The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

204 Mysterious Slips

Huang Ke Shen was the youngest in the family. Even though he was doted on and spoiled by everyone in the family, he had always been the quietest. When he attended school, he never attempted making friends nor form good connections with other people.

Due to his curiosity at a young age, he had always been ahead in terms of academics and other subjects. Therefore, classes were unnecessary in his opinion. He only attended because attendance took up a large percentage of his grade.

Though he was quiet, he never rejected helping others who needed assistance in solving problems. Sometimes, he would solve the problems his classmates had considered difficult. It wasn't challenging to him, but he still solved it within a few minutes.

It was the middle of the first year of his high school, and he already heard girls spouting things about confessing their love with the dream guy in class A. Whenever he sees the overexcited behavior coming from the girls, he thought about his parents. 'How did mom and dad stay as lovey dovey with each other every day? These girls change boyfriends like changing clothes...Interesting...'

Suddenly, he had the urge to text his brother and sister about this subject. First, he made a group chat and then sent a cheerful sticker to start the conversation.

Nana was the first to respond with exclamation points. She commented, "Oh my god!! It's real! Ke Shen!!! You finally started using this app!! I've begged you to try it many times, and you refused because it was uninteresting!"

Weiwei messaged with many question marks as if it was a shocking event. "Did someone hack his phone? Ke Shen, what did we eat last night? If you could answer this correctly, I will believe that you are real behind the screen."

Ke Shen was speechless when it came to his sister and brother. "Is it that shocking? Who told you guys to use only this app to communicate? Too troublesome to text you guys separately anyways. @LordWei101: Sis broke the oven. We ordered pizza at the end. Bro-in-law cleaned up her mess."

Nana sent a facepalm sticker in response to his comment. "The oven has met its max age. It was a sign to get a new one...Anyways, why did you make a group chat for?"

Weiwei: "Right. Did you run into some trouble that you can't tell mom and dad?"

Ke Shen: "Nah. I'm bored in class and heard these girls talk about confessing to someone. I was wondering how these girls could change boyfriends like chugging water, but our parents are lovey dovey every day."

Nana: "Hahahaha, that's called teenage life for you. Could it be you like one of the girls in that group? (Smirk)"

Weiwei: "Don't ask me. Your sister is someone's wife, so she should be able to answer that."

Ke Shen: "Sis, what if I don't like girls?"

Nana: "Oh!!!!! Then could it be that you fancy the guy the girl is going to confess to?? and @LordWei101: You're just slow. Blehhhh even mom, and dad are rushing you to find them a daughter-in-law hahahahahaha Prepare yourself!"

Ke Shen: "I'll just assume my siblings are as clueless as me...."

Nana: "Aiya! Girls at this age would confess to a guy from the simplest reasons. It could be because they find the guy attractive. Maybe just a greeting could make a girl jump into dating. I don't know why girls jump from guy to guy like the way you described it, though."

Ke Shen: "This explains why I'm uninterested in love. Heh, class is resuming now. I'll talk later. Bye."

As usual, Ke Shen finished class and packed his bag to go straight home. On his way out, a girl ran in front of him and blocked his path. She looked him in the eyes and blushed, "Ke Shen! I like you. Please go out with me!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Coldly rejecting the girl, he continued walking towards the entrance of the school.

The girl pouted, but didn't give up. She ran after him and asked, "What girls do you like or prefer? The cute, innocent ones? The smart and quiet ones?"

Sighing, he turned around and said, "Someone who isn't boring."

"So, you mean if I can catch your interest, then you will consider me?" She blinked a few times with a wide smile on her face.

"Depends." He shrugged before getting into the car.

"Ah! Ke Shen! My name is Luna~" She smiled meaningfully at him as she watched the car drive off until it disappeared.

After seeing the car gone from her sight, she ran across the street where her chauffeur had been waiting for her. Hopping into the car, she said, "Go home."

She mumbled to herself, "Hehe. We'll meet again. This time, I'll catch your attention."

Over the next few months, Ke Shen had received mysterious slips with different equations per day in his desk. At first, the slips were easy to solve. Then, the level of difficulty increased per slip. Slowly, he started looking forward to the questions first thing when he gets to school.

As the questions grew more difficult, the more he smiled while solving it. The questions were based on different topics like mathematics, physics, chemistry, coding and more. One afternoon, he finished solving the equations and read the answer to himself.

"If I see you at the party on Saturday, I will reveal my identity."

He thought about it for a while before receiving a phone call from Shi Xue.


"Ke Shen, are you attending the business party with your dad this Saturday?"

"Hmm...I will." He was curious about this odd coincidence with the slip and business event clashing on the same day.

- Saturday -

The business party was as dull as always. Everyone came to discuss about business, while he was a high school teenager with a suit on. He was getting bored to death when a waiter delivered a glass of orange juice to him. On the bottom of the juice glass, he found an equation slip taped to it.

Using the pen that he had received as a gift for attending the party, he started scribbling to solve it. "Go to the balcony and you will find me."

Smiling, he searched around and found his way to the balcony. When he got there, he saw a young lady in a light blue dress that reached her knees. Her long hair reached her waist. When she turned around with a smile, she asked, "Did I catch your interest?"

"Nope." He smiled for the first time at a girl.

"Then I need to try harder this time. By the way, my name is Luna." She laughed softly at his response that didn't match with his expression.

Tilting his head towards her direction, he said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Ke Shen."

Ke Shen thought silently, 'It's not too bad...'