Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1738

Gu Xiaoran has been watching coldly. He can't bear it any longer. "Poverty is not humiliating. What's humiliating is that he doesn't even have the basic morality of being a human being. He is just a clown who has a few stinky money but all kinds of disguises."

"Who do you call a clown?"

Bi Ying has been looking after Xiao ran Shao for a long time. Yu Fei is not pleased with her. When she hears that Gu calls her a clown, she becomes angry.

"What do you say?" Gu Xiaoran looks at BI Ying obliquely and does not intend to give in.

"You dare to scold me, you want to die." Bi Yingyang hits Gu Xiaoran in the face.

Gu Xiaoran raised his hand, grasped Bi Ying's wrist, and said coldly, "do you want to do it in front of the children?"

"I'll hit you. What can you do?" Bi Ying's slap failed to hit Gu Xiaoran. She was even more furious. She tried to draw her hand back and slap Gu Xiaoran again.

Gu Xiaoran holds Bi Ying's hand.

Bi Ying can't draw back her hand. She turns to see Gu Xiaoran wearing a jade bracelet inlaid with gold on her wrist.

The water color of this bracelet is very good.

After entering the ward, Bi Ying opened Yu Fei's locker and saw that the coat hanging inside was homemade, not even an ordinary brand.

In these days, a small white-collar would wear some better popular brands. This woman actually doesn't know which tailor's clothes to wear. She is very poor.

In her opinion, such a poor woman could not live in the VIP ward, so she asked the nurse.

Listen to the nurse said that the patient in this ward is a car accident, sent by Zhuo ran.

She thought it was Zhuo ran who hit the man, so she sent the woman to the hospital and stayed in the VIP ward he opened.

Seeing that zhuo'an sent Yu Fei flowers and soup, he thought he was right.

If Zhuo ran didn't bump into people and want to calm down, Zhuo an couldn't have come out to please others.

A poor man's niece is also a poor man.

This bracelet looks good, but how can poor people afford it? This bracelet can only be a fake.

It's funny to use fake goods as a facade.

Bi Ying decides to break the bracelet on Gu Xiaoran's hand and let the fake show the original. Let's see what face the girl has against her.

He made up his mind and grabbed the blood jade bracelet on Gu Xiaoran's wrist with his other hand.

Gu Xiaoran took an earlier step and stopped Bi Ying's hand. "You can't touch this bracelet."

"I'm going to touch it."

"You can't afford to break it."

Unlike Nanwan, Laobei street has all kinds of high-end technology defense and strict artificial protection.

After Gu Xiaoran returned to the old North Street, he did not dare to put the bracelet at home, but wore it himself.

Cold weather, wearing long sleeves, bracelet hidden in the sleeve, usually will not be seen.

Even if occasionally exposed, this blood jade bracelet is green during the day, like jade. Most people can't recognize it as the 40 billion blood jade bracelet.

Don't look outside. Xiao Ran has a selfish heart.

Ordinary people can't recognize the bracelet, but those who used to steal the blood jade jewelry recognize it.

She hopes to use this bracelet to catch the person who stole the set of blood jade jewelry.

"I can't afford a broken bracelet? Not to mention the fake, even if it's the real one, Miss Ben has a lot of them. If it's damaged, Miss Ben will compensate you for ten fake ones Bi Ying looks at Gu Xiaoran and raises her chin haughtily, with a sense of superiority on her face.

Gu Xiaoran raised his eyebrows and drew a sneer from the corner of his mouth. "Miss Bi is really rich. The 40 billion bracelet is also a broken bracelet. However, if you want to damage other people's things, you can compensate others with fake goods. There is no one in the world who can do it except Miss Bi. "

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