Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2421

After the emperor\'s instructions, the most popular in the capital was the martial arts man.

In particular, the generals who led the army in the capital have been uneasy by posts since that day.

When the dignitaries came and said they wanted to invite some martial arts masters to teach their children, the news had spread all over the world.

Such temporary cramming is of course useless, but those powerful families are still flocking to it. No one in the capital will invite Shifu.

Fang\'s family had more fire guns. After playing for a day and a half, Fang woke up and nodded slightly. The three groups of people gathered around their master to fight over. And later, someone smiled and said, "is this a martial arts outing? Whose family is so stupid?"

In a burst of laughter, Fang woke up and just looked.

Potato was riding beside the carriage. He looked back and said, "the export is not bad. Which tutor is this?"

It was a group of people in the middle who made fun of. More than a dozen big men wrapped a young man in the middle.

Hearing that the young man was furious, he stopped his horse.

If you stop your horse without saying hello at a gallop, you are either a fool or confident.

In a hurry, the more than a dozen big men reacted together, some rushed from both sides, some reined in their horses, and all kinds of riding began to perform in front of Fang Xing.

Fang woke up with an expressionless look. Worry free, who dozed off in Zhang Shuhui\'s arms in the car, was awakened. He leaned out his head and said vaguely, "Dad, are you here?"

Fang woke up and said with a smile, "soon, you\'ll be asleep for a while."

Worry free, I really went back to sleep.

The young people over there have been against potatoes, and the servants of the two families here are also confronting each other.

The other two groups of people and horses, the front one has run away, but the back one stopped and watched the excitement on the side.

The young people over there have started to get angry, "which family are you from? Report your name, or you\'ll smash your family back!"

The potato asked, "which family are you from?"

Ping An said with tacit understanding: "don\'t ask, brother. Judging from his appearance, it\'s clear that he lacks education. I\'m afraid I\'m sorry to report to myself."

The two brothers had a tacit understanding, but they were angry with the young man. "If you don\'t say it again, let people stare at you and turn around and take your family overseas!"

Tudou sneered, "which family are you from?"

This is too professional, but the young people began to see that the family had carriages and looked like traveling. They thought they didn\'t go to martial arts.

It\'s a little embarrassing.

The young man knew that it was difficult for him to ride a tiger. Seeing that Tudou was young and Ping\'an was half a child, he bluffed, "get out of here, or I\'ll clean you up!"

Fang woke up over there and thought it was interesting, but Tudou and Ping\'an were young.

Young people have less patience!

Potato suddenly whipped out. The young man didn\'t expect him to do it. He reacted slowly and avoided people, but the horse was whipped.

After a long hiss, the good horse ran away with the young man all the way.

"Young master!"

Those big men were flustered and worried that their young master would fall down, so they caught up.

The day was still dark, and we could only see each other\'s vague faces.

Master Xin asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to do it secretly?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "children always have to face some personnel alone. If they intervene too much, they will feel that they can do things without responsibility and can be weak, because there are always parents who will tell the truth. This is not good."

Xin Laoqi understood and the party began to set out.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the enlightenment star is disappearing. Martial arts is ahead.

The group of people who watched the excitement unexpectedly fell behind and followed the Fang family all the way.

Xin Laoqi asked people to stare at him. He was relieved when he saw martial arts ahead.

Martial arts hasn\'t been opened yet. The sergeant guarding the door naturally knows what\'s going on today, so he is shouting at the top of his voice, saying that it\'s more than a quarter of an hour away.

At the edge of the wall in front of martial arts, a long row of stalls are surrounded by smoke. The smell of firewood and soot, mixed with the smell of the morning, gives people a boost.

Worry free probably smelled the smell, woke up vaguely in the car, and then shouted hungry.

Fang Xing asked someone to find a cleaner stall and buy some potstickers.

At the moment, a group of people came to the front, led by the young man who had a quarrel with Tudou and was whipped.

"Take this boy!"

In the ferocious voice, Fang Xing\'s light laughter came, and Tudou said without hesitation: "fight!"

Fang Xing today made it clear that he would not make the decision, and potato, as the eldest son, would come out.

When the young tiger roars, it will startle the mountains and forests!