Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3448

There are so few people who can eat in the house. They have moved out of the big round table which has not been used for many years.

Lin Lin washes his hands and comes out, only the evening Jin speech side empty a position, secretly looked at the evening Jin speech one eye, the heart suddenly jumps disorderly, silently sits down beside the evening Jin speech.

Evening Jin Yan quietly moved the dining chair for her, Lin Lin's heart beat faster, nervous dishes do not know clip, just buried in the bowl of rice.

The evening Jin said to carry some chicken shreds in the Lin Lin bowl.

Lin Lin looks up in astonishment and says to the upper evening Jin the eyes of water stop.

The evening Jin speech facial expression is natural and carried some vegetables to her, and then bow to eat their own, as if nothing has been done.

Lin Lin lowered her head and picked up the shredded chicken in the bowl and put it into her mouth, smiling.

Rong Laozi and Gu Luan sit together. Gu Luan and Rong Laozi talk about the things of the alien race in the world, and then talk about the bounty hunter killing the alien race. Then he talks about the collusion between the underground base of dushichang and the bounty hunter to capture the alien race for genetic test, extract the Werewolf gene and transform the human being.

Guluan has been sealed for thousands of years. Although she has become a blood demon, she is still a werewolf. Hearing what those people have done to the werewolf, she can't help but gnash his teeth and look at Qin Jian. "Why not kill them directly? Is the werewolf family so weak that they are being bullied?"

Qin Jian puts soup on an Yin's face and looks up at Gu Luan's eyes. "Today's werewolves are not as effective as they used to be, but they are not being bullied. It's just that different from before, they would rather kill three thousand wrongly than let one go. They can send a large army regardless of everything to kill each other. If you want to destroy it, you must take it wisely. "

Gu Luan came to this world for a period of time. He also had some understanding of this social law. After listening to his words, he frowned, but said nothing more.

Hunting on a large scale is bound to attract the attention of the government, which will cause great trouble.

"How to take it wisely?"

Qin Jian said, "if you come, you will be punished. At the same time, we will find a shelter and end it in one pot. "

Gu Luan nodded his head, which was almost the same. He didn't lose the blood of the werewolf. "What about those people who took the alien living things to do the experiment?"

Rong Xun said: "in the course of the case, the bases that can be found have been basically eradicated, but mu Shichang failed to catch them. In addition, we can't rule out other strongholds that we can't find. After all, it is a cancer of hundreds of years. It is not a day or two to eradicate it completely. "

Gu Luan thought of the Dushi Chang before want to Fang set Farah close to him, face cold down.

Rong Laozi said: "in order to catch the killers of the werewolves, the Qin family has made great efforts. It is really very cunning of Mu Shichang. Jian'an has collected a large amount of criminal evidence of them in order to find out the dens of the wolves and the evidence of their crimes in foreign countries for more than ten years."

Gu Luan looks at Qin Jian'an quickly.

He had a good impression on Qin Jian'an, but he was not qualified. He didn't expect to be able to do so with his mediocre qualifications. He secretly nodded his head.

Today's Qin clan is quite different from the old Qin family.

Mention of the base, the atmosphere became heavy, let the old man said: "today should not say these, come to eat."

When dushulan comes out of the room, the topic naturally turns to an Yin and Qin Jian's marriage.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

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