Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2440

Yang Rong went out of the class with an expressionless face and said, "Your Majesty, Fang Han has been assessed."

Zhu Zhanji nodded slightly. Youxun Qi said discontentedly, "Lord Yang, martial arts people haven\'t seen it."

Today, let\'s see how your princes and ministers fulfill their lies!

Those honourable relatives were watching Fong Hsiang with interest. They only felt that today\'s meeting would probably go down in history and be "immortal.".

The emperor protected his favorite ministers and lied in front of them.

What is the nature of this?

The Xun and Qi who had been suffocating were secretly happy in their hearts, and many civil servants were also secretly happy.

Yang Rong sighed and said, "Your Majesty arrived at the king\'s house of Han five days ago. I and several auxiliary ministers were there. The people around your majesty assessed several royal Highnesses and Fang Han on the spot. I witnessed the whole process, and there were only many achievements."

Jin Youzi had been holding back, but now he had to go out of class to explain: "I was there that day, and the professor in charge of assessment in martial arts was there. The professor said that Fang Han\'s achievements were not sharp, but everything was not bad. This is the talent of a great general!"

Yang Shiqi was there that day. He nodded and said, "the professor said that Fang Han was better than the old students in martial arts in several subjects. Fortunately, there was no public assessment, otherwise the martial arts school would be fried."

Everyone knows that he is upright, so it\'s a certainty.

The Xun Qi who asked questions and the Xun Qi who questioned outside felt a fever on their faces.

Fang Xing didn\'t say anything until now. He left the class and said, "Your Majesty, I think it\'s more or less controversial. Otherwise, there will be a group of new people to assess recently. Fang Han will be re assessed with them at that time, so as to eliminate the misunderstanding."

what the fuck!

It\'s too hard to hit the face!

Those questioned Xun Qi woke up with a look at Fang, embarrassed and regretted.

How big would the potatoes be if they were assessed together?

Among the children who take part in the examination, potato\'s age is probably within the last few.

Such an age gap, if potatoes pull down too much assessment results, where does this face go?

Zhu Zhanji pondered, as if considering whether it was appropriate.

Fang Xingzheng said, "Your Majesty, martial arts is the foundation of the country. How can it be reduced to a place for favoritism? I\'ll talk to my minister later and let him practice in martial arts recently. At that time, I\'ll try to get a good result and clear the suspicion."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "well, it\'s fair and just. There\'s nothing to say."

Then Zhu Zhanji said, "martial arts enrollment has a routine. It\'s still early, so I\'ll make an exception for you. I hope to see the Junyan of Daming display their talents at that time."

A small number of Xun Qi calmly went out of class to thank him, and most Xun Qi complained in their hearts.

At first, they still wanted to muddle through, but the emperor even Fang Han dragged in. It can be seen that they are iron core and want to be business.

Who provoked Fang Xing?

After the dynasty dispersed, Youxun Qi shouted and scolded, "my son can\'t run. What else should he be assessed? Who has to hold the assessment and can\'t shut up?"


The relatives were silent for a while, and the people who had questioned Fang Xing earlier accelerated their steps.

The situation could not be more obvious. The emperor was still struggling with how to tell them to be business, but they were clinging to the assessment of potatoes, that is, they gave the emperor ammunition, and then things became logical.

Did this man think of it from the beginning?

Those people looked at Fang Xing\'s calm attitude and couldn\'t help being annoyed.

According to Fang Xing\'s nature, he should have refuted it when questioned outside today, but he just replied coldly.

This is fishy!

His seemingly guilty performance made everyone think that Fang Han really didn\'t pass the examination, and then he wanted to wake Fang up.

A person has been, a group of people have been, isn\'t it?

The state officials set fire, and the people have to light the lights!

So they held on to the problem. They thought the emperor should soften his position, but they didn\'t expect

What the relatives want is to inherit the same title. It\'s best for the emperor to be soft automatically.

Of course, it\'s all right if you don\'t accept softness. As long as our children enter martial arts to fool around, even if they haven\'t learned any skills, have they learned it?

