The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

4 Chapter 4- The Day He Past Away

-6 years ago- -hospital-

After the family members visited Zhuang Guo, they left only Shi Xue behind to look after her father who had improvement after his surgery for pancreatic cancer. She walked in with watery eyes as she kept her eyes on the pale figure on the bed slowly breathing. His hair turned a bit gray and more strands of white hair were visible. His thin body felt fragile as she tried to grab a hold of his hands. His usually warm hands are now slightly below room temperature, and many needle hoes could be seen from the many blood tests since admission. His arms became so skinny that his veins were shown. It is about a month since he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer stage 4, she found him lying on the floor in cold sweat and pain in their house. After being admitted to the hospital, no matter how painful it felt when big long needles were entered from his body, he wouldn't scream. He always had a smile on his face when he saw his daughter's gaze, her eyes all watery reminding him of his wife. Shi Xue would hold onto his hands as he trembled in pain shedding tears out of his eyes and even when he had his blood drawn, he would laugh it off with the nurses.

As Shi Xue held onto his hands, she felt his body temperature slowly reducing instead of warming up, opposite of what was supposed to happen. She quickly pressed the emergency button and tried to shook her dad awake hoping he would open his eyes and look her. She sobbed as she rubbed his hands hoping she could warm them up. "Dad... please.. pleasee... I.. I-I already don't have mom.. You c-can't leave me too... you can't... I'll be good... I wouldn't ask for any more... but your health.. so please.." Shi Xue cried as she choked on her words. Doctors rushed in to check his condition... only to come out after half an hour to inform her that his condition had suddenly turned for the worst and that she should speak to him his last words. They managed to wake him for a little while before he will lose in consciousness then death.

Shi Xue ran to her dad's side and firmly held his hands. As her dad looked at her and told her .."Don't cry... my little Xue.. father wants to see your big smile that always gives daddy the most encouragement. Can you smile for daddy..?" He smiled slightly still looking gentle and tender.

Shi Xue used her sleeves and clumsily wiped away her tears and tried her best to smile, but all that came out was her choked voice from crying as if something was stuck in her throat. She apologized saying " I...I'm sorry.. I c-can't smile.. I don't want to leave me..." He caressed her smooth black hair as he continued to smile and sang the first song from when he and his wife first met. Slowly, his voice grew weaker and weaker... and he requested for Shi Xue to continue singing this song to him.. so he can recall the sweet moments..with his wife..

That night, in that room, sobs of a teenage girl half brokenheartedly sang to her dad... as he slowly fell into an endless slumber.