The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1769

The goddess looked at the cloud and said, "I wake up now, the goddess should also wake up soon."

"You two look after it carefully. Don't make a fuss. As expected, the little girl doesn't know anything. She doesn't know about fetal movement. " The elder thought of the fear that had just come all the way, and reprimanded Lanling and Ziqi.

The two of them spat out their tongues in secret. They should be good.

The elder and the envoy stayed for a moment and left the cloud palace.

Ten days later, yunqianyue woke up and slowly opened her eyes. The first time to look at their own abdomen, only to see that the abdomen has been high uplift, put a hand above, she trance for a moment, suddenly turned her head, looked at her side.

Shangguan Mingyue some pale face reflected in the eyes.

Yun Qianyue looked at Shangguan Mingyue and thought of everything under the cold pool of ten thousand years. After entering the cold pool, she released her own spiritual power, which was absorbed by the spiritual power on the orchid stage. At the same time, she sucked her whole person up. After that, she fell into a coma. After a while, Shangguan Mingyue came down and woke her up with forbidden technique. Then she absorbed the spiritual power above for her own use, and then she drew the cocoon When he was dying, he pulled him back from the ghost gate several times, especially when he scolded her that she was going to die, and he thought about the children in her stomach, and at the same time, he used the source to support her and her children with his own efforts

If we can say how long a person's life is by one foot, then under the cold pool of ten thousand years, she has lived more than one foot, as long as several lives.

The only thought that supported her to survive was the one who haunted her. Rongjing!

Did he get the news that she had released her life and death lock?

Does he know now that she and the child are safe?

Is he now

She closed her eyes and forced herself to interrupt and realize the reality of her and her child's life at this moment.

Lanling and Ziqi push open the door and come in from the outside for their daily routine inspection. They just came to the bed, cloud shallow moon suddenly opened her eyes, two people together a Zheng, on her eyebrows and eyes, for a time stay.

Yunqianyue looks at them. Although she is in a coma for too long, she still knows that they have been taking care of her through her subconscious and breath every day and smiles at them.

Two people wake up, the moment was overjoyed, Qi Qi looked at her mouth, "goddess, you wake up?"

Cloud shallow moon nods.

Lan Ling said happily: "you finally wake up. I'll tell the three elders and goddess of Zhangxing hall that they must be very happy." Then he turned and ran out like the wind.

Ziqi did not leave, but happily went to help cloud shallow moon, "I help you up."

Yunqianyue nodded and reached out to take Shangguan Mingyue's hand. She had just met her. Shangguan Mingyue subconsciously protected her, and her heart suddenly raised a trace of warmth and moved. He is worthy of Rong Jing's brother. His blood is inherited. What he has done for Rongjing and her will always be remembered by her.

"The little master and his followers have been protecting you under the ten thousand year cold pool. They have been doing the same for more than two months since they came up to the cold pool. The maids want to take away his hands. As long as they move, the little master will be like this." Ziqi explained.

Cloud shallow month slants head to see to Shangguan Mingyue, to him way: "Shangguan Mingyue, I wake up, the child is good, you let go of hand!"

Shangguan Mingyue did not move.

Cloud shallow month reached out to take his hand, he slightly resisted, then she took it away, she in Ziqi's help, sat up. I feel very heavy and frown.

"If you lie down too long, you must be stiff. Later, the maid will walk with you." Ziqi road.

Yunqianyue nodded. With her help, she slowly got out of bed. She always felt a ball in front of her stomach. She struggled to stand on the ground, took two steps, touched her abdomen, and showed a happy smile. "In the twinkling of an eye, I'm not used to it."

Ziqi immediately pursed her lips and laughed, "you are now seven months old! How can you compare with the time when you just came? Naturally, it's heavier. The little boy in your stomach is very lively. These days, he has been moving day by day. Except at night, the day is always on the move. "

Cloud shallow month Zheng for a moment, some can not return to God, looking at the stomach asked, "has been seven months?"

"Yes, more than seven months." Ziqi road.

Cloud shallow moon is in a trance for a moment, just return to God, feel the stomach secluded way: "time passes really fast!"

"You're in a coma, and you feel that time is fast. I'm living every day! Not only the maidservant and Lanling, but also the three elders in charge of the punishment hall and all the people of Yunshan count the days day by day, hoping that you and the little Lord will wake up. Especially when you and the little Lord are under the cold pool, the clouds cover up the sun, and we just feel that it's hard every day. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech, hang down head, look at abdomen low voice way: "you all are so, he should be more torment!"

