Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Chapter 1944

Neurasthenia is a chronic disease and it is difficult to eliminate it.

This problem will turn a normal person into a madman!

Fang Xing certainly doesn\'t want to be crazy, but he doesn\'t want to let this problem aggravate its impact on his body.

Worry free is of course his pistachio and little cotton padded jacket. Whenever he sees worry free, he always smiles unconsciously, so that Tudou and Ping\'an mutter behind their backs that their father will keep a straight face when he sees them and smile when he sees worry free. The two sons are hardly biological.

"Dad, you\'re not happy."

Carefree hugged Fang Xing\'s neck and asked with the child\'s intuition.

Fang Xing is walking around the yard with her. The two big dogs have gone crazy. Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai are invited by Mo Chou to go to the fairy house party. Tudou and Ping\'an are in class. Only their father and daughter are left at home.

Fang woke up a little distracted, heard the speech, and then said, "no, dad is happy!"

Worry free Du said, "Dad, you cheat."

"I didn\'t lie to you. Your mother and I are going to have fun. Why don\'t we go out?"

"OK, OK! Dad, go now, go now!"

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai both noticed that Fang Xing\'s mental state was wrong, so they left worry free at home to accompany him before going out.

Father and daughter cleaned up, then went out to call shangjiading, and got out of fangjiazhuang.


Zhu Zhanji was also worried. He didn\'t know what he expected Hu Shanxiang to give birth to, a man? That almost means that sun has no chance.

Civil servants of the Ming Dynasty, no matter how bad they are, can always show different generosity in maintaining tradition, especially righteousness.

As long as Hu Shanxiang gives birth to the prince and sun wants to be superior again, the difficulty is really desperate.

Hu is his wife, but sun is his love. Righteousness and feelings are intertwined. Zhu Zhanji is also uncomfortable.

The closer to production, the more impatient Zhu Zhanji was.

There are more pieces of cups in the hall. Even Yu Jia is avoiding it for fear that Zhu Zhanji will pour His anger on his head.

"Go out and look around!"

Zhu Zhanji felt that the palace was so stuffy that he couldn\'t breathe.

With several bodyguards, Zhu Zhanji quietly left the imperial city.

But the news in the palace was so well-informed that he left with his front feet, and the Empress Dowager knew where he was going.

"Hey! Let him go. It\'s good to relax."


Worry free was very happy when he left fangjiazhuang. He commanded Fang Xing\'s direction from time to time along the way. Finally, father and daughter found a river.

After playing by the river for a while, Fang woke up and saw that it was getting late, so he returned with worry free.

"Dad, shall we come again next time?"

The river is clear and green. It\'s a good summer this year.

"Come, come when you\'re free."

Fang woke up a little sleepy, and worry free then yawned and fell asleep slowly in his arms.

"Sir, it\'s your majesty."

Not long after returning to the main road, Xin Laoqi saw Zhu Zhanji with a gloomy face.

Zhu Zhanji also saw Fang Xing. He pointed to worry free, and then said with a smile, "you are carefree. Come out and turn around with worry free."

Fang woke up embarrassed and said casually, "just come out to relax. What are you doing?"

There was a silence between them. Shen Shitou took people back.

Finally, Fang Xing broke the deadlock. He whispered, "since we are all bored, come to my house for a drink?"

Zhu Zhan basically had no goal. When he heard the speech, he nodded: "is there a good dish?"

The familiar feeling came back gradually. Fang woke up and said with a smile, "Your Highness the king of Han brought back a lot of strange dried meat and some alligator dragon meat. It tastes good."


When he got home, Fang woke up and put his worry free back to sleep, and then went to the study.

In the study, Zhu Zhanji was looking at the big map hanging on the wall.

"This is where Uncle Han went?"

"Yes, after his Highness the king of Han went, the map was revised. The distance should be very accurate."

Zhu Zhanji looked back and asked, "there are only some natives there, and most of them go from the countries in the South China Sea, that is to say, there is a ownerless land, right?"

"That\'s right."

Fang woke up and waved. Chunsheng waiting outside hurriedly came in with a food box, and then put the wine and vegetables on the desk.

When they sat down, Zhu Zhanji frowned at the meat and said, "what kind of meat are they?"

In the palace, his meals were supervised by special personnel and tried after they were prepared. Fang Xing doesn\'t need this procedure here, but he\'s worried that some strange meat will go into his stomach.

Pointing to the five dishes on the table, Fang Xing said, "the one in front of you is wild beef. Next to you is kangaroo meat, alligator dragon meat, which is a kind of big bird meat, and finally... Snake meat."

Zhu Zhanji said, "the one in front is OK, but what does this snake meat mean?"

Fang Xing ate a piece of snake meat and said, "there are a lot of poisonous snakes over there. Someone under his Highness the king of Han died of poisonous snakes. He flew into a rage and emptied the poisonous snakes with his subordinates. It is said that the dried snake meat packed a whole cabin."

Zhu Zhanji ate a piece of wild beef and thought it tasted good. He asked, "are there many animals over there?"


Fang Xing pointed to the alligator meat, motioned Zhu Zhanji to eat more, and then said, "it\'s no smaller than the Central Plains, but there are some natives living there. How many resources do you think have not been utilized?"

"Animals can only cause trouble. What is the biggest resource?"

Zhu Zhanji is not the emperor of "why not eat minced meat". He keenly finds that there is still a wild state, which is very disadvantageous to immigrants.


Fang Xing was embarrassed and said, "there are mines over there, but the biggest resource is grassland. No matter what is fed there, such as cattle and sheep, Daming\'s meat price is expected to fall."

"How big is it?"

Daming did not inherit the mistakes of the former Song Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang drove the Mongols out of the Great Wall all the way. Daming finally had some places to raise horses.

But the desire for the prairie is still the obsession of kings of all dynasties. After defeating the two strong enemies on the prairie, Daming no longer lacks horse breeding land.

"Yes, there is no problem raising cattle and sheep in those places. It is guaranteed that the people of Daming can afford cattle and sheep meat, and each generation is stronger and stronger."

Zhu Zhanji ate a piece of beef and sighed: "in the past, cattle were not allowed to be killed. Now the grassland is obedient. People below are sneaking cattle in. I have received many reports, but I don\'t know."

Most of the people who can report to Zhu Zhanji are aimed at those honourable officials.

Fang Xing said carelessly, "cattle and sheep are good things. In the future, you can cultivate some long haired sheep. As for cattle, think about it. Cows can produce milk. If Daming\'s children can drink milk and eat beef and mutton every day, not to mention more, in 50 years, Daming people\'s body will become the strongest in the world."

"With a strong body and proper education, who can defeat such a people in the world?"

Fang Xing was bewitched and said, "moreover, the sea area over there has a lot of output. As long as it develops, it can feed a lot of people. If someone takes the lead... That place is not too far from Daming!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded, then took a sip of wine and tasted every kind of meat.

"It\'s really a place with rich output, but it\'s not easy to control, but we can\'t give up eating because of choking."

Zhu Zhanji\'s words confirmed that expanding land to the outside world had become a national policy. Fang woke up and cheered, so he raised his glasses frequently.

After they were slightly drunk, Zhu Zhanji glanced at the door and said faintly, "the queen is about to give birth. The imperial doctor said it\'s not today, it\'s tomorrow."