Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2533

"I\'m glad that you have changed from seeds to small trees."

After dinner, Fang Xing and Ma Su went to the study. There was no tea on the table, but a map.

"Your Majesty has just captured those people. The morale of the scientific children is greatly boosted. This is the time of the day. Suzhou mansion is not far from Jinling and is close to Songjiang mansion below. They are all good places, and the waterway is quite convenient. This is the geographical advantage."

Fang Xing drank some wine, pointed to the map and said, "it\'s absurd to say that Su Song has paid taxes for half the world, but now there are more than 10 million stones in the tax grain owed by Suzhou government!"

Ma Su said with a wry smile, "teacher, this is the handwriting of emperor Taizu Gao. Your majesty is not easy to move!"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Your Majesty was hard to move when he first ascended the throne, but now is the time. This is the harmony of people. The weather, geography and people are in harmony. Your majesty is generous enough to you. If you can\'t make achievements, you\'ll stay in Suzhou all the time."

Ma Su said, "Your Majesty is very kind, and the disciple will certainly work hard. But the disciple went to the south, and the teacher asked him to take care of his body..."

Fang Xing smiled and scolded, "I\'m in good health! Go away!"


The next morning, Fang woke up and asked Ping An to send Ma Su south, while Li Ermo also asked for leave to see him off.

When they got to the main road, masu wouldn\'t let them go down again.

"Er Mao, you went to shuntianfu this time. Although you are close, there are more people staring at you, so be careful."

Li Ermao said: "yes, the former imperial censor was not watched by anyone. Now he is an official. When he does something, he makes mistakes. But I am not afraid."

He looked at Ma Su and said, "you went to Suzhou. There is a fertile land over there. There are a lot of heroes and powers. You should cheer up."

Ma Su said with a smile, "OK, let\'s be on one side. We\'ll get together again in the capital in a few years. Then we\'ll get drunk together!"

Li Er Mao arched his hand and said, "have a nice trip."

Ma Su arched his hands, and then told him to be safe and filial, so he set out with his family.

Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, fragrant grass is green.

In the other direction, a group of people are seeing off a man.

"It\'s a great talent in the Department, but it\'s sad to be selected as the son-in-law. However, it\'s said that the princess is virtuous. After she marries, she can naturally add fragrance to tea. Boating on the lake is also a great pleasure in life."

"The princess has won the favor of two generations of emperors. She is also today\'s compatriots and sisters. She has a lot of care. Since then, she has been rich and noble. Why be depressed."

"Yes! Now your majesty hates our generation. Instead, he has promoted those evil people to three levels. Therefore, a jade gentleman like the middle brother of the Department had better stay away from disputes."

"The middle brother of the department seems angry, but he is happy in his heart! Don\'t send it away. Let the middle brother of the Department go to the city."

The man surrounded in the middle was as heavy as water. He arched his hands and said, "thank you for seeing me off. I\'ll say goodbye."

The group of people roared with laughter. Someone said, "when you go to the capital, remember to be careful in your words and deeds, otherwise the princess will have no future in the future."

The man nodded and got on his horse.

After entering the city, he asked all the way to find the zongrenfu.

An old man was in the imperial residence. The man saluted. The old man opened his eyes and said listlessly, "are you Li Wei?"

The man replied, "yes, the student is Li Wei."

The old man looked at him and said, "if you win the imperial examination, you can be regarded as a young Junyan. But once you have the princess, you will break the road of the imperial examination, will you?"

The man nodded and said, "students are willing."

The old man then talked to him and talked nonsense all over the world.

It was a long pull until the old man felt hungry.

"Let\'s have dinner together."

During the meal, Li Wei was very cautious and didn\'t look up in the whole process.

But the old man ate very easily. After dinner, he asked someone to bring tea.

At this time, the old man asked about his family at will, and Li Wei answered carefully.

When I got out of the capital and went all the way back to my home in Tongzhou, it was completely dark.

After meeting his parents, Li Wei said what he had seen and heard in the capital, and then said discontentedly, "father, the son-in-law is in droves, but the child can\'t avoid it. If only he could pretend to be ill and hide."

Father Li sighed, "you are the only one left. How can you hide? Hiding is bullying the king."

Li\'s mother said discontentedly, "what a bully! You have to love me for marriage. Otherwise, even if the princess marries in, she won\'t want to salute me. I can\'t afford to be her mother-in-law."

Father Li advised, "what are you stubborn about at this time? If we really want to decide that our son is our son-in-law, then we can enjoy wealth and wealth. Think about it, how nice a princess is to be respectful to you? If you are not satisfied, you can scold her."

The princess of the Zhu family is rare and domineering. This is the head opened by Zhu Yuanzhang.

So after marrying the princess, as long as you don\'t mess around, it\'s basically stable.


Li Wei suddenly said, "after marrying the princess, the whole family has no way to be an official."

Father Li frowned and said, "no problem, no one in our family can be admitted to the official position except you. But those people are afraid they will take the opportunity to ridicule our family. Then they will ask for benefits."

Mother Li shrieked, "it\'s all the lost star..."

Li Fu quickly covered her mouth and shouted, "be careful, walls have ears!"

Li\'s mother struggled to break free, and then scolded: "what about the princess? Can\'t my mother-in-law order her to do things? Then let the Department live at home and let her live alone!"

Li Fu said with a bitter smile, "you can\'t take concubines in the Department!"

Mother Li sneered and said, "why not! It\'s a servant girl at that time. Who dares to recognize it? Who dares to marry the princess in the future?"

Li Wei listened and finally said, "father, mother, let\'s wait until the dust is settled."

Knowing that her son agreed with her, mother Li said, "don\'t worry, my mother naturally has the means to learn from her and let her serve you honestly at that time."

Li Wei glanced at his father who was just smiling bitterly. Remembering that his mother had been able to press his father\'s wrist, he said, "mother, let\'s talk about it then."

The next morning Levi went out for a walk, and the neighbors congratulated him.

For those who have no hope of becoming an official, being a son-in-law means going to heaven step by step, so these congratulations are mixed with envy, jealousy and hatred, which makes Levi feel better.

After those classmates and friends came, everyone asked him about yesterday.

"It\'s inquiry."

Li Wei simply said, someone said: "brother in the Department, it is said that the son-in-law should be respectful!"

This man is in contradiction with Li Weiping, so a sentence that seems to be concerned makes Li Wei sneer in his heart.

Another said, "you know a fart! Your majesty said that although the royal family wants to ensure the royal dignity when marrying a daughter in the future, the princess and the daughter of the imperial family should not be arrogant, let alone domineering. They should live with ordinary couples."

"When did your majesty say that? Why don\'t we know?"

The man said triumphantly, "my cousin is a little boy in the Xinxiang County King\'s house. I heard it with my own ears, and the Xinxiang County King said it was a good thing."

This is what Zhu Zhanji said to the imperial clan in Beijing during the Chinese New Year. First, he beat it. Second, he wanted to reform the marriage of the imperial clan and remove some rigid rules.

So everyone congratulated Li Wei.

Li Wei replied modestly, "it\'s just a fluke."

Ordinary couple?

Li Wei remembered his mother\'s words and gradually became less resistant to the marriage.