Super Dragon Pet

Chapter 653

Yang Tian didn\'t expect that Huie Baixing would let him speak first on this issue.

After standing up from his seat, Yang Tian said directly, "I have thought about the design of the underground city. Within half a month, I can draw the design drawing, list the material list and construction procedures. The patriarch doesn\'t have to worry. If you have any questions, you can put them forward now."

With that, Yang Tian sat down.

Walking in the clan land a few days ago, Yang Tian learned a lot of useful information about the clan land. According to this information, the strange program made some modifications to the design drawing to make the designed underground city more perfect.

Yang Tianxin thought that if the underground city was built completely according to the design drawings calculated by the strange program, the Huie family would not have to die in the face of the animal tide in the future.

Hiding underground is a very good way.

In fact, the mine will also be attacked by strange animals, but those places are special. There are countless mine caves dug thousands of meters underground. When the animal tide comes, the guards notice it in advance, and the miners hide thousands of meters deep underground and seal the entrance, so they won\'t be found by strange animals.

Even if it is found, the monster cannot enter the mine because of its huge size.

The only disadvantage is that you can\'t stay in the mine for a long time.

The mine can accommodate tens of thousands of people. This method is not feasible in ethnic areas.

The population of a family is millions. So many people need to produce and live, and it is impossible to stay underground for a long time.

A family here is actually like a small country, and the Huie are the rulers. To make the family prosperous, it is impossible to collect lice crystals alone.

In the ethnic area, we need culture and entertainment, people need to create various production tools, multiply the population and maintain the number of practitioners in the ethnic area

Without the animal tide, Yang Tian can imagine that in less than a hundred years, these families will grow exponentially and then annex each other... There may be a huge empire.

After Yang Tian sat down, patriarch hui\'e Baixing nodded.

In fact, at this time, hui\'e hundred stars have seen that Yang Tian is a rare talent. If Yang Tian can be retained, perhaps the hui\'e family can realize his ambition buried in the bottom of his heart.

As a superior, looking at people is the most basic ability.

If you don\'t have the ability to know and employ people, you can\'t be the head of a family.

"I want to ask, what about the food we need when we build the clan land underground? Do we need to buy it from other families? Or do we need to open up another plantation?"

At this time, an old man stood up and questioned Yang Tian.

Yang Tian had said before that he could raise a question. When someone asked, he stood up again and said, "I have considered this question. By then, plantations will be built on the first and second floors of the dungeon. By then, the food needs of 50 million people can be supplied."

"How to do it?" the old man asked again.

Yang Tian said, "planting is nothing more than a matter of water and light source. At that time, the first and second floors will be exposed outside the surface. Through the rune array, the surrounding light will be absorbed and projected to the first and second floors. When the animal tide comes, start the rune mechanism, and the underground city will fall thousands of meters underground and be completely closed."

When it comes to this problem, Yang Tian said more, and then said: "the planning of the new underground city is different from that now. There are hundreds of floors, and each floor will be equipped with many transmission arrays. Except for the floors that are not allowed to enter, the residents in the city can instantly reach the place they want to reach.

For example, the third floor to the twentieth floor are the residential areas of ordinary human beings. Several of these floors will be planned as bazaars and commercial areas... "

After speaking for half an hour, Yang Tiancai introduced the whole underground city.

Just now, when the elders debated about the candidates to participate in the Temple service evaluation, the heads of departments wanted to doze off.

However, when Yang Tian talked, everyone listened very carefully, and the scenes described by Yang Tian appeared in their minds.

If it can be realized, the underground city is perfect! It will be countless times better than this clan land now.

"I want to know where the underground city you mentioned is built? According to what you said, it needs to be a few kilometers deep. Here, hundreds of meters deep is the water layer. In the process of construction, water seeps before thousands of meters deep. How can we build it?"

The one who asked this question was the chief of the rune department, Taixing.

After Taixing asked this question, he didn\'t sit down, but stared at Yang Tian and looked forward to Yang Tian\'s answer.

Yang Tian said with a smile: "it\'s easy to do. Using the rune array can solve this problem. I promise that in the process of construction, even if you dig 10000 meters underground, there won\'t be a drop of water. After the underground city is built, remove the waterproof Rune array, and the water around the underground city will be a natural defense."

Yang Tian said, Taixing nodded, and then sat down.

Another leader stood up and said to Yang Tian, "since your mastery of rune is so high, why do you want to build an underground city? There are so many materials. It\'s OK to lay a rune array with strong defense outside the clan land? In this way, you only need to turn over and modify the current clan land, saving time and effort."

Before Yang Tian answered, hui\'e Miaomiao stood up and said, "the clan land is so large that we can\'t afford to deploy such a rune array."

As soon as Huie Miaomiao\'s voice fell, Yang Tian nodded and said, "indeed, all colleagues who know the rune array know that the energy defense attached to the array is three-dimensional, that is, circular, like bubbles.

Now the clan land exists in a plane way and is widely distributed. Building a rune array covering the whole clan land will waste at least 80% of the rune energy.

However, building a three-dimensional underground city is different. The use of Rune array defense range has reached at least 60%. In other words, building an underground city can save nearly half of the consumption.

This is only from the single-layer Rune array. If you count the multi defense Rune array, the energy saved will be more considerable.

Building a dungeon may cost a lot at one time, but over time, the cost will come down. "

Yang Tian said, and most of the people here nodded.

"There\'s another problem." another principal stood up and said, "there will be few casualties in the future. Even ordinary humans living in the dungeon will not be hurt. The population will increase at a very fast speed. How to solve this problem?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the word "family planning" appeared in Yang Tian\'s mind, and he couldn\'t help laughing.

Yang Tian smiled. Everyone looked at him and thought he had the answer.

"Isn\'t it a good thing to have a large population?" Yang Tian said with a smile after being stunned. "If the population increases, you can open up new ethnic lands! Sometimes, a large population is also a manifestation of strength, isn\'t it?"

Yang Tian means that many people have great power.

With that, Yang Tian sat down.

When Yang Tian was talking and answering questions, Hui echan looked at Yang Tian with brighter and brighter eyes.

"Does anyone else have an opinion? If not, follow it!"

The patriarch hui\'e Baixing glanced at the people below and saw that no one stood up and asked questions again.

As soon as Huie Baixing\'s voice fell, the clan elders and the leaders nodded and agreed to the plan of building an underground city.

"OK! Yang Tian, you are fully responsible for this. During the construction period, all the divisions of the family are at your disposal. Miao Miao, you cooperate with Yang Tian."

"Yes!" they immediately got up and bowed to hui\'e Baixing.

Yang Tian felt flattered by hui\'e Baixing\'s order and thought that the patriarch was really bold!