Super Marshal

Chapter 108

This is a morning training session.

Gao Han stood at the edge of the training field, his hands around his chest, his right hand rubbing his chin, leisurely watching the players training.

In the corner of the training ground, a square of 20 meters by 20 meters is drawn.

Cantarello is introducing the rules and precautions of this new training to the players.

It wasn't long before the training began.

Four players, wearing red and yellow jerseys, played two-on-two in a square.

Outside the square, there are also four players in two-color jerseys, who are responsible for taking care of their teammates inside, but they can't get in or out of each other.

It's not very complicated training, it's all the simplest and most basic content, so it's easy for professional players to start.

"What are they training for?"

The familiar voice of Paul futray came from his side.

Gao Han turned his head and saw that the Portuguese didn't know when to stand beside him, but he didn't notice.

"A basic training." Gao Han replied casually.

Paul futley's eyes narrowed. He had never seen this kind of training before.

If you want to talk about the cold training project, it's really amazing. Paul futre was surprised by the previous division and group confrontation. Especially now, it has been proved that Atletico Madrid's whole defense system and the cooperation of passing and receiving have been greatly improved.

This completely overturned the traditional impression of the fans on Atletico Madrid in the past.

Who doesn't know, playing technology in Spain is the patent of Real Madrid and Barcelona.

But now, the sheet team's smooth passing and cutting cooperation, skilled control of the ball, also play out the level.

This is also the most amazing place for the fans.

It's not easy to score so well and play so well!

"I haven't seen this training before. What's the use?" Paul fortley asked modestly.

"Training players how to keep calm and make effective and reasonable pass quickly when they control the ball."

"Oh?" Paul futley is a little strange.

Atletico Madrid's passing and catching is good. Do you want to train like this again?

Gao Han noticed the Portuguese's puzzled look and gave a smile.

"When I played Real Mallorca, I noticed that our control of the ball is still not good when we are tenacious in defense and oppression, so this kind of training must be strengthened every day."

Paul fortley got it.

He was born in kicking football. He knows that it's like a craft in which practice makes perfect. He relies on the accumulated training and gradually forms an instinctive feeling. If he doesn't practice for a day, he will be unfamiliar. If he doesn't practice for a long time, he will be abandoned.

"Does this training look simple?" Gao Han asked with a smile.

Paul futley nodded. It's really simple. They are all basic things. It's not difficult.

"But I tell you, the simplest things are often the most fundamental and the most difficult."

Paul Fullerton hissed and looked incredulously into the cold.

He knows the truth, but it is only after he has experienced more than ten or twenty years of professional football training that he realized it.

But what about the high cold?

I have no professional experience at all, but I seem to be very sophisticated and know everything.

"On the surface, it's just a two-on-two competition in the training square to test the players' cooperation in passing and receiving the ball, but if the players in the square pass the ball to the outside teammates, it will immediately form a situation of playing more and playing less."

Paul futreden was in front of his eyes.

Isn't that what's going on in the simulation?

The ultimate goal of the so-called offensive routine is to create a number of advantages in the local area, seize the most favorable offensive position, and then create a threat.

Alpine designed such a training program, it is obvious that it is to simulate the scene that may appear anytime and anywhere on the football field, so that players can practice repeatedly, and then come to the court, when they encounter this situation, they will become calm and calm.

"Twenty meters by twenty meters, the space is not big or small, two on two, plus a random player outside, three against two, whether it is on the offensive or defensive side, there are certain requirements."

Paul futley kept nodding.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that this training seemed ordinary, but it contained a lot of things.

For example, for the attacking side, there are not many receiving points around the ball holder, and the two defensive players cooperate well, which can completely limit his outgoing line. This requires that before receiving the ball, the player must observe the situation around him, make predictions in advance, and transfer out immediately after receiving the ball.

But it not only requires players to adjust their body angle and position, but also to communicate with teammates to form a certain tacit understanding, both of which are very important.

As long as any link is not handled well enough, the ball will be lost!

For the team-mates, while maintaining communication and forming tacit understanding, they must learn to think about how to create space for the team-mates to pass the ball by running.

Just imagine, if the receiver runs to the defensive player's defense area, how to pass?

In the same way, this set of training requires a lot of defense.

How to stand in the most favorable position, oppress the opponent's players, cut off their contact with each other and pass the ball, and deal with the players who may suddenly step in anytime and anywhere

All of these require the defender to think and judge constantly.

At first glance, alpine training seems to be very simple and basic, but in fact, it contains all the most basic requirements for players that are valued at the tactical level.

The four players currently playing in the square are Xabi Alonso and Marcos Senna, machena and Pablo.

It can be seen that even the grouping is very targeted.

Just when Paul futley was watching with relish and Pondering over the truth of this training, Gao Han suddenly passed by.


