The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1030

All of a sudden, Lin Feng know the answer?

Lin Feng didn't speak just now. He was carefully considering the relevance of these poems.

Finally, after careful consideration, he found a new world.

"What is the answer?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

People are also looking at Lin Feng, very puzzled, such a complex thing, also contains so many ancient poems, how can Lin Feng suddenly know the answer?

Lin Feng smile, he went to the small blackboard, picked up the blackboard brush, said: "our order is wrong, in fact, the order of poetry, should be like this!"

With that, he rearranged the four lines of poetry in a way that overlapped up and down, and then wrote them out on the blackboard.

In the ground, it's a branch of LIANLI branch.

the east wind is weak, and all the flowers are left behind.

don't sign the Western characters at the head of the tomb.

the garden is becoming more and more clear and shady.

Then, pointing to the poem written on the blackboard, Lin Feng said, "this is really a Tibetan poem. I don't believe you read the first word!"

The mouse was the first to read: "in, East, tomb, garden!"

"In the East Cemetery!" The mouse was so happy that it almost jumped up.

"Yes Lin Feng nodded.

"Boss, you are a cow The mouse Sahuan said: "now you will finally get your baby!"

In the East Cemetery, these four words are very clear.

There is a cemetery in the eastern suburb of Jincheng, which is called the eastern cemetery.

When Lin Feng first came to Jincheng, he also went to the black market in the eastern cemetery. As a result, he took part in a race and got to know Wei Yichen.

Unexpectedly, the blood jade, we go around looking for it everywhere, the result is still in Jincheng.

Lin Feng was so relaxed that he found out the location, which surprised everyone.

Originally, we were still there to study. What is the man who hides blood jade is a master of Chinese traditional culture? What is this poem so profound that it expounds many dimensions respectively!

Now it seems that I have been thinking too much, which is quite funny.

Jin Fenghuang also shook his head and laughed with embarrassment: "you see, it's a Tibetan poem. I've analyzed so much with open talk. It's embarrassing!"

"No embarrassment!" Lin Feng said, "sister Jin, you are right in your analysis."

"Why do you say that?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

Lin Feng said: "in fact, from the very beginning, we should first see that this poem is a Tibetan poem, locked in the East Cemetery. Then, analyze the meaning in the poem, and the meaning in the poem, as my sister said

Lin Feng wrote down several words on the blackboard: place, time, characteristics and regulations.

Then, he said: "the location is in the East Cemetery; time, the east wind is weak, the flowers are broken, and the garden is getting clear and dense, which indicates that it is late spring and early summer; the feature is that the ground willing is a LIANLI branch, indicating that the two branches are connected under the tree. It is stipulated that the Western characters should not be used at the head of the tomb, indicating that there will be some features in the tombstone. It is not clear what the specific characteristics are. Only when we go to see the tombstone and analyze it, can we know. "

After Lin Feng finished, everyone nodded.

This set of analysis is very complete and fluent. It can be said that it is very comprehensive to add the analysis of Golden Phoenix to it.

At this time, people also admire Lin Feng's wisdom. They said that he called everyone to a meeting. As a result, everyone had not discussed anything. He had learned something by himself.

"Now that I know the location of the blood jade, I hope all of you here will keep it secret for me, because there are likely to be many visitors coming, and I will send someone to protect you all the time!" Lin Feng said.

The reason why Lin Feng does not avoid these people is that he is sure that these people are his confidants and no one will betray him.

This kind of trust is not a time to cultivate, but a long-term relationship, coupled with Lin Feng's trust in their moral character.

None of the people in the room, Su Jing, Jin Fenghuang, Jin Lengyu, Shen man, Huo Ling, Yu Wenji, mouse, King Kong, Ren Changfeng, Chen Wu, Qingfeng, are the objects Lin Feng can suspect.

At this time, Fire Spirit said: "protection is not necessary, we can deal with it ourselves."

She felt that there was a boa master behind her. Ordinary people didn't dare to move her.

Lin Feng naturally understood her idea and said, "this time, the situation is different. People who are close to me are in danger. The visitors who come to visit us will not be those stinky fish and rotten shrimp before."

Ren Changfeng said, "how can we protect them? In fact, our accomplishments are not too high and our protection ability is limited. If we are OK in this villa, we will not be able to protect ourselves if we go out! "

Ren Changfeng said a word that other people also want to say.

After all, these women, by right of course, are at risk.

So if you want to protect everyone in a decentralized way, you have to have a lot of bodyguards.

However, in addition to King Kong and Qingfeng, several people present seemed not to have strong abilities. They were OK in the face of ordinary people. They would be killed in a second if they came to the killers who had transformed the bone state into the Qi State!What's more, Qingfeng is useless now, but other people don't know.

Lin Feng is a smile: "I have a way!"

"What can I do?" Ren Changfeng asked.

"This method needs the help of the chamber of Commerce in Kyoto." Lin Feng said.

"Kyoto chamber of Commerce helps?" People are puzzled. They don't know much about the chamber of Commerce in Kyoto.

But the mouse stretched out his finger and nodded: "ouch, smart, I understand what you mean, boss."

"Well, so next, you can follow my steps. It will not delay your daily work. Even, it will be of great help to your work." Lin Feng Road.

People you look at me, I see you, do not know what Lin Feng's words mean.

But we are used to trust Lin Feng, Lin Feng's words, in their hearts is no doubt.

So no one asked the reason, just how to do it.

"So what should we do?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"It should not be too late. Sister Jin and sister Yu will go to Kyoto with me tomorrow." Lin Feng looks at Jin Fenghuang and Yu Wenji.

Then, he arranged: "King Kong will stay here and take charge of the base camp. Rats, Ren Changfeng, Chen Wu, Qingfeng, if you have nothing to do, don't go out temporarily. General manager Su, Leng Yu Jie, Shen man and Huo Ling will go to work normally. I will arrange someone to protect you temporarily."


All said with one voice.

Subconsciously, they have taken Lin Feng as the leader, and they are very trusting. They are willing to give their personal safety to Lin Feng without reservation.

After Lin Feng arranged it, it was evening and the lights were on.

Jin Lengyu made a table for everyone to eat, but Lin Feng said he had something to deal with first.

While everyone was eating and drinking at the table, Lin Feng went upstairs alone, quietly changed into night clothes, took a look at the roof of another villa not far away, and then jumped out of the second floor and left Swan Lake Villa in the dark night. , the fastest update of the webnovel!