Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3691

There are no hospitals in the town, only small clinics. You have to go to the city to have hospitals.

Besides, there are only three trains a day in the town. I don't know if I can find a car to go to the city.

Jiang fortune's wife is secretly worried, but she has just had an accident, and she doesn't believe people very much. Baseball cap men are not good people, and these people may not be good people.

Jiang's wife hesitated.

Zhang Yuntao took out his certificate: "we are soldiers, and we are here to catch bad people."

Jiang fortune's wife believed it. Thank you very much.

Zhang Yuntao and other Jiang's wife got on the car. The military doctor in the car checked her son first and said that he was injected with overpowering drug. Generally speaking, it is OK if the drug is overdone. However, Jiang's son is ill. It's hard to say how much damage these drugs have done to him, so we have to go to the hospital for a specific examination.

From the moment they saw Jiang's wife, they recorded the whole process. After sending Jiang's wife, they sent the video to Rongxun.

Rong Xun showed the video to Jiang fortune.

After reading, Jiang Baofu is relieved that his wife and son are safe when they are in these hands.

However, it is also a further constraint on him.

His wife and son are in other people's hands, and he can't do anything bad.


when Rongxun walked into the computer room, Qin Jian was standing behind Jin Peng with his arms in his arms, looking at Jin Peng's computer screen.

"How about it?" Let Xun come forward.

Jin Peng did not look back, looked up and made a: "OK!" Action.

When they dug up the wealth of Jiang, they already thought that one day they would record the scene at Jiang fortune's house when their wife was not at home.

There are also scenes from the house next door bought by Mu Shichang.

However, in order to avoid detection, no cameras and wiretaps were installed.

Then, using these videos, we made a simulation scene in advance, and simulated Jiang fortune's wife and son, just like making a movie animation.

Their signal is to accept the man with a baseball cap. Just now when the baseball cap man attacked Jiang fortune's wife, they cut off the connection between the baseball cap man and Mu Shichang and seamlessly connected to their simulator.

Some of them dress up as baseball cap man and Jiang fortune's wife. They do actions here, and the data is automatically converted into the data of baseball cap man and Jiang fortune's wife.

In other words, when their people perform here, what Mu Shichang sees is the baseball cap man and Jiang fortune's wife.

The program on the hand of Mu Shichang is done by the top expert. He would not have thought that such a top-level program was also cracked by Jinpeng, and then carried out anti reconnaissance.

At this time, Mu Shichang is still sending orders to the baseball cap man. Unexpectedly, in fact, the baseball cap man has been replaced.

Ten minutes later, the baseball cap man was sent over.

Twilight will certainly have the next step in a very short period of time.

They were too pressed for time to send the baseball cap man to the graduate school. They had to leave a room next door as a temporary studio.

Engineers cut the baseball cap in place and dug out the camera under his eyes.

The camera is only the size of a sesame.

But even if it's the size of a sesame seed, it's impossible to put it behind the eyeball of a normal person.

They put the camera on a special contact lens and gave it to Rong Xun.

Rongxun put on this special contact lens.

The contact lenses with a little more things are thicker than ordinary contact lenses and are uncomfortable to wear. But as long as the program turns around, what Rongxun sees is what Mu Shichang sees.

Rong Xun's next identity will be a baseball cap man.

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