Super Great Fortune Teller

Chapter 3215

Master Wang can\'t let Wang Qian do that kind of thing.

Besides, he also received due punishment in Penglai Fairy Island. Nearly half of his disciples were bitten to death by Wannian corpse king and nine demon dragons.

"Wang Qian, in fact, the bronze coffin nail is not like what they said."

"Only I know the secret of bronze coffin nails. Can you sit down and have a good talk?"

Said the old man.

This time, yuan Tiance and Gu Taiyi hurried forward.

"Yes, Master Wang, there happens to be a huge cave on Penglai Fairy Island, which contains a lot of spiritual fruits and spiritual grass. Master Wang, let\'s sit down and have a good talk and turn fighting into friendship."

Wannian corpse king, nine demon dragons and the demon monk Ji Kong are all looking at Wang Qian.

The Wannian corpse King wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth and said, "I don\'t want lingguo. I just want to eat people in Penglai secret territory."

The demon monk smiled and said, "well, I\'ll go with you. I\'d like to see what twists and turns you old guy has. I\'ve seen you in prison for nearly a hundred years. You old guy hasn\'t awakened for nearly a hundred years, leaving only the last trace of spiritual consciousness outside."

This time, everyone present was surprised.

Even Wang Qian could not help but squint slightly.

"What? You mean the old man didn\'t really recover?"

Ji Kong said, "of course, I dare to guarantee. I have seen his soul. There is only one soul outside."

"Once this old thing recovers, his strength will be the strongest among all of us. Am I right, old Sir?"

It turned out that this guy could hide so well, Wang Qian thought to himself.

Since this old thing has something to do with Luofu Mountain, Wang Qian can\'t continue to do it.

Wang Qian put away those talismans and then inserted his Tu Xing sword on the island of Penglai Fairy Island.

"You can go in and talk about it, but I have several conditions. You must promise me." Wang Qian said.

Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance nodded quickly.

Now, the two of them are just two small shrimps. Whether it\'s Wang Qian or the sleepy silence, as long as the Wannian corpse king wants to move them, they don\'t even have the possibility to fight back.

"Master Wang, just say what you want!"

"Yes, Master Wang, do you want the spirit grass and medicine? Or the spirit stone. We have what Penglai Fairy Island wants." yuan Tiance said.

The crazy Taoist behind Wang Qian and Luo Xiaocao looked at Wang Qian in amazement.

How do they know Wang Qian? They know that Wang Qian is going to rip off at this time.

"I want you two, one arm each, and then destroy the foundation of cultivation. This is the first condition."


Both Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance were depressed and turned pale.

Although they escaped in this way, what\'s the difference between living and dead?

They are strong in the realm of human immortals.

No matter where you go, you will be offered by all parties as gods.

If they want to abolish all-round cultivation, life is really worse than death for them.

"Master Wang... What do you mean?"

"Don\'t kill too much..." Gu Tai\'s face was bitter.

"Master Wang, can you change the terms and let us do anything."

However, Wang Qian just waved to Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance and said, "can you do anything?"

"Don\'t worry, my terms haven\'t been mentioned yet."

"The second condition is that I want the three islands of Penglai Fairy Island."

Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance turned white again.

All the things on Penglai Fairy Island add up to a treasure house.

Wang Qian has too much appetite.

At the same time, they were also very regretful. Why did they invite Wang Qian, the disaster star.

The other disciples of Penglai Fairy Island also looked pale one by one.

Before, they all thought their Penglai Fairy Island was boundless. There were three immortals sitting in the town. When they went out, they swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger.

Which clan dares to compare with them?

Until Xuanmen came to the door, these disciples of Penglai Fairy Island didn\'t know that there were people outside and there were days outside.

All the disciples could not help lowering their heads.


Yuan Tiance and Gu Tai kept kneeling in front of Wang Qian.

"Master Wang, spare your life!"

At this time, the nine headed demon dragon, Ji Kong and the ten thousand year corpse king just didn\'t speak. The three of them stood together with a group of immortals. I don\'t know what Wang Qian would do with these people in Penglai Fairy Island.

Now they know that Wang Qian is qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

Not on an equal footing with any of them, but with all of them.

With the puppet separation summoned by Wang Qian and the means to stimulate the heavenly army charm, Wang Qian himself can form a human immortal army.

"What? You won\'t agree?"

After Wang Qian said this, his murderous spirit soared.

Buzz! A loud cry.

The Tu Xing sword floated behind Wang Qian, and the terrible evil spirit and killing opportunity directly locked out Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance.

The bottom of their hearts was cold.

If you want to promise, your accomplishments will be abolished.


Dare you?

Not far away, Wan Mo Tian saw that Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance were so miserable that they somehow laughed.

"Ha ha ha!"

"You two! No matter what you say, it\'s useless. I can see that Wang Qian will kill all!"

The old man looked at Wang Qian blandly and said, "young students, believe me, these people are absolutely useful to you."

Instead of paying attention to him, Wang Qian looked at Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance and said, "of course, you still have a second choice."

"Join me."

"I can let you go for a while, but I will plant a female puppet charm in your body, which is the only condition for retaining your cultivation."

At this moment, the faces of Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance were first happy, and then a little ugly.

They all know the power of the child mother puppet rune. Wang Qian, who has the grandmother puppet rune, is equivalent to manipulating their lives.

As long as Wang Qian had an idea, Zifu would explode in their bodies.

By means of Wang Qian\'s runes, they had no idea of luck.

Yuan Tiance and Gu Taiyi looked at each other and couldn\'t make up their mind for a moment.

Wang Qian glanced at him and said, "monk, today I\'ll show you how human immortals were blown up by my fist."

The monk nodded quickly, "come and guess, the immortal will be beaten into several pieces."

The crazy Taoist aside shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Wang Qian is really good at stealing.

"We promise!"

Sure enough, it didn\'t surprise the crazy Taoist.

Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance agreed to Wang Qian\'s request at the first time.

With a faint smile, Wang Qian walked to Gu Taiyi and Yuan Tiance.

Just when Wang Qian wanted to plant a child mother puppet symbol.

At this time, ten thousand magic days crawled over like a maggot and said, "Master Wang, take me too!"

"I promise, as long as you restore my cultivation, I will be your best dog."

His accomplishments were abandoned by Wang Qian, and only Wang Qian could restore his accomplishments., the fastest update of the webnovel!