The Cannon Fodder and Her Mr. Right

Chapter 46

The smiling face of spicy bar is too deceptive, ignorant, naive, innocent and soft. He can contract all your cute points. With a crooked smile, he can melt all the defenses in your heart.

However, at the same time, the child is also too good, the devil.

With a deceptive face, he is extremely cunning.

In the face of this child, Xie Xize had the same feeling when he met last time. It seems that it is a difficult problem in front of him. Even if you have guessed the answer, even if the answer is near, you can't get proof from him.

Xie xieze's amber eyes reflect her round face.

Looking at the child so closely, his uncontrollable emotions spread again.

Xie xieze's throat was a little dry. He said, "I thought..."

"I am Your father, you called it that last time, didn't you? "

Spicy bar sighed, and then shook his head helplessly: "uncle, don't make fun of me. Don't bully me because I'm young and I don't read much."

He twisted uncomfortably and stepped on Xie xiezer's thigh impolitely.

"Uncle, let me tell you, I'm not a casual child. I'm very principled. Moreover, I'm so smart. My mother said that she has never seen a child smarter than me. So, I'm so powerful that how can I recognize my father..."

Xie xiezer immediately said: "that day, you did it on purpose, because you know..."

Spicy bar leisurely interrupted him: "what happened that day was an accident. Those uncles who followed you were so fierce and terrible. I thought they wanted to attack me because they saw that I was smart and handsome. After all, it's dangerous for children to be outside, so I asked my uncle for help. Am I very smart?"

Spicy proud raised his chin, smile heartless, some beat.

"Although it was actually a misunderstanding later, I still want to thank my uncle, but After I went back, I was sad for several days. After all, I felt sorry for my father when I called someone else's father. Although he died early, he was still my father. "

Spicy bar looked at Xie xieze's gloomy face and said with a smile: "however, it won't happen in the future. I still respect my uncle."

The spicy bar took out a piece of milk candy from his pocket and handed it to Xie xieze: "here, uncle, here is the sugar. Thank you."

Chubby little palm with a piece of milk candy in the heart, warm by the body temperature has been some.

Xie xiezer's heart was oppressed, as if something was tearing his heart. Finally It's all powerless.

All his means, in the face of this child, have become powerless.

In the end, Xie Xize put the spicy bar back.

Spicy strip some helpless shake head, ah, these adults are really.

He raised his hand and carefully arranged his wrinkled clothes.

Move your butt again, so that the seat is in the middle.

Xie xieze looked at the spicy bar as a small action, so familiar, just like a mirror.

Suddenly, he laughed.

He reached out and said, "give me the sugar." , the fastest update of the webnovel!