Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1991

"If you don\'t sleep according to the time, you will feel dizzy when you wake up. If you drink some wine, you will feel more dizzy, but it\'s very quiet. This feeling is very wonderful."

Fang Xing sits in the yard opposite Wang He, enjoying the cool.

On the night of early autumn, the moon flowed in the courtyard like water.

The shadows of the trees whirled and were scattered on the ground by the moonlight. Unknown insects are chirping around. When the patrolling Sergeant passes by, he will be quiet for a moment, and then hiss loudly like revenge.

Wang he felt some itching on his back. He scratched his back a few times, and then said comfortably, "Xing Hebo, the servants have gone out, and there are scouts..."

Fang woke up and sneezed, rubbed his nose and said, "some people think we can only come to light, so they are very proud to hide in the dark. I want them to see. If it\'s dark, they still have no chance of winning."


A group of dark figures quietly came to a house. The head pointed to both ends of the alley, and then someone went to both sides.

"Brother five, there are three people here."

In the dark, Fang Wu waved his hand and someone immediately turned in.

Later, the door opened a gap, square five, and everyone poured in.


Fang Xing was trapped by a nightmare. It was like being controlled by someone. He was sober, but he couldn\'t move.

In the dark, there seemed to be a dark shadow standing at the door, looking at Fang awake on the bed.

Fang Xing struggled hard. I don\'t know how long later, his body shook and finally moved.

He sat up panting, and the voice of Xin Laoqi came from outside the door.

"Sir, is it a nightmare?"

Fang woke up, nodded subconsciously and said, "yes, it\'s all right. Go and have a rest."

There was no movement outside the door. Fang Xing rubbed his face with his hands and felt the temperature return again.

In the dark, he suddenly smiled.

"The prince has it all. What am I afraid of?"

He lay down again and was no longer sleepy.


Be careful when competing with a behemoth. Any wrong step may lead to a global collapse.

So everyone was watching Fang Xing\'s movements to see what his next step would be.

In the early morning, there are many more people entering the city.

I heard that there was cheap food to sell. I waited outside the city early in the morning, worried that the food would be robbed away.

The crowd poured into the city, and the breakfast sellers immediately raised their voices and shouted desperately.

"Noodles! Big bone has been boiling soup all night, and pepper can be added at will..."

"Oil cakes, oil cakes, meat!"


Some people bought oil cakes and followed the crowd as they chewed them.

Despite the heat, someone ate a bowl of noodles, sweated and gave money, and then trotted to catch up.

Chang Yu stood on the side and looked at the lively scene. He said sincerely, "people live on food. If they have food, they can eat enough. It\'s Daming. I\'m very stable!"

Qian Hui, the watchman, also sighed, "these days can drive people crazy. Fortunately, food goes to the city, otherwise... In a word, your Majesty\'s wrist is powerful!"

"Yes! Your majesty knows that there are thousands of miles, and his Highness the king of Han is a fierce general. How many people expected to sweep all the way? The means of battle were used, and those people lost well!"

At this time, Huang Lu came in a hurry and whispered, "last night, Mr. 17 was interrupted by xinghebo\'s servants. Then more than ten people in the city lost their heads and were all green dandies."

Qian Hui said with a wry smile, "Lord Chang, Xinghe Bo is more forgiving. Yesterday he defeated those people\'s plans at one stroke. Now those gentry and businessmen are in constant fear at home, but he doesn\'t think it\'s enough. He actually... Used the means of assassination."

Chang Yu was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "this is not an assassination, and those people are not worth it. This is just the battle paper sent by xinghebo."


Huang Lu was puzzled and looked at Xiang Qianhui.

Qian Hui\'s face was not good and said, "Lord Chang, if you follow suit there and get up on both sides, the city of Jinan will be in chaos."

Chang Yu said helplessly, "xinghebo represents your majesty. I just hope those people are more interesting, otherwise the city of Jinan will be drowned by blood..."


From Jinan to Beijing, the speed of the fast horse relay is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When Zhu Zhanji got the list, he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "it\'s really a gentleman like jade."

The list passed down, and there was a dead silence in the Qianqing palace.

This is just a summary of data. The details are still in Yu Jia\'s hands, a thick pile.

Zhu Zhanji stretched himself comfortably and asked, "what do you think you should do?"

Still dead silence.

This data is the evidence of crime, proving the greed and shamelessness of those so-called gentlemen.

And it\'s illegal!

Zhu Zhanji turned his eyes and said with a smile, "then..."

"Your Majesty."

Yang Rong went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, can this... Be slow?"

Under Zhu Zhanji\'s cynical gaze, Yang Rongcheng said sincerely, "what I\'m worried about is that it will hit hard. Once Jinan erodes, it will directly sweep the whole Daming."

Yang Shiqi also went out of class and said, "Your Majesty, slow down. Although xinghebo has the upper hand in Jinan, the more this time, the more unwilling those people are. Once there is a civil commotion, the minister dares to guarantee that it will soon spread to the capital."


In fact, the storm in Jinan has spread to the capital, and fangjiazhuang feels it.

"Madam, my uncle is here."

Zhang Shuhui was catching worry free to take a bath. When she heard the speech, she wondered, "brother, if you have something to say, it\'s over. What\'s the matter?"

When worry free saw that Zhang Shuhui stopped, he hid behind a tree and shouted, "Mom, come and catch me."

Zhang Shuhui said angrily, "your uncle is here. Seeing your little mud monkey, he certainly doesn\'t like you in the future."

In the front yard, brother and sister met. Zhang Fu said happily, "your sister-in-law is pregnant."

Zhang Shuhui said, "Congratulations, brother. This is a great event! I\'ll take potatoes and peace to join the fun later."

It is said that the Empress Dowager asked Tudou and Ping\'an to enter the palace. As a result, it gave the queen a good omen. As expected, she gave birth to a prince.

So recently, someone often asked Zhang Shuhui to be a guest and begged her to take her two sons there.

But Zhang Shuhui refused to do so, so she refused to do so. The reason is Fang Xing\'s explanation before going out. The family goes out less.

Just talking about the two children, they arrived.

It was Yu Jia who came together.

After everyone saw the ceremony, Yu Jia said, "the memorial of xinghebo arrived in front of the emperor. It was very smooth. Your majesty has something to say."

Everyone stood up straight and listened.

Yu Jia glanced at Tudou and Ping\'an and said, "it\'s sunny recently. The children at home don\'t go out much. If they want to go out, they should be careful not to be damaged by the sun. In addition, we just looked at fangjiazhuang. It seems... It\'s a little messy. Madam, we still have to deal with it."

As soon as Zhang Shuhui was cold in her heart, she directly asked, "Grandpa Yu, but does anyone want the other party\'s house to start?"

She asked such a question without avoiding the two children. Yu Jia was surprised and said, "xinghebo made those people lose face in Jinan. Your majesty is worried that there are their accomplices in the capital. At that time... I\'m afraid it will be bad for the two CHILDES."

"Duke Yu."

"Eldest childe, please say something."

Tudou actually wanted to talk. Yu Jia stepped back with a smile and wanted to hear what the little uncle could say.

Zhang Fu was a little envious and hot in his heart. He looked forward to Wu\'s birth to a son. If he was as sensible as potato and Ping An, he would be willing to die at the moment.