The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1172

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon eyes squint, "it seems that she is aiming at me, I also want to know, where I have South Xinjiang King important."

"The young master will send back a letter soon. I feel that the enemy and I are not clear. You'd better not act and wait for the news from the young master." Mo Ju suggested softly.

"Nature!" Yun Xiaoyue nodded, "I hope your childe can make clever plans this time. He knows everything and knows everything. He knows the origin and purpose of this uncle in southern Xinjiang."

Ink chrysanthemum did not come to the voice, it seems to cloud shallow moon words do not know how to answer.

Cloud shallow moon smile, "pass on my letter to him!"

"Yes Mo Ju's voice is a little strange, retreating.

Yun Qianyue stretched out her forehead and looked out of the window, thinking about what had happened along the way, and the centipede that she had collected. Did the uncle of Nanjiang want to hurt her or try her out? Now that two days have passed, is it time for her mother to enter Nanliang capital? Even if I didn't go to Nanliang capital, it should be near the capital.

The smell of stewed chicken came out of the window. Yunqianyue took back her thoughts and no longer thought about it. She sat in a chair and closed her eyes.

After a while, the old woman came into the room and saw Yun Xiaoyue sitting on the chair with her eyes closed. She quickly came over and asked her to pat her, "girl, if you are tired, you should lie down and rest. Although we are a mountain family, I love quiet, and the bedding has not been washed for two days. If you don't like it, I'll get you a new set of bedding and put it on the Kang

Cloud shallow month opens an eye, smile to shake head, "I am not tired, big you if have no matter, we talk for a while."

"I'll stew the chicken. It's OK. If you don't feel tired, talk about it for a while." The old woman a smile, sat in front of the table, looked at the cloud shallow moon way: "the girl is the heaven holy capital to come?"

Cloud light moon blinks an eye, "aunt how to see? Why don't you think I'm from Xiliang or Xiyan? "

The old woman shook her head with a smile, "the girl is noble, dignified in temperament, kind to others, generous in hand, and seems to have seen the world. A girl like you can only be raised in a prosperous place like Tiansheng and a big country."

Cloud shallow moon smile, "the heavenly capital city in the idea of aunt feel really prosperous?"

"That's nature! Many people dream of going to the heavenly capital, where it is said that the wind and flute are played day and night, and the noble people are romantic. My son wants to go to Tiansheng capital for a job. However, it's a long way to go. It's not a small matter to go to Tiansheng capital to seek a job. We have been blocking him, but he has not gone. He cut firewood all day and bought some books to read The old woman said: "when I and the old man are old, can't move, or buried bone, can't stop, he estimated to go."

"What kind of books to buy?" Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"I'll bring it to you. You see, the old man and I don't know big characters. He loved reading since he was a child. Unfortunately, it's far from the city. There is no private school here. So he went to Yinyue city 50 miles away, sold firewood for money, taught the cost of the private school, and learned calligraphy with the private school teachers in Yinyue city. He has been learning Chinese for more than ten years, cutting firewood half a day every day, and walking five days later Ten miles to silver moon city, then study there for two hours in the evening, and then rush back all night. I look hard, but he doesn't think it's hard. Not only have I learned all the books, but also I haven't cut a lot of firewood, and I'm very strong in practice. " The old woman said, while going to the cupboard to take out a few books and handed them to Yunqian, laughing and laughing. Speaking of her son, I'm so proud.

On hearing this, Yun Qianyue also admired her for having such a son who was not afraid to study hard in spite of rain and rain. She reached out to take the book with a smile. She saw that the contents of several books were different. When you open it, you can see that there are heavenly saints' historical records, a collection of classics and history books, poems and songs, and military compilation. In a few short books, we can see the wide range of books. Moreover, the pages are old and the outer cover is damaged. However, it is obvious that many words are often read, and some of them are annotated. The handwriting is rich and beautiful.

"The girl is literate at first sight." The old woman said with a smile.

"Auntie, I haven't asked you your name. How old is your son? When did your son read all these books? " Cloud shallow moon looks at annotation, ask at the same time.

"The old man's surname is Miao, and his husband's family is Shen. He has always followed his husband's surname. The old man's name is Shen Sande. He is 19 years old. The son was named Xiao Si after he was born. Later, after his son read and read, he changed his name to Shen Zhao. The old man and I didn't understand the meaning, so he explained to us that Zhao meant to shine on the family and ancestors. " The old woman was smiling and said, "our ancestors have been living here for generations. My family used to be a hunter's family and lived in the back mountain. His father met a tiger when cutting firewood and was saved by my father. Later, my father saw that his father was honest, so he married me to his father. He had been a poor man for several years. Now he doesn't want to have such a person who wants to read and shine I don't know which life is the blessing of the ancestral children. "

"It turns out that I'm 19 years old, and I haven't got a wife?" The average man who is 19 years old thinks about marriage.

"No, there is a girl in the West courtyard who likes him, but he has no mind. He is bent on reading and wants to go out. Three years ago, there was a scientific examination in Shengjing, but we didn't trust him. We stopped him. The emperor of Tiansheng died this year. It is said that the Regent is in power. I don't know if he can continue the scientific examination. " The old woman said: "in the past three years, he has worked harder to study, and his father and I have some regrets. We should let him go when we stopped him. However, he is the only one in our family. I really can't give up. What's wrong with Tiansheng capital so far away from here"There is no news of this year's scientific examination, and I don't know whether it will be held. I think it should be. It is an ancient production. The Regent is in power. It should not be abolished. It will continue. However, there are many things in Tiansheng capital, which may be postponed. " Cloud light moon road.

"If there is a scientific examination, we are afraid we can't stop him." The old woman was happy and worried.

"It's good for a man to have a will." Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"Yes, although my old lady doesn't know Chinese characters, she knows this truth. She is too worried." Old women are humane.

"Auntie, I don't understand at all. You said that you have lived here for generations, that is, people from southern Xinjiang. Why does your son live far away from home? Why not go to the capital of Southern Xinjiang Cloud shallow moon asks suspiciously.

"Well, if he went to the capital of Southern Xinjiang, the old man and I would not stop him. Unfortunately, he admired King Shizi and didn't go there. He thinks that southern Xinjiang is a small country and a small position. If he wants to go, he will go to the heavenly sage power and seek for a big job. Like King Shizi, he is famous all over the world and respected by the people. That is the talent of learning and worshipping. " The old woman laughed helplessly, "my son talks about jingshizi in three words. As long as someone talks about jingshizi, he will forget cutting firewood." , the fastest update of the webnovel!