Sweetheart,Come Back!

Chapter 3433

I'm very tired.

But at the end of this, if feng'er's consciousness falls asleep again, it will be difficult to wake up again.

An Yin took a deep breath and forced her spirit to separate her consciousness from that of Gu Luan.

This time in, let her surprise is, this time, even directly into the memory of feng'er.

It is a memory of feng'er leaving the tomb of wolf king.

Feng'er, dressed in black and wearing a mopping veil, entered a hospital.

There is an old doctor in the hospital.

Feng'er put her arm on the pulse pillow without saying a word, "please help me to pulse."

The old doctor looked at her and thought that the girl was strange. However, he had lived a long time and had been to many places. People with insight didn't say one more word because of feng'er's strange behavior, so he gave feng'er a pulse according to his words.

"Congratulations, miss. It's pulse. However, the girl's pulse is strange. The child seems to be... "

The wind raised a corner of the veil, revealing feng'er's pale side face. She lowered her head slightly and showed a slight smile at the corner of her mouth, but the smile soon turned into a touch of astringency.

Instead of asking her husband what the child seemed to be, she took out a ingot of silver and put it on the table. "Thank you, sir."

And left the hospital.

After she left the hospital, she went out to the ghost forest and stood there for a long time.

Hands on the belly, "and he will be the same red eyed wolf?"

Anyin felt that feng'er didn't feel embarrassed and ashamed because she was unmarried and pregnant. On the contrary, she was very happy. Although she was happy and had a deep pain, this joy had given her a reason to live on.

When an Yin was pregnant, she experienced difficult and painful days, and could deeply feel feng'er's mood at that time.

Feng'er takes the child more seriously than her life.

As soon as the picture changes, it becomes a chaotic picture.

She stood on a wooden platform, under which were all officers and soldiers shouting to fight and kill. Guluan was covered with blood and kept her firmly behind her.

This memory, an Yin read, know is Feng ER suicide, Gu Luan was sealed that evening.

But feng'er's memory suddenly jumps to here, and she feels that feng'er's consciousness quivers and her mood is very excited.

An Yin a exhortation, is Fenger's heart knot in this memory?

What did she miss when she read this memory before?

Anyin thought of this and immersed her consciousness into feng'er's consciousness. She no longer looked at it from an onlooker's point of view, but felt it from feng'er's point of view.

Suffocating despair and grief rushed to her face, and her heart was tightly hooped in an instant, making her breathless.

Looking at guluan's shoulder crushed by the blood and flesh of his brothers, his heart aches like a wring.

No, No.

He is a man of love and righteousness. His sword is stained with brother's blood, and he will not live any longer.

It's not terrible to die, but it's too painful to bear the life of brothers who live and die together.

Feng'er took a deep breath and suddenly pulled out the knife of Gu Luan and stabbed at her heart.

At the moment when the blade fell into her heart, a tear fell from her eyes, and her bloody hand slipped down and covered her abdomen.


She swore, anyway, to protect him to come to this world.

But she killed him.

With the death of feng'er, everything falls into silence, but an Yin's consciousness stays in the thick guilt.

It's a child!

The child is the Phoenix son can't cross the ridge.

PS: I am especially distressed by the CP of Gu Luan and feng'er.

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