After learning it, emperor, don\'t you mean to give it to a hundred households?

no At least a thousand homes.

As long as you are willing and not afraid that the army will be damaged, we will be afraid!

But as soon as we grasp the question of whether the potato is evaluated or not, all this has come to naught.

How much smaller are potatoes than your children? He can be assessed. What can\'t you do?

Now I can\'t even get into martial arts. I don\'t even have the qualification. I\'ve ruined hundreds of homes and thousands of homes. It really makes people laugh.

The relatives came home and told the news, and all families were crying.

"Uncle, those who have old people doting on their children in their family are clamoring to see their majesty. They also say that your majesty has forgotten his ancestors\' credit. This is crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

Huang Zhong received the news quickly and looked very happy.

"Those are relying on the old and selling the old. They are flustered, so they are venting. Your majesty will not pay attention."

To see your majesty is to die. Whoever goes will have bad luck.

Of course, Huang Zhong knew this truth. He smiled and said, "those people naturally stopped, and then asked Master Wu to teach quickly, and asked someone to inquire about the content of martial arts assessment. They were busy!"

"Daming doesn\'t raise waste. That\'s what your majesty means."

Fang Xing held two walnuts in one hand, squeezed them hard, then peeled off the shell and took the pulp to eat.

The taste of walnut meat was probably the most delicious. Fang woke up and said happily, "it\'s like Shang Hui, Shang Yi made great achievements, so Ning Changbo\'s title is well deserved, but he can\'t rest with the country. What has become the title of the country?"

Fang Xing clapped his hands and said, "to reshape the cognition of reward, let them know that Daming has no iron rice bowl, running water does not rot, and household Cardinals do not bark."

Huang Zhong nodded. "The titles of the former Qin Dynasty and the former Han Dynasty need the improvement of their descendants. Otherwise, the emperor can\'t allow people to fool around. Only then can there be a large number of famous generals, and foreign enemies dare not insult. So should our Dynasty."


A group of cavalry galloped along the spacious and flat cement road, and the horseshoes beat on the ground, making a clear sound.

Trees are planted on both sides of the road, but they are still small and look very thin.

Jinan government is in sight, and the road is empty on both sides, there are no trees, and some sacks covered on the road can be seen on the road.

Suddenly there was a big sign ahead, which said, "the road is not dry, please take a detour."

There were two more men on the roadside. They sat on the ground. When they saw someone coming, they got up and said fiercely: "the cement is not dry. Don\'t cross!"


Jin Youzi gently drove his horse out of the cement Avenue. Yan Dajian followed him and looked at the distance exhausted.

From the hard concrete road to the earth road, the war horse was not suitable, and the speed slowed down immediately.

At this time, cavalry came to the front and reported: "my Lord, Xinghe Bo arrived in Jinan the day before yesterday and is on the construction site outside Jinan at the moment."

Jin Youzi said angrily, "no wonder he refused to go with us when he started. It\'s because we\'re too slow!"

Yan Dajian beat his back and said with a bitter smile, "xinghebo is the way to travel in the army. We didn\'t rest all the way, but we didn\'t have the spirit to wait for the horse to stop."

Jin Youzi said disdainfully, "I followed Emperor Wen on the Northern Expedition day and night. I was not such a weak civil servant, but he looked down on people when he woke up."

The party walked slowly along the edge of the cement road. Seeing that the roads were covered, Yan Dajian asked curiously, "what does this mean?"

No one knows this truth. Seeing someone guarding the road on the side of the road, a small official accompanying him went to ask, and came back and said, "Sir, it\'s thermal insulation and moisturizing. It\'s also said that the construction failed many times in winter. This is the last time. All the people in front stopped and tried again when a cheap way is found."

Someone muttered, "why is it so troublesome to build a road? It\'s just paving the road. Do you want to melt gold and silver?"

Jin Youzi put on a stiff face and said, "don\'t talk nonsense if you don\'t understand. This cement road is Daming\'s blood. Your majesty sent us just for the sake of a hundred years."