Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1859

Mo Qing shook her head helplessly.

This little woman, even he has to guard against.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"Where are you?"

"The company."

"Has Tao Xia ever looked for you again?"

"Tao Xia didn't find it, but Miao Ruolan's post came to the door."

"Detention house, I'll go with you." According to Gu Xiaoran's understanding of Mo Qing, he won't go to the banquet, but he will go to the detention house.

"I'll go alone."

"I'm going with you." Since the detention center called that phone, Gu Xiaoran was not at ease.

"If you have to go, you have to listen to me. You can't do it yourself."

Although it is impossible for anything to happen in such a place as the detention house, she thinks it is always good to be more careful. If there is something wrong, she can take care of it.

Mo Qing doesn't want Gu Xiaoran to run this muddy water, but Gu Xiaoran is not a obedient master. If he doesn't take her with him, she will go by herself.

Now the public security bureau is Miao Ruolan's territory. If Miao Ruolan wants to make trouble for Gu Xiaoran, he can just find some excuses.

It's better to take Gu Xiaoran by his side than to let him rush.

"Well, I'll come to you."



an hour later, Gu Xiaoran and Mo Qing sat down in the visiting room of the detention center.

Gu Xiaoran looked at the rectangular table in front of him and looked around.

The visiting room is like a sealed room with only doors and no windows.

Gu Xiaoran knows that there are actually windows here, but the windows here are special glass, which can't be seen from the inside, but everything in the visiting room can be seen from the outside, which is convenient for people in the police to monitor outside.

The iron door opened, and Tao Xia, dressed in prison clothes, was escorted in by the prison guards in handcuffs and ankles.

Gu Xiaoran suddenly remembered the dream Xiao Han said.

Rooms without windows, big tables, iron doors, women

Because it's a dream, Xiaohan can't see the woman's face clearly, but all the scenes are right. Gu Xiaoran is almost sure that the woman Xiaohan sees in her dream is Tao Xia.

Does Mo Qing refuse to give Tao Xia blood Ganoderma lucidum, which makes Tao Xia kill?

However, in addition to her and Mo Qing, no one knows that blood Ganoderma lucidum was found, and Tao Xia is even less likely to know.

And in such a place, how could she have a chance to attack Mo Qing?

Gu Xiaoran couldn't help but look at the female prison guard behind Tao Xia. He couldn't see anything wrong. He looked at Mo Qing again. Mo Qing was as calm as usual, without any expression.

Tao Xia stood at the table, looked at Gu Xiaoran, then looked at Mo Qing, "I want to talk to you alone."

"No way." Gu Xiaoran immediately objected.

Tao Xia snorted, a set of eating their expression, "if not, we don't have to talk about it."

"I don't think we have anything to talk about. I just want to give director Miao face. In this case, we don't have to talk about it. " Mo Qing said coldly and stood up.

He accepted the terms, but did not accept the threat. If anyone could threaten him, there would be no royal court today.

"Mo, do you want to keep your word?" Tao Xia pulled down her face.

"Why don't I keep my word?"

"What did you promise me?"

"I didn't get it. How can I give it to you?"

It was Gu Xiaoran who got it. He didn't give it to him from beginning to end, so he didn't get blood Ganoderma lucidum from beginning to end.

"Han Jinbiao is dead."

"Dead? I don't know Mo Qing frowned.

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