Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 2209

Fang Xing feels that Chen Mo is a little floating. If he doesn\'t knock it, he will probably fall on women in the future.

Chen Mo is personally taught. Anyway, he feels that he follows Fang Xing and listens to Fang Xing\'s words. That\'s why he is today.

And Fang Xing ran again for his business, which made him a little worried.

So he\'s making up his mind.

"... if the lower officer teases those unmarried women again, he will hit five thunders in the sky..."


There was a thunderbolt in the sky. Chen Mo trembled subconsciously, and then looked at the sky.

Fang Xing was also watching the sky, crying and laughing.

In the sunny sky just now, there is now a layer of mist like dark clouds.


The dark clouds are gathering fast and the color is dark.

Chen Mo stared at the scene, then remembered that Fang Xing was still here, and smiled, "xinghebo, lower official..."

"Go back."

Chen Mo is ready to go back, but he sees a group of people in the distance.

"Lord Chen!"

Seeing Chen Mo, the interpreter shouted regardless of whether it was outside the imperial city.


There was more moisture in the air. Fang woke up and knew that he was afraid of a thunderstorm. He looked at the surrounding terrain and had no place to hide.

Chen Mo has already welcomed him. Fang Xing stands outside the door and looks inside. He sees Li Bin who is squinting when the wind blows.

He looked up at the sky again and said with a bitter smile, "I can\'t hide."

The guard sergeant said sympathetically, "uncle, why don\'t you find an umbrella for you?"

"That\'s useless."

Fang Xing is riding a horse. Unless he learns from those weak scholars in Jiangnan and drives his horse slowly, the umbrella is just a burden.

That kind of delicate posture is only liked by those ignorant girls.

Big drops of rain fell without any sign. Fang woke up and saw Li Bin running, so he entered the door.


Behind him came the sound of hurried footsteps, and Chen Mo shouted behind him.

Fang woke up and saw three messengers and interpreters.

"Your Excellency..."

Without waiting for the interpreter, Fang woke up and said coldly, "step back!"

"He told me to stand back!"

The two interpreters thought it was really boring to come out this time, and they were yelled around.

So even talking is listless.

Doc said angrily, "what does that mean?"

"Stand back!"

The sergeant guarding the gate also came out. They held the handle of a knife and forced it.

"Step back, step back!"

Dobel knew the truth that a hero didn\'t suffer losses at present, so he stretched out his arms to show that he was harmless, and then glanced at Li Bin who ran behind Fang Xing.

The three were forced to retreat to a distance where they couldn\'t hear the voice inside the door, and then watched Fang wake up and talk to the eunuch.

"..... the empress said that she worked hard to make peace with Bo. When she enters the palace without worry another day, she will naturally give more delicious food."

The Empress Dowager\'s words were very funny. Fang Xing also smiled, "thank you for your grace."

Li Bin glanced at the people in the distance and asked, "how\'s your majesty?"


There was also a gap between the most noble mother and son. Fang woke up and didn\'t know whether to laugh or helpless.

"Your Majesty is exhausted. He can\'t sleep well recently. In addition, he is suppressing his anger. He is extremely angry."

"Why are you angry?"

Li Bin asked for the Empress Dowager. In his opinion, as an emperor, Zhu Zhanji has been doing well both inside and outside the Ming Dynasty recently, and there is no bad news.

oh The bad news is that the Empress Dowager did not give Zhu Qizhen\'s classmate\'s grandmother\'s favor, but let Zhu Qiyu\'s children take the lead.


Fang Xing pointed to his temple and said, "Your Majesty is too hardworking and overworked. He can\'t hold his breath and will be angry easily, but he finally held it down. Finally, he held it back. That\'s what today... You have to tell your mother that your majesty needs to rest, mainly sleeping and being happy."

Li Bin looked around and whispered, "what about the second prince?"

This question is abrupt, but it has a deep meaning.

The best way to make Zhu Zhanji happy is to give face to sun and the second prince, so he is naturally happy.

"That\'s impossible!"

Fang Xing said firmly, "I told your majesty."

"His is his, and Daming\'s is Daming\'s."

Li Bin breathed a sigh, then bowed his hand and said, "so our family will go back. Xinghebo, go slowly."

It is raining cats and dogs. Raindrops fall on the ground, splashing with dense water and foam. It is like a thin layer of rain that has countless fish moving.

Li Bin said with a wry smile, "xinghebo, wait, but we don\'t dare to wait."

Then he took the umbrella handed by the sergeant and rushed into the rain curtain with several eunuchs.

Fang wakes up and looks at the envoys of the Three Kingdoms who are hiding under the eaves on the side. Chen Mo is talking to the interpreter, so he beckons Chen Mo to come over.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo rushed over. When Fang woke up, he had become a drowned chicken.

This is a small punishment.

"What did they say?"

As the rain continued, Chen Mo wiped his face and said, "the original date has changed. They say Daming doesn\'t mean what he says, which means... He doesn\'t mean what he says now. How can he be a friend in the future."

Chen Mo also complained: the palace sent someone to ask the etiquette department to inform him, but he was blinded by the drum, so he had to fight when facing the envoys of the Three Kingdoms just now.

He felt that those people were jealous. They were jealous of their fate and abilities.

Shameful man!

Then he saw Fang Xing\'s face more cold and fierce.

No, it\'s cold.

Chen Mo shivers and thinks he\'s too proud. He\'s dying!

"Then don\'t do it."

Chen Mo is stunned and immediately knows Fang Xing\'s meaning.

"No more..."


Fang couldn\'t wake up and went home. Thinking that Zhuzhu was coming again today, he didn\'t know how to deal with the heavy rain, so he said, "your waist should be straight. Don\'t be a friend... Then be an opponent. Just tell them."

Chen Mo begged: "Xinghe uncle, uncle, the lower officials will be cleaned up."

If the envoys of the Three Kingdoms turn their faces together, Chen Mo thinks Hu will peel his skin.

There was no temperature in Fang Xing\'s eyes. He looked at the three messengers and hooked his fingers at them.

This is humiliation!

Chen Mo rushes into the rain again and stumbles over.

Doc\'s complexion has become sauce red, and Abel is the same. Both of them are angry with Fang Xing\'s hook finger.

Only Henry remained calm.

"Xing Hebo wants to see you!"

Chen Mo abandoned the silly smile when everyone took a bath yesterday and said coldly, "you\'d better go right away."

Doc said angrily, "what does he want to say? He doesn\'t care about it. What does he want to do?"

Dobel also said angrily, "is he humiliating us?"

Chen Mo Ting straightened his back and said loudly, "Xinghe Bo said, if you don\'t be a friend, then be an opponent!"

It rained heavily, and it was silent here.