duo! To be honest, I don't want to fight Lin Feng now! " Said Yasha.

Chen duo looked at the Yasha fiercely and said, "I knew you betrayed us!"

Yasha said, "this has nothing to do with betrayal. I just want to ask you, what is morality?"

"The way of heaven and justice!" Someone said.

"Yes, the way of heaven and justice!" Yasha said: "as practitioners, we make ourselves stronger. What's the ultimate goal? Is not it to become the master respected by thousands of people and preside over the way of heaven and justice?"

"However, what we do now has no morality at all."

"How do you say that?" Someone asked.

"Because we kill Lin Feng and take blood jade, it's totally an act of treason and deviation from the Tao." Yasha said: "blood jade is the most precious treasure in the world, but it doesn't belong to us after all. It's an article passed down from generation to generation by the Lin Feng family. How can we forcibly seize it with our own force?"

"Moreover, although the white tiger hall is one of the four major gates in Kyoto, it is undeniable that many of the things we have done can not be seen, and even this one can not be seen." Yasha said, "I'm fed up with being a gunslinger for the white tiger hall, so from now on, I want to leave the white tiger hall. Who will follow me? We will still be brothers and sisters. If we don't follow me, I'm sorry, it's my enemy. I love and hate clearly. I'm black or white!"

This speech is very powerful. The people in white tiger hall are moved.

No one thought that the most trusted female guardian of the white tiger hall was the first to turn against the water.

However, Yasha was right. The white tiger hall actually asked them to do some things that made them cry like birds and dogs steal. It was totally a shot in the arm.

What's the point of going on like this?

"I support Yasha Said a young guard.

"Yecha is right. I also support yecha!" Said another.

Looking at this posture, Chen duo felt that everyone would turn against him. He yelled: "you eat white tiger hall, use white tiger hall to cultivate you. So far, you betray white tiger hall. I want to find a way to report to the hall leader, so that you who eat inside and outside will have a bad reputation!"

"I'm sorry, you may never get out."

"What do you want?" Chen duo cheered.

"I said that if I have the same opinion with me, I will regard it as a friend. If my opinion is different from mine, I'm sorry, it is my enemy. I will never be soft hearted to the enemy!" Said Yasha.

"Hum, Yasha, I knew you were fascinated by that boy. Well, since today's words are all about this, let's move. Either you die or I live!" Chen duo cheered.

Yasha said to the others, "don't do anything about me and him. We'll solve it ourselves. We'll live and die. Let's go with it."

The others nodded, which was a very convincing move.

"Let's go!" Said Yasha.

"Watch the move Chen Chaochao, Yasha, rushed over.

。。 。。

Here, Jack the werewolf is very sad because both of his close men were killed in the battle.

Although they have dealt a heavy blow to orcs and trolls, the sacrifice this time is too strong. Jack is a very affectionate guy, so he can't extricate himself from his grief.

Lin Feng came over and patted jack on the shoulder: "what's the matter? I'm sad because my brother died?"

"Yes Jack said, "would you be sad if your brothers died?"

"Of course "I may be stronger than you," said Lin Feng

"They have followed me since childhood, from a little wolf to now, I watched them grow up!" Jack looked at the two tombs in front of him, tears flashing.

"It's my treasure hunt that brought about the killing. I shouldn't have involved you in it!" Lin Feng said."It's none of your business!" Jack said: "our warriors of the wolf clan are never afraid of death. We have been fighting for the survival and honor of the wolf clan. Therefore, it is not your relationship to enter the secret world with you this time. We are here to protect the blood jade, and you are also to protect the blood jade. We are allies!"

"All right." Lin Feng laughed: "I don't know how to comfort you. It's very sad for my relatives to leave. When I was ten years old, my parents left me. I know this feeling very well."

"You are a miserable man, too!" Said Jack.

"I don't think so!" Lin Feng said optimistically: "people always die, sooner or later. I hope you don't fall down because of losing a friend. I believe they also hope to see you more frustrated and braver in the sky."

Thank you Said Jack.

"You're welcome!" Lin Feng sighed and went back to the tent.

There was no word all night.

At dawn the next day, Lin Feng got up early and gathered with the team to prepare for departure.

Yesterday I heard that Chen had lost it. In order to find him, Yasha fought with Warcraft and was scratched by Warcraft, but only slightly injured.

Lin Feng heard the fight last night. It wasn't a fight between man and Warcraft. However, he didn't bother to ask Chen duo. He knew that Chen duo had selfish intentions for a long time, because Chen duo's eyes were not right every time he looked at him, which revealed a sense of hatred.

Now that Chen duo has left, it is also a good thing, and the province will do it by himself.

The party straightened out and set off again.

There are less than 20 people left in the team, but they are all backbone members.

Lin Feng discussed with Al and chose the shortest way to the capital of the sky.

All along the way, everyone was silent. After all, this dangerous journey began to show fangs. The future may be even more dangerous. All people are not as happy as before.

It took about a day to reach the capital of the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!