Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1886

Mo Qing didn't enjoy herself as much as she did last night for a long time. She was in a very good mood. She reached out to hold her Fengying. "If you give birth to Xiaohan, it will be a big circle here, and you will feel better. Shall we have another one, eh?"

"Hooligans!" Gu Xiaoran hated the evil and quickly took away the hand that started to make trouble.

Mo Qing laughs lazily, pulls down the little hand that covers her eyes, and looks at the little woman who is still lying on him with indecent posture, "don't you want to have a baby?"

Gu Xiaoran was silent.

She has been in the training camp since she was a child. The people in the training camp, regardless of gender, roll on the ground and soak in cold water all year round.

Especially in winter, lying in the snow, often for a long time.

It's a great physical loss to women.

None of them is not cold, and most of them are not easy to have children.

She has been with Mo Qing for several years, so she is pregnant with Xiao Han.

"Shao Hui's mother is also a famous gynecologist. A few years ago, in order to take care of her grandson in France, she went to France. This time, we'll go to France to see her and give you a diagnosis. Then, let's ask Mr. Yu to prescribe a prescription according to your situation to recuperate well. "

"King, you know, I don't want my grandfather to know about me."

Lao Ye is an old Chinese medicine doctor. If you know her body is so cold, in order to better recuperate her, you will definitely inquire into her past.

"I don't want to lie to you."

"Xiao ran, why don't you tell him that you can hide it from Mr. Yu? Mr. Yu doesn't want you to be sad, so he pretends that he doesn't know anything. "

"What did my master say to you?"

"No, Xiaohan opened Mr. Yu's mailbox. I saw some contents collected by Mr. Yu in the mailbox by accident."

"What is it?"

"About body cold."

"Is it because of my adoptive mother that Laoye collects those data?"


"Why not?"

"First of all, Yu Fang is an excellent doctor. She can take care of her own body, and she doesn't need to worry about it. Second, all the data were collected within one year. Third, Gu Xiaoran, think about it. What did Yu cook for you these days, whether in Nanwan or Beidajie

Gu Xiaoran suddenly remembered that every morning when she was at home, Laoye insisted that she take a mug to school to drink water.

Breakfast is done by Lao Ye. The water she brings out every day is also installed by Lao Ye. When she leaves, she just twists.

She usually thinks that Lao ye and other people's old people are used to their children and let them sleep more.

But when she thought about it, every time she took out the water, she would put a few red dates and so on.

Laoye likes to stew, and he often puts some warm tonic things in the soup.

Laoye's view is that girls should eat more of these things to be healthy and beautiful.

Be mo Qing a say, she just suddenly understand come over, Lao Ye is warming palace for her, adjust body.

A warm current is flowing slowly in my heart.

Mo Qing's slender fingers gently rubbed her cheek, "Xiao Han was born. I'm sorry that I didn't accompany you. With another child, I will always be with you and the child. "

Gu Xiaoran took a deep breath and nodded.

Mo Qing smile, "get up, my plane will be late."

As soon as he got up, Gu Xiaoran began to feel pain again. He was so depressed that he suddenly grabbed Mo Qing and bit him on his shoulder.

Bite this motherfucker to death.

PS: is the plot sweet today? Do you like it? Good night ~ ~

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