Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1952

In this era, the difficulty of transportation is difficult for future generations to imagine. Whether it is land or water, it can be daunting.

The same is true in Shaanxi. Living in the mountainous Huanxian County, many people only walk around the village all their life, and have never even been to the county city.

Once people live in a place for a long time, they will have attachment.

This attachment is not nostalgia for this place, but a habit. Habit leads to fear of trying.

They are afraid of losing their familiar environment and even more afraid of losing the familiar rules, so unless it is of great benefit, they don\'t want to move their nest.

In Xuyuan, Jiao Qiren sat outside the cave and said happily, "Xinghe city has been built. It\'s so big, and many artillery have been transported to the middle of the court. It\'s the kind of firearm that can hit a flesh and blood alley. As long as those foreigners dare to come, they can be sure to blow them away."

There were dozens of people sitting in front of him. These people listened in all kinds of boredom, like listening to books, which made Jiao Qiren feel deeply helpless.


The old man sat on the ground to show his humility. He yawned, rubbed the tears from the corners of his eyes, got up and said, "Lord Jiao, why don\'t you eat in the village today?"

Jiao qieren knew that he was in vain again today. He got up and arched his hands and said, "thank you for your kindness, but I\'m going back."

"Lord Jiao, go slowly!"

Most of these villagers just heard the story and got up lazily to send them off.

Looking at this scene, Jiao Qiren suddenly felt that his eyes were a little sour. A grievance rushed left and right in his chest, but he couldn\'t vent.

He suddenly shouted, "why do you prefer to barely fill your stomach here rather than live a good life outside? Do you want to continue the poverty of your children and grandchildren? Look, look at these children!"

Jiao qieren pulled a child who followed him, pointed to his bare feet and said, "look, look, what\'s this?"

The child was frightened and looked at his mother for help.

But Jiao Qiren\'s appearance was scary, and his mother didn\'t dare to come.

"I\'ve been here dozens of times. I\'ve said all my good words. I swear I\'m telling the truth, but... Why are you indifferent? Why?"

Jiao qieren\'s mood has collapsed. He wiped away his tears and sobbed: "what\'s matter with me whether your life is good or bad? The county forced me to migrate you, which is a good thing, but... But you just don\'t recognize it! What can I do?"

"I know I\'m stupid and not good at bewitching, but what I say is from the bottom of my heart. I swear, if the past days of migration are not as good as here, I\'ll fall off my horse and die!"

"No, no, no!"

When the old man saw Jiao qieren crying, he remembered that he came here every once in a while. He brought water himself. He didn\'t take any advantage of the village. He couldn\'t bear to say, "Lord Jiao, our ancestors live here, our ancestral graves are here, and our relatives are here. Where can we go? Go back, don\'t come. We\'ve been like this for thousands of years..."

Jiao Qiren\'s lips trembled, and his frustration made him weak.

He arched his hand, then went over and took the donkey and hobbled away.

Looking at his back, a villager said, "this is a good man."

The old man sighed, "it\'s easy for us to live in Huan County. Who wants to go!"


Jiao qieren went all the way back to the county, stood in front of the shadow play stand, and stared at the joys and sorrows on the small stage, which were displayed by dolls.

The bleak singing came from behind the curtain, and several children were laughing at the dolls manipulated to move on the stage. They didn\'t know what joys and sorrows were, let alone what was... Ill fated

An old woman who was engaged in the theatre suddenly sobbed, which attracted many people\'s eyes.


At this time, the action of the puppet on the stage began to be intense, and the singing became higher and higher. There were idle men shouting good-bye. Looking at the appearance of flying eyebrows, it was clear that they didn\'t see anything worth sighing from the play.

Jiao Qiren took the donkey and left slowly, remembering what Fang Xing had said.

——Life is like a play, play is like life!

——There are some in the play, no matter how strange and shocking, there will be in life! Some in life, not necessarily in the play!

In the county government office, when Jiao Qiren settled the donkey and was ready to go back to the duty room, a small official hurried over and explained, "Jiao Qiren, Lord fan is looking for you."

Fan Ying\'s smile has disappeared. When he saw Jiao Qiren coming in, he said with a gloomy face: "I ordered you to immigrate. Today, I still have no work. It\'s difficult to ring the county and don\'t raise idle people, but you are a student of xinghebo. I don\'t dare to act rashly. Go by yourself."

This is to let Jiao qieren find a way out. He can\'t put this giant Buddha in the small place of Huanxian county.

Very tactful, without the condescending of a senior official.

Even in front of Fang Xing, Fan Ying dared to say that if Fang Xing dared to stand out, officials all over the world would be his enemies.

Jiao qieren shook his head slightly, bowed and said, "my Lord, small talk about 47 people from eight families."

He didn\'t argue. He just wanted to tell Fan Ying with data that I didn\'t do nothing.

Fan Ying said coldly, "how about Xuyuan?"

Jiao Qiren was speechless because he was sent to Xuyuan to encourage immigrants, but in the end, the eight families were from another place.

In other words, his so-called credit for Jiao Qiren is not within the scope of Shangguan\'s instructions.

This is still watertight and business is business.

Jiao qieren bowed down and quit. He knew he hadn\'t got out of the pit.

Xu Yuan is regarded as a "rich land" in Huan County. He knew this after he had been there for the first time, so he knew that he had met a power killing stick.

He is not afraid of the power killing stick and is willing to bear it.

But Fan Ying\'s purpose was to drive him away from Huan County, which was unacceptable to Jiao Qiren.

He went back to the duty room and sat at the table in a daze.

Pan Zhi and Li Xincheng looked at each other, and then Pan Zhi said, "Oh! Lord Jiao, this is a success? When will the people over Xuyuan migrate? All around the county are waiting for your good news!"

Li Xincheng coughed and said falsely, "take your time. Don\'t worry. Dripping water wears away the stone. There will always be some people willing to emigrate."

Pan Zhi sneered: "those who should have been moved have been moved several times before. The rest would rather starve to death than go at home."

"Since you know, everyone in Huanxian county should know. Why should you embarrass me with such difficulties?"

Jiao qieren thought of difficulties before coming to Huanxian, but he didn\'t expect to be trapped by the county government.

He turned back and said angrily, "even so, I have moved the eight families. I just want to ask, do you have to make yuan immigrants to count? Which family is this?"

Pan Zhi also wanted to refute. Li Xincheng winked at him and they got up and went out together.

At the door, Li Xincheng whispered, "he\'s a student of the Academy. He\'s fine in the rules. If he catches the nonsense, can you stop the one in Peiping?"

Pan shook his head and said in fear, "he killed me like a chicken. Who dares to stop me in the county?"

Li Xincheng said with a low smile: "he has been made. If he stays in Huan County, it\'s no problem, but his reputation stinks. He will be a petty official all his life. Will he be happy?"

Pan couldn\'t help laughing. They covered their mouths and went out laughing all the way.

Go to the Yamen!

The people in the county government began to go home. Before leaving, Fan Ying went to see the county magistrate Wang Xu. They talked and laughed a few words, and then Fan Ying left.

The number of people in Shaanxi continues to decline because of immigration. When there are fewer people, there will be fewer contradictions, and the government can do less and less.

So laziness became the main theme.

When Fan Ying got to the front, she saw that Jiao qieren\'s duty room was quiet and thought he was gone.

He smiled proudly, then went to the window and looked in.

A pair of dull eyes are looking at him at the same time!


Fan Ying screamed, hurriedly stumbled back, and finally sat on the ground.

He gasped and scolded, "what are you doing inside? Get out!"