The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1170

"No wonder many men are bending over for you. You are still as beautiful as ever, my little Susu!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Su Jing came up and said, "my cell phone just ran out of power. Did you come alone? Why not give advance notice? "

Lin Feng said, "can't I just surprise you? Hey, hey, hey, let's go and see our dad! "

This set of Sao operation immediately blinded everyone's eyes.

Those failed men, stay in place, and Mr. Liu, is also stunned.

But Mr. Liu is not willing to admit defeat. How could a man who is so talented and rich in gold lose to a hanging silk.

He stopped Su Jing's way and said, "Su Jing, what's your relationship with him?"

Su Jing looked at Mr. Liu with a look of disgust: "get out of the way!"

Seeing Su Jing's performance, Mr. Liu began to speak with some humiliating words: "the president of tangtangtang Dongqing group is hanging out with Diaoshi. You know, a president without a pattern can't get a foothold in Kyoto!"

Hearing this, Su Jing was very angry.

Such a small matter, can rise to this level, this young master Liu is really no one.

"My pattern is not high, you don't need to evaluate, thank you!" Su Jing and Mr. Liu pass by.

But Lin Feng added with a smile: "she just likes my hanging silk. Is there something wrong with it? I'm mad at you

"My special..." Mr. Liu immediately got angry. He has been holding back his anger for several days. He can't help it any more. He stopped Su Jing and Lin Feng again: "Su Jing, I'll give you another chance to choose. Otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless to you Dongqing group in the shopping mall."

"It's your business to be merciless. Besides, I'm not rare." Su Jing was as cold and noble as ever: "get out of my way!"

"You..." Master Liu gnashed his teeth.

But at this time, but not far away a voice came: "Xiao Liu, what are you doing here?"

Mr. Liu looked ahead and saw that Tang Ruoxue was coming. All his anger disappeared and he ran to Tang Ruoxue with a smile on his face: "Oh, young master Tang, how did you come here? By the way, there was a business I wanted to talk with you last time, but your secretary said you had something to do...

Tang ruoxiao stopped the car, took a bunch of bright red roses from the car and said, "I saw you stop Su Jing just now. What do you want to do?"

When Mr. Liu saw that Tang Ruoxue was here to chase Su Jing, he suddenly became soft.

Although he is a rich second generation, now also in charge of a company, but compared with the Kyoto four big families, is still far from good!

That's why he wanted to take advantage of Dongqing group's unstable foothold to take Su Jing down. It would be beautiful to have a good harvest of beauty and wealth!

But, this fat meat, is he alone staring at?

This group of suitors around is enough to prove how attractive this piece of fat is.

However, the appearance of Tang Ruo Xue disrupted Master Liu's plan. He knew that if he argued with Tang Ruo Xue, he would be like hitting the stone with an egg.

Tang Ruoxue is the second young master of the Tang family. The Tang family is one of the four big families in Kyoto. He has a number B in his heart. It's more than enough to step on Lin Feng's loser. But Tang Ruoxue has to put his buttocks on his back and fawn on his face. Otherwise, if the Tang family presses down one hand, he will surely be dead!

"Young master Tang, you are..." Mr. Liu asked Tang ruoxiu with a smile on his face. Then he glanced at the flowers on Tang Ruoxi's hand intentionally or unintentionally.

Mr. Liu is very smart. At least he has to find out the purpose of young master Tang before he has a chance to flatter him!

Tang Ruo Xue said, "what am I doing? Do you want to ask more questions?"

"Yes, yes, I owe it!" Mr. Liu slapped himself directly, but he looked like a mirror in his heart. Young master Tang is definitely chasing Su Jing.

Tang ruoxiu looked at Mr. Liu with dignity in his eyes and asked, "I see you are chasing Miss Su Jing?"

Seeing Tang Ruo Xue like this, Mr. Liu felt very nervous.

Is it true that young master Tang is questioning? He has heard that young master Tang is a super male chauvinism. Before that, he liked Shangguan Ruoxue. He would be unkind to anyone who approached him.

So, Mr. Liu can't be honest at this time. After all, there is a big project in the hands of the Tang family. If the project is not implemented, his company will be belching.

This is related to his economic lifeline, life and death ah!

"I... I don't have one." Liu stammered, but he always felt that Tang Ruoxue would not believe him. He was thinking about how to make Tang Ruoxue believe him. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Lin Feng's back not far away. His brain lit up and said, "young master Tang, look at the little boy. The boy is chasing Su Jing. He also calls Su Jing and calls Su Jing

Finish saying, in the heart immediately happy open flower, your boy is really a injustice big head, but don't blame me, blame you too much eye!Other people saw that master Liu transferred the spearhead to Lin Feng, but they were also secretly enjoying themselves. This time, in front of Tang ruoxiu, they could be regarded as an enemy of Lin Feng!

"Oh?" Tang Ruoxue looks at Lin Feng and Su Jing.

But now he can only see his back. Su Jing and Lin Feng are chatting and walking to Dongqing building.

Tang Ruo Xue bit his teeth and ran after him with roses.

Around a group of people are gloating, waiting to see Lin Feng's good play.

Mr. Liu also called out: "young master Tang, you must not be angry with a hanging silk. It's not worth it!"

He was happy in his heart, and secretly amused himself for this move.

Tang Ruo learned a few steps to catch up with him, swearing and swearing: "you're so special in front of my face Su Jing, when I'm what? You stop for me? "

"Now young master Tang is angry!"

"What bad luck that boy is!"

"It's not that Mr. Liu is smart enough to shift the firepower, otherwise young master Tang will have to get angry with us!"

People on the side of Tang ruoxiu got angry and began to talk about it one after another. By the way, they praised Liu Gongzi's practice.

Under the gaze of all the people, Tang Ruoxue caught up with Su Jing and Lin Feng. He patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said fiercely, "I called you just now. Why don't you stop for me?"

Lin Feng happened to be looking at the mobile phone information. He was busy for a while and didn't look back, because he knew who was behind him without looking back.

However, Su Jing turned back first and saw that it was Tang Ruoxue. She took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Tang, what can I do for you?"

Tang Ruoxue has been here more than once. Su Jing can see the rose on Tang Ruoxue's hand and know what he is coming for.

"Miss Su Jing, I'm not aiming at you!" Tang said

He patted Lin Feng on the shoulder again: "do I want to talk to you? Didn't you hear me? Are you looking for a cigarette? "

After reading the mobile phone information, Lin Feng put the mobile phone in his pocket, turned around and said to Tang Ruo Xue, "are you talking to me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!