Ziqi was stunned for a moment. Seeing her look, she suddenly saw that she was talking about Jing Shizi. She nodded and said, "yes, but Yunshan is hidden from the world. More than a month ago, in addition to the jade Prince of Donghai Kingdom, he found Yunshan and was stopped by the elder. After that, he returned to the East China Sea. So far, no one has come. It is not clear what the situation is outside The son of Daojing and the new emperor of Tiansheng are still at war. "Cloud shallow moon raised her head, eyebrows and eyes opened a little, "since Zishu came here and knew that I was still alive, I would tell him. I'm relieved that he doesn't suffer any more. "

Ziqi immediately said: "the elder told the prince of the East China Sea that you and the little Lord came out from the cold pool and released the life and death lock. You should be relieved! "

Cloud shallow moon nodded, looking at the abdomen no longer speak.

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps outside, which seemed to have several people.

Ziqi said with a smile: "it's Lanling who called three elders and God emissaries!"

Yunqianyue looked out of the hall and saw several people rushing in. In front of him were three elders of Zhangxing hall, and behind was a graceful woman. The last one is Lanling. Now, she is familiar with the spirit of a few people in the mountain, because she has always seen him in the shadow of the sun.

When the three elders came in, they saw yunqianyue standing in the hall. They were overjoyed and said, "the goddess has finally woken up!"

"Lao three elders are thinking about it!" Cloud shallow moon to three people to smile kindly.

"I reckon that the goddess should wake up these two days." The envoy came and was very close to the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon is also close to her a lot, gentle smile, "you help me under the cold pool, hard work!"

The emissary said with a smile: "my subordinates are the envoys of the temple of God. The temple of God is the goddess who sits down. If the goddess is in trouble, this is my duty. It is the blessing of Mount Yunshan and the temple that the goddess has been treated with kindness. "

Cloud light moon smell speech suddenly correct color, to four people way: "you know, I can't stay in Yunshan."

All of a sudden, the four people saw her with a good look and were all stunned.

"I have inherited the spirit skill of the cloud family and have been treated with kindness. This is my blessing. Although you respect me as a goddess, I don't think I can repay Yunshan. My husband is Rong Jing, a descendant of Murong family. He will recover the whole world, unify the country and return the beautiful mountains and rivers in the world. Naturally, I will follow him and look at the world side by side with him. " The cloud light moon's voice is quiet, unfolds the matter in the bright place.

The three elders looked at each other and did not speak.

The messenger was silent for a moment.

Cloud shallow moon looks at four people, if there is no cloud mountain, she can not live now, Yunshan to her great kindness, she has no teeth unforgettable. However, if she had the scenery, she had to give up the mountain and let it be. If it was not for the sake of the scenery, how could she have come to Yunshan to experience hardships and live only to live?

So, always just for him, always for him, how can you stay in Yunshan?

She would like to fly back now!

"You don't admit that you are a goddess, but you have the inheritance of Yunshan goddess in your body, which is the goddess recognized by Yunshan. What's more, you have won the approval of the spiritual power of the ancestors of all ages, and absorbed the spiritual power of the ancestors who practiced in the orchid stage. You can't get rid of the relationship with Yunshan. " The elder thought for a moment, slowly opened his mouth, and said in a deep thought: "you haven't woken up these days, we are also considering this matter. As you know, Yunshan takes the young master as the respect, and the goddess as the precious. He is in charge of the punishment hall and the temple of the Secretary for the protection of the little Lord and the goddess. The Yun nationality, which has been passed down for thousands of years, requires the young master to marry the goddess. It is also the will of God that you have not made marriage with the little Lord. There are precedents for this matter in the ancestors. Now that the fact has been established, you have no relationship with the little Lord, but there is no need to talk about it. It's just that you can't easily draw a conclusion about this separation from Yunshan. The vitality of Shaozhu is greatly damaged. Yunshan can't do without you. "

"Good! We know the goddess. You love King Shizi deeply. He is also the root of our cloud family. If you marry, it's not a matter outside the mine. The fact has been made, and it is reasonable to make an exception. The three of them have already discussed with the goddess. Naturally, they will not interfere in your marriage with jingshizi. But as for staying in Yunshan, please think twice. " The two elders immediately said.

The three elders nodded, "it's not easy for the cloud mountain to be reborn and the goddess to be reborn after this great difficulty. Your root is in Yunshan. You can't ignore Yunshan. "

The cloud shallow moon hears speech, the heart covers heavy, but the eyebrow eye is firm and resolute, not moved.

Since the spirit of God and yunqianyue have a good understanding of her strong will and deep love for Rongjing, she broke the depression and said: "now the heavenly sage is fighting, and there is gunsmoke everywhere. The goddess is seven months pregnant and just wakes up, so it is not suitable for running. It's a big deal. It's better to wait for the young master to wake up and we'll have a long-term consideration. There will always be a compromise. "

The three Hall elders think it's reasonable. It's not easy for Yun Qianyue to survive. They don't want to force her. They all nod.

Yun Qianyue turned around and looked at Shangguan Mingyue who was unconscious in bed. She felt that she was too heavy and weak to leave. She nodded, and agreed with the envoy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!