Sweet Wife: Congratulations, Mr. President

Chapter 1516

Gu Xiaoran was not satisfied with his curiosity. He was a little depressed. "Where have you been?"

"I went to buy crystal buns. I went back and steamed them."

Gu Xiaoran then saw a box on the flower bed. The package was the crystal small cage bag of qianxianglou. She and Xiaohan love the crystal small cage bag.

It turned out that after parking, he walked to Qianxiang building to buy steamed buns.

Gu Xiaoran had a wisp of warmth in his heart.

"Go home." Mo Qing led her little hand to the old North Street.

"Did Yu Ning have a plastic surgery on your face?"

"Did you meet aunt Xiao today?"


"I did."

"Where did she fail?"

In the organization, some people who do shadow work will be treated with plastic surgery, some will be treated as public faces that are not easy to be noticed, while some will be treated as other people in the organization. It is more convenient for them to do tasks together.

Yu Ning used to be the shadow candidate of Mo Qing, and most likely had a face lift according to Mo Qing's face.

Although she is the shadow of Mo Qing, she is too different from him in both age and shape. Even plastic surgery is useless, so the organization has not considered giving her plastic surgery.

"She's ambitious, she can't be a shadow."

Gu Xiaoran was stunned. She made all kinds of guesses, but she didn't expect this.

Shadow is a silent pay, always living in the dark, there will never be halo.

Those who are ambitious and want to climb up are unwilling to live under other auras.

"You like her very much?"

Mo Qing glanced at her, "she and I don't have, and we won't have a relationship."

Gu Xiaoran kicked a stone. When she was three years old No love between men and women, he looked at the rain will smile so gently?

When she arrived at the entrance of North Street, she remembered that when she went out in the morning, Laoye asked Xiaohan to cook cod porridge for her tomorrow morning. She asked her to buy some cod snow when she came back from school. She helped Yu Fei adjust the version and forgot about buying cod.

Looking at the watch, the supermarket is not closed yet, but we have to drive there before we have time.

"You go back first. I'll go to the supermarket."

"What do you want?"

"Little Han's cod."


Mo Qing looks at her watch, unlocks the car, opens the door and gets on.

Buy a cod, go back to old North Street, park the car.

Gu Xiaoran untied his seat belt and was about to get off when he saw a car stopping nearby.

It's Yuning in the car.

Yu Ning ran to the old North Street, only one answer, looking for Mo Qing.

Gu Xiaoran looks at Mo Qing.

Usually days fall down, also difficult to move Mo Qing eyebrow a Cu.

Gu Xiaoran was very uncomfortable. He suddenly turned around and sat down on Mo Qing. He pulled the back of the chair and put it down. Then he pressed his shoulders with both hands and pushed him down.

There is a street lamp on the top of the car. Although the light is not bright, the light is enough for Yu Ning to see the situation in Mo Qing's car.

Yu Ning looks at the two figures overlapped in the driver's seat. He should avoid his sight, but he looks straight at them.

Gu Xiaoran turned back with a smile and gave a charming smile to the rain.

The rain coagulates gloomy face, "don't want to face."

The two cars are very close to each other. Although Gu Xiaoran can't hear Yu Ning's swearing words, he can guess what it means from Yu Ning's gnashing teeth. Gu Xiaoran's smile is more and more brilliant.

Mo Qing some helpless slightly a sigh, "I have said, I and she are not what you think, you also want to provoke her."

Gu Xiaoran came back, close to him, and laughed, "heartache?"

PS: good night!

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