The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1173

Cloud shallow month a Leng, "so?"

"That's it The old woman said with a smile, "King Shizi's talent is so great that how many people in this world can match?"? My son didn't know the height of heaven and earth. He wanted to learn from Jing Shizi. Ah... "

Cloud shallow month pulled pull pull the corner of the mouth, smile way: "Rong Jing is a few talented, also have nothing to recommend."

The old woman looked at the moon and said, "girl, do you know King Shizi?"

Cloud shallow moon nods, "met once."

"Look at me. My old lady is confused. The girl is from Tiansheng capital, and she comes from everyone. It's not unusual to see the king of the world. My son... " The old woman stopped suddenly, stood up and said, "my old man and son are back!"

Yunqianyue heard the sound of footsteps coming to the yard and the barking of dogs. She looked at the sky, and it was noon. I think it's firewood. I've come to dinner.

"Strange, didn't they go to silver moon city to sell firewood today? I'm supposed to be back at night. " The old woman said doubtfully, and said to the cloud light moon, "girl, sit down first. I'll go out and open the door for them."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

The old woman ran out of the door in a hurry.

Yunqianyue watched her open the door. Outside, an old man and a young man stood outside with a bundle of firewood on their shoulders. Both of them were wearing cotton padded jackets, followed by a big wolf dog. The wolf dog was barking at the door. The old man is naturally about the same age as the old woman, about 50 or 60 years old. The young man is handsome, but his skin is a little dark. He is eighteen or nine years old. He has strong roots and strong bones. He is not fat or thin. He has a good physique after cutting firewood all the year round. Although he is carrying firewood, he has a scholar's temperament about reading books. His eyes are clear and his eyebrows are clear. He likes reading with old women The description that the book is not afraid of hardship is very appropriate.

"Someone from home?" The old man looked at the old woman and saw that she was in good condition. He seemed to be relieved and put down the firewood.

"Niang, who is it?" The young man put down the firewood and asked.

"It's a girl who went to visit relatives in the capital city of Southern Xinjiang. I'm tired on the way. I'll take a rest and leave after dinner The old woman looked at the father and son and asked, "why did you come back so early? Why didn't you go to Yinyue city to sell firewood today

"The mountain flower of the West courtyard saw that you were coming to this yard. He ran to the back mountain and told us that we didn't trust you, so we didn't go to sell firewood and came back to have a look." "Stewed chicken?" the old man asked

"That girl is a girl from a rich family. She gave her a ding of silver. We had nothing to eat, so we stewed a fat chicken." The old woman took out the silver and showed it to the old man, "you see, this one ingot of silver is enough for you to cut firewood for a year."

"Why do you want so much money for a meal The old man asked discontentedly.

"I said no, but the girl insisted on giving it. Didn't I think that if zhao'er had money on her way this year, she would not suffer? I left it. " Old women are humane.

"Mother, did you agree that I should go to the capital city?" Shen Zhao looked at the old woman in surprise.

The old woman took a look at him and said, "you always dream that you want to go to the capital city. If your father and I don't want you to go, you can't hate us for a lifetime?" After that, she collected the silver and said to the man, "I'll keep it for you. The girl said that the scientific examination once every three years should also be held this year. Although the Regent is in power, he will not abolish this system, and it will be postponed."

"That would be great!" Shen Zhao laughed happily. "My father and I picked some snow mushrooms. We wanted to keep them for the Spring Festival. Now we'll make them for this girl."

"Good!" The old woman nodded with a smile.

Shen Zhao bent over and untied the bag with dry wood and handed it to the old woman.

"Miss Shen is a person who has a good taste. This snow mushroom is very good. Only when it snows the first time can it grow snow mushroom. It can be found only when the snow falls properly. Moreover, it is not easy to see. Now I'm going to wash and cook. " As she spoke, the old woman happily walked to the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen door, she did not forget to tell Shen Zhao, "go in and meet that girl. She is also a literate. She has met Jing Shizi once. Aren't you going to take a scientific examination? Ask the girl if you don't understand

When Shen Zhao heard the speech, his eyes brightened, and he came to the house.

It seems that the old man also wants to see the moon and follow Shen Zhao.

Yun Qianyue has been looking at the outside, thinking that such people are simple and not greedy for cheap goods. Shen Zhao can bear hardships and work hard. Although the notes in the book are not as good as they were, they are more insightful than the original Yunli. If such a person is trained and refined, she will surely come to something not in the pool. She reaches out and rubs her forehead and murmurs in a low voice, "Rongjing, If I help you to recruit a talent, you should not think I commit peach blossom? After all, people are for you

"Has this girl met King Shizi?" Shen Zhao quickly walked into the room and asked the first sentence. He saw that Yun Qianyue looked up at him. His face turned red. He seemed to feel abrupt and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"You boy! Is that what you asked? " The old man followed him in, knocked Shen Zhaotou, and said, "is he a girl, or is he from Tiansheng capital? No courtesy? "Shen Zhao is a little embarrassed, but still raised his head, curiously looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow month stands up, to the old man smile way: "uncle doesn't matter." Then she said to Shen Zhao, "well, I've seen Rongjing."

Shen zhaoyixi, "is jingshizi the same as the one publicized?" He seemed too excited to care about it. He looked at the cloud and asked excitedly, "it's that poem that says," the color of the snow and jade in the brocade clothes, look back and smile at the world. "

Yun Qianyue looks at Shen Zhao's excited eyebrows and eyes and thinks that the old woman is not exaggerating. Her son has been poisoned by Rongjing. She nodded with a smile! He is also a man, eating and sleeping. It's better learning and growing up. The rest is the same as normal people. "

Shen Zhao was excited when he heard the speech, "girl, did you talk to King Shizi?"

"Well, said it!" Yunqianyue thinks that she has more than said that the person who talks to her most is about him.

Shen Zhao's eyes glowing at Yun Qianyue, "that's great. What did you and Jing Shizi say? Can you tell me? I admire King Shizi and want to know... "

Before he finished speaking, he was beaten again by the old man, "you son of a bitch! When it comes to jingshizi, you are just like beating chicken blood. " After that, he said to Yun Xiaoyue: "don't mind, girl. My son has admired King Shizi since he was a child. Everything about him is as if he had been poisoned

Yunqianyue thinks that if there were stars chasing in ancient times, she met one here. She looked at Shen Zhao's excited eyes in a funny way, thinking that if she said she was yunqianyue, she didn't know what expression he would have? However, everyone in the world respected Rongjing and pushed him to a height that emperors envied. It's not uncommon for teenagers to worship him in this way. However, in order to avoid trouble, it's better not to say too much. So she said, "he just said that girl, please make way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!