Several players inside and outside the square immediately stopped and looked at the cold.

"From now on, the defensive side is not allowed to tackle, the offensive side is not allowed to pass back, start!"

After listening to this, Paul futley was stunned at first, and then clapped his hands.

What a wonderful request!

No return, it requires the attacker to think more and run without the ball.

It is not allowed to tackle, but also requires the defender not to make more predictions and try to improve his sense of position.

To put it simply, it's more demanding.

To understand this layer, Paul futre looked at the cold again, full of admiration.

Ha, this guy can even think of this!

But Alpine seems not only to improve the requirements of players training in the square, he also went to the big penalty area.

There's also two on three training going on there.

Two defenders defend at the front of the restricted area, and three attackers attack with the ball. There is no limit to the field. The goal is the score. But the attacker has time limit. A staff member is specially arranged to read the seconds at the edge of the field. The function is somewhat similar to the 24 second rule of basketball.

But the high cold also raised the request, forbids the offensive side to return, forbids the defensive side to tackle.

Obviously, the purpose of these two training is to improve the pass and cut cooperation of offensive players, and to train the team defense, position sense and anticipation of defensive players.

"Three against two is just the beginning. Slowly, after the players get used to it, we will gradually increase the number of players, and finally evolve into a group attack and defense drill to simulate the rapid changes in the game as much as possible."

When Gao Han came back, he introduced himself to Paul fortley.

The Portuguese were stunned.

These two training seem to be very common and simple, but it is the most common and simple training that can fully train players' abilities in all aspects.

Especially the ability to think.

A lot of people are saying, play football with your brain, but how do you play football with your brain?

Just like the high cold, let the players learn to think!

But Gao Han is obviously unwilling to continue to talk deeply on this issue, and Paul futley is enough.

He knows that every manager has something he can't do for others.

As professional players, even if they leave Atletico Madrid in the future, they will not discuss the training and everything they have received in Atletico Madrid.

It's a professional ethic as a player!

"How's it going? What can I do for you? " Gao Han asked with a smile.

"Nothing. The old man is very concerned about the preparation of the team. Let me see."

Gao Han nodded, noncommittal.

Paul futley understood the cold's thoughts. "The old man still hesitated."

This is endless, but Gao Han knows what it means.

He's on the same boat with Paul futre now, and if Aragones takes charge of Atletico Madrid, Paul futre's life will not be easy.

As for the old hill's hesitation, alpine can also understand.

He jumped up too fast, and his competitor was the veteran Aragones. Whoever he was, he would be hesitant.

"However, I can see that the old man is full of praise for the semi-final of the king's cup and the double against Mallorca."

When Paul futley said this, the whole person seemed to be elated.

Gao Han was recommended by him. He was also the technical director of Gao Han who made such outstanding achievements.

"But it doesn't seem enough!" Gao Han smiles.

The Portuguese nodded. "It's not enough. We have to work harder."


"The old man is very hesitant and worried about gain and loss. I, Michelle and Enrique all support you, but Aragones has also made it clear that he is willing to take over the team, so the old man is very entangled."

"And then?"

"And then?" Paul futre said with a laugh, "if you can get the king's cup and the promotion right, then I am confident that I will be able to convince him, and by that time, Michelle and Enrique will be more resolute!"

Hill and serezo are supportive of themselves, and alpine is not surprised.

Just getting the king's Cup

It doesn't need to be said at all. If you reach the final, whether it's from your personal standpoint or from the standpoint of Atletico Madrid, alpine must try your best to fight for it.

As for the promotion right

Gao Han shook his head and didn't speak.

"What? No confidence? " Paul futley was in a panic.

At present, Atletico Madrid is only four points away from the top three of the league, and there are 12 rounds left in the league. With the current momentum of Atletico Madrid, do you still have no confidence?

"No, not without confidence!"


"I think your goal is too small!"

Paul futley was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"We are only 12 points away from Sevilla, who is the top of the table."

"What?" Paul fortley was so frightened that he lost his voice.

Look at him. He almost peed!

"You... Your goal is... To be... Champion?"

I can't help Paul fortley not being surprised.

Atletico Madrid is still 12 points behind Sevilla. Although the team has a strong upward momentum, Sevilla will not stay there and follow you.

When you are chasing, people will sprint again, won't they?

If you want to catch up with these 12 points again, unless Atletico Madrid can win the next few games.

But is that possible?

Alpine glance at the Portuguese, as if to say, can you make a fuss?

Isn't it a champion of the second division?

As for what surprised you so much?

Paul fortley swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressed the shock in his heart, and kept nodding.

"OK, if you achieve your goal, I promise you will be the head coach of Atletico Madrid next season."

Alpine light smile, no attitude.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether Atletico Madrid keeps him or not!