The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1128

The little man was suddenly frightened by a cold sweat. Those who kept a distance from Lin Feng were all roared by Lin Feng, giving them seven meat and eight vegetables.

At such a close distance, if Lin Feng roars hard, won't he lose his ears?

Lin Feng is afraid to have practiced the legendary lion roar skill.

At this time, the little man knew that he was afraid, but it was too late. He was strangled by Lin Feng, and his body was slowly lifted up.

However, Lin Feng didn't roar him deaf as he imagined. Instead, he whispered in his ear: "friends, go back and tell you Liu Shao that I have dug Liu's ancestral grave, and even I have opened the coffin of Liu's father's milk. If he is a man, he will come to me, and I will accompany him at any time."

With that, he threw the little man on the ground and turned back to the room.

The little man was terrified, gasping and coughing, but he had a shadow on Lin Feng.

He said to his little brother who was crawling on the ground: "a group of rubbish, please get on the bus for me and go quickly!"

Then, he got into the limousine, drove away first.

However, in another villa of Swan Lake Villa, a young woman with waist length ponytail standing in front of the window, the scene that happened in the morning was fully observed by her.

She put her long and bright red fingernails into the cigarette case, took out a thin cigarette, lit it by her mouth, took a few puffs, and then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, master, Lin Feng should have found the blood jade. It's time to act!"


at the same time, in a villa on the west side of Swan Lake Villa, Jack and Jones bill were having breakfast and talking.

"Although Lin Feng is very secretive, he took a metal box from Liu's ancestral tomb, which will soon be known to all. There may be blood jade in it, so be prepared to protect Lin Feng!" Said Jack.

They werewolves are very good at detecting, so they already know about Lin Feng.

Jones said: "Jack boss, I heard that the blood clan side has also noticed Lin Feng's recent movement, they may have sent an unprecedented super powerful soldier to deal with Lin Feng."

Bill put down the jam and bread in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and said with disdain on his face: "the soldiers of blood clan are just like that. Haven't they all been settled by Lin Feng? I think it's not only the blood clan who underestimated Lin Feng, we also underestimated Lin Feng! "

"Yes Jack said: "Lin Feng's strength is not apparent. Lin Feng is very good at playing pig and eating tiger, but the stronger he is, the more relaxed we are!"

Jones said with a worried face: "boss jack, this time the blood clan is not ordinary soldiers. In front of them, they all send their soldiers. This time, it is the people from the Brad family who come in person. According to reliable information, it is Munn and Brad who come in person!"

"Moon?" A little surprise flashed on Jack's face.

Bill was also puzzled and asked, "isn't that guy breaking up with the brads? How can you come back? "

Jones spread out his hands, saying he didn't know.

However, he never said, "Jack left the family, just a fake."

"What's the matter with that?" Asked Bill.

"Want to know?" Jack's eyebrows raised.

"Well!" Bill and Jones nodded together.

"Come on, Jones, you go and bake me two more rye bread. Bill, help me fry an egg and two steaks. I have a good appetite this morning." Said Jack.

"Yes, boss!" Jones and Bill got busy, but they listened to Jack while they were busy.

Jack said: "speaking of Munn, he is indeed a legendary figure. Munn is the most powerful warrior in the younger generation of Brad family. He is so fierce that even those golden toothed vampires who have practiced for centuries are not his opponents. However, Munn is arrogant and arrogant, causing troubles everywhere and disobeying the family management. Except for Brad III, he seems to be the strongest warrior No one can control him

"Once, when he was drunk, he took the initiative to challenge the members of the order of the light, and killed more than a dozen members of the order in succession, and one of them was the sister of the Archbishop of the order of the light!"

"The Knights of the light are very angry. This matter shames them. They prepare to attack the blood clan for this reason. But Brad III, after knowing this, carefully considered it, and did not want to fall into a war with the order of the light because of the evil of Munn, because the blood clan has been on guard against our wolf clan. He is afraid that the battle with the light Knight will consume the blood clan Force, let us take advantage of the opportunity, so he chose to make peace with the order of the light

On hearing this, Bill raised his hand and asked, "boss, I have a question!"

"You ask!" Jack said.

Bill asked: "the blood clan, our wolf clan and the Holy Light Knights' order have always been in a tripartite relationship. The blood clan has always wanted to destroy us and the Holy Light Knight order. War is sooner or later. Now he can avoid war, and he can't avoid it in the future. If he talks about peace, it will prove that he is soft. With the blood clan's character, he won't be so soft?"Jack said: "the blood clan is not soft. He is just trying to buy time for himself. You should know that the blood clan, the wolf clan and the Holy Light Knight Order are all close in strength, and no one can defeat the other party. Therefore, everyone is secretly looking for ways to improve their combat effectiveness. The Holy Light knight is the one with the most uncertain future. Unlike the blood clan, the blood clan is a sealed race If you collect all the gems that open the seal, such as blood jade and Star Diamond, the blood clan will become very powerful if you untie the seal

"So, they don't want to have a war with the Knights of the light now. They are trying to buy time for themselves. They don't want to give up the whole blood clan plan because of one MNE!"

"Oh, so it is!" Bill nodded.

"Munn has always been proud that he is a blood warrior, and his family has a strong sense of honor. He said directly that he had broken up with the Brad family and that his affairs had nothing to do with the Brad family. All of a sudden, it became a grudge between him and the Knights of the holy light, and he had nothing to do with the Brad family."

"The Knights of the light sent knights to hunt down Munn, but even the Royal chief holy light Knights sent out were killed by him. This shocked the high-level of the order. The strength of Mun has seriously threatened the order of light. They must send the strongest soldiers to pay for him, or a muon will destroy the order of light!"

"The order of the light has a legendary light knight, George. There is no doubt about George's ability. He has a long-standing reputation among the Knights of the light, and no one knows how strong he is, because he has never used his real strength

"However, his personality is too straightforward, and he is obstinately unwilling to listen to anyone's opinions. A person who doesn't like to be left and right can't be reused. Therefore, he is abandoned by the upper level of the order of light and becomes a fallen knight who is drunk all day long. But at this time when talent is needed, the upper echelon decides that he needs to come forward and work for the Knights of light. "

"The high-level of the order of the light finds the fallen George, confers him the title of Holy Light devil hunter, invites him to fight, and equips him with the four apocalyptic Knights of the order of light as an auxiliary. This is already the most powerful lineup of the order of the light. They give George only one task, to capture Munn and Brad alive!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!