Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1690

Gu Xiaoran took out several pills from his pocket, two of which were pinched off the sealing wax.

Mo Qing looks at the pills in Gu Xiaoran's hand and looks back at Gu Xiaoran, waiting for her to explain.

"I found it at my mother's. It's all sealed with wax, but it's actually different medicine. What I give my mother is to eliminate memory, and this one should be the medicine she gave to Han Jinbiao. I think we should be able to find a way to keep him drugged. "

Mo Qing's eyes flashed an accident, lightly nodded and took the pill, "I'll find someone to sign the medicine."

"Well." Gu Xiaoran let go of Mo Qing's hand.

Mo Qing left Yu's home, got on the bus and called Shaohui, "Shaohui, do me a favor."

"To work for Mo Shao, even if it's going up the mountain and down the sea of fire." Shao Hui's funny voice came from the opposite side of the phone.

"I don't need it. Help me sign a medicine."

"What medicine?"

"I came to see you."


In an hour!

Shaohui handed the remaining pills back to Moqing, "this is a chronic poison that damages the heart and liver."

"Take this medicine, what reaction will you have at that time."

"If the dosage is large, it will be found on the spot. Immediately go to the hospital for gastric lavage and wash it out."

"What if the dosage is small?"

"Small dosage, will not be detected, but the poison in the body will not be resolved, a little makes a lot, deep poisoning, once the attack, will be very terrible."

"How terrible?"

"The damage to the heart and liver is so serious that no medicine can control it."

"Thank you."

Mo Qing came out of Shao Hui's doctor and happened to call Zhuo ran, "I heard that you and Gu Xiaoran took Yu Fang away. What's the matter?"

"Yu Fang lost her memory."

"How can I return to amnesia?" He was stunned.

"Gu Xiaoran found out about Yu Fang and Han Jinbiao, knocked Yu Fang unconscious, and gave Yu Fang medicine to eliminate memory." Mo Qing told the story again.

After hearing this, Zhuo ran raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, and clenched his fist. "Han Jinbiao can't let Yu Fang go."

"Well, he should do something soon, and it's time for us to do it."

"Han Jinbiao will threaten us with Ganoderma lucidum."

"I'm still looking forward to that."


"Gu Xiaoran finds Yu Fang's medicine for Han Jinbiao. As long as he is willing to show it, we can put someone beside him and continue to give him the medicine."

"Great, I'll arrange it."

"Well, we must protect Yu Fang's safety."

"Don't worry."

Mo Qing hangs up the phone and looks at the pills in her hand, with a sneer on her lips.

Finally, we can fight head-on.

Originally thought that Gu Xiaoran let Yu Fang lose memory, let this game of chess into a dead chess, did not expect to evolve into a good chess.

Gu Xiaoran dried his clothes and went to the living room to see Yu Fang watching TV. The program happened to be Gu Tianlei's visit.

Yu Fangding looked at Gu Tianlei, his eyes were a little red.

Gu Xiaoran went over and said, "Mom, what's the matter with you?"

"Xiao ran, tell me who he is."

"He..." Gu Xiaoran only tells Yu Fang's younger brother Gu Tianlei that he is going to Medical University, but does not tell Yu Fang that Gu Tianlei is now a star xiaotianwang.

"He's my son, Tianlei, isn't he?" Yu Fang pushes a picture of Tianlei to Gu Xiaoran, which is a group photo of Gu Xiaoran and Gu Tianlei on the day of Gu Shiman's engagement.

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