Tearmoon Empire Story

260 Leaving Episode 111: "I'll Be Right Back," Emeralda disappeared

"Well...... you also need to manage to escape to attend the tea party that Emeralda invites you to...... Anne, how did you get here? Or why are you here in the first place?

Meer, who succeeded in Emeralda's rhetoric, once again goes into checking the situation.

"Yes. Actually..."

Hearing Anne explain, Meer sighed unexpectedly.

"I see. So the road from there has collapsed, too?

I was just a little delighted to hear that there was a different route from what we came by, Meer, but soon that hope squished.

"Yes. It seems difficult for us to remove the collapsed debris. Besides, we have to go up a steep hill..."

Anne glanced at Emeralda's feet for a moment before

"Unfortunately, it's going to be hard to get out of here. Meer, where are you?

"That's what got us into the collapse of the ground too..."

Meer remembers where she fell earlier.

"After all, it seems impossible to climb."

"I guess so. If Miss Emeralda is injured, it's too harsh."

"For once, there was a cave stretching out on the other side where it fell..."

There is no guarantee anywhere that goes through the ground......

"In the meantime, let's see if there are any other exits around this temple. And if there seems to be nothing else, would it be nice to go back to where we fell earlier?

Survival experts (specialists) Everyone on the spot nods honestly to Meer's suggestion... Is it going to be okay?

All right, there, until then, Anne, who kept her mouth shut, softly raised her hand.

"Um, Mia. Why don't you get some rest? Emeralda is injured on her leg, and Mia looks a little tired."

The moment it was pointed out, fluffy, the yawn leaked out of Meer's mouth.

"I see, that's true...... Shall we take a short break before we begin?"

After a lot of dormancy, Meer and the others looked around the temple. To be more precise, while Meer was taking a longer dormant sleep, the three of us who had finished short sleep hand-in-hand searched the area......

As a result, it turns out that the route that is still likely to proceed is only in two places: where the Annes came and where the Meers came.

"I hope that other path leads to the outside..."

With a glimmer of hope, the line returned to the point of fall between Meer and Abel.

As soon as I arrived, Abel opened her mouth.

"The water level is rising again. So is the road until you get here, but I feel the water is up more than just now"

As the word goes, the water level, which until earlier was up to the ankle, is now about on the knee again.

"Well, if it means there's a tidal pull, then there's hope. It means it leads to the sea outside."

Emeralda put water on her hand and took it to her mouth.

"It's soggy, and it's definitely seawater. There's a good chance it's connected to the outside. Just..."

I look up at the ceiling, and then I turn my gaze toward the Meers.

"I think you should wait a little while to get out there. I've heard that the ocean at night is very dangerous."

With Emeralda's prophecy in mind, the Meers decided to take another nap.

The cave is a little cold, so it hardens all of us.

- This cold reminds me of the dungeon, but hehe, it's kind of, it's weird and fun.

He was hungry, but he was kind of a fun meer.

- If I may... I hope this will be a pleasant memory of one summer.

Eventually, from the hole in the ceiling, the sun came in snugly.

The morning has come.

Strangely, when the light of day was seen, the blue light in the water disappeared.

- Hmm, a glowing creature at night, is it?

The problem was that the future ahead was sinking into darkness.

As a matter of course, no light enters the cave. or so, holding a pine light...... that doesn't make sense. If I had to dive in the water, the fire would go out.

"I was wondering if this could happen!

At that time, it was Emeralda who raised her good voice.

Besides, the pendant that Emeralda took out of her chest. The stones caught in there emit a pale light.

"With this, you'll be able to secure your sight for a while. I don't know what's going on up ahead, and I'll see how it goes. There may also be a need to dive along the way..."

That's what I said, Emeralda, who refreshes and strips away her clothes. When I look like a swimsuit that I have been wearing since I took a bath, I try to get into the water.

"Wait. I'm here. Ladies, you need to rest here."

Abel stops in a hurry, but Emeralda looked down at him like that and said.

"That's not how it works. Prince Abel, I ask you an attempt, are you good at swimming?

"No, I can swim for once, but I'm not as good at it..."

Emeralda laughs as proud as she is of Abel, whose bat looks bad.

"Yes. Then I'd like you to leave this place to me. I've been swimming every summer since I was a little girl."

"But I can't let you do such a dangerous thing."

"Thank you for your concern. But, Prince Abel, aren't you a little unconscious?

"Consciousness? What does that mean?

To Abel leaning his neck, Emeralda smiled, hehe,

"No matter what, it's settled. Meer, I feel like I'm going to be your partner."


Kachi, to Abel, who is hardened, Emeralda giggles softly.

"It's impossible that I, the Duchess of Stars (Etwarryn), would put my best friend and empress, Mia's husband, in danger. Well, this is about your own life, Mia. Failure is never tolerated. You can't give up here."

Now Anne raised her hand as she was listening on the side.

"But, Emeralda, what about your ankle injury?

"Heh...? Injury, is it? Ah..."

Hey, Emeralda, look away a little awkwardly...

"Wow, I forgot. Oh, Anne... I think you might have taken good care of her."


Listen to Emeralda, and soon, Meer tilts her neck.

"So, is there anything to complain about? Meer!"

Meer smiled small at Emeralda, who looked musty.

"No, it's nothing."

Then I lowered my head deeply, and then I said:

"Best wishes, Mr. Emeralda"

To Meer like that, Emeralda smiled small.

"Yeah. I'll definitely bring back some good news. So, when you get home safely from this island, it's time to have a big tea party with Mia!

Somehow...... I said a line I shouldn't have said, with a grand chest up, before Emeralda laughed.

That was a soft, roughly like she'd never floated, gentle grin......

"It's okay. I'll be right back."

But... behind that word... Emeralda, who disappeared into the water, did not return.

... for 'right away'.