Super Doctor

Chapter 1039

At this time, the two commanders of the third intelligence division and the Second Artillery satellite intelligence office of the General Staff Headquarters of China were also stunned to see that AGW exploded on the Lima temple, and their eyes were quite straight.

Lima and Huaxia have always been very close. Lima was attacked by cruise missiles. In case Zuma government was subverted, it would be a big deal. Therefore, the satellite was originally deployed to monitor the energy explosion, but when it was suddenly found that a cruise missile was launched into Lima territory, the three intelligence offices immediately informed the leaders of the incident.

Yang Guanglian, director of the general staff, was rushing back to the Ministry. After all, Lima was involved, which was a major event related to China.

Before Minister Yang arrived, these commanders watched the missile hit the Lima temple in a short time of more than ten minutes. All of them were directly suppressed, and they were secretly estimating how terrible it would be if China was really hostile to the other side.

The first AGW refitted type, about 6.8 meters long, was loaded with Xiaodao brand modified high-energy explosive, and its speed was Mach 3. It made use of high-altitude diving to carry out secondary acceleration. It directly and obliquely penetrated into the temple about 40 meters from the top of the temple. Then it exploded. A passage with a depth of 60 meters and a width of more than 10 meters was blasted out under the solid temple.

This AGW was born to frighten all the big people who are staring at Lima with satellites. They have never seen a cruise missile with a range of more than 500 kilometers, a speed of more than Mach 3, and such a terrible accuracy.

It's just that the jaw of the big people has not closed yet. The satellite once again issued a warning, and a red dot suddenly appeared out of Lima, and the obvious speed was extremely fast. The estimated speed of the satellite actually reached above Mach 5, and the specific mark value was between Mach 5 and Mach 6.2

After confirming that the satellite was not misjudged, all the people felt that their hearts were tense.

The appearance of the first high-speed cruise missile is not too shocking to them. After all, the cruise missile of Mach 3 is not without it, but the range is a little short. There is still a certain probability of intercepting it with fighter planes, satellites and aerial missiles.

But now What can you do to intercept the speed above Mach 5? Even if the highest speed of the fighter plane does not exceed Mach 3, and the success rate of satellite lock-in attack is less than 10%, the only possible way is to use dense anti-aircraft missiles to pile them up, and maybe they can pile them down.

Even the X51 of M country is still in the experimental stage. Who can make such a terrible thing?

General Macaulay looked at the flashing red dot with a complex look on his face and even a faint fear in his eyes.

How crazy is it for a guy who dares to launch cruise missiles in front of so many military powers to attack the target that people are staring at? And there are cruise missiles at Mach 5. What is the other party doing? Show his power? Or the temple of goumaozi? Did he really provoke him?

Six minutes later, in full view of the public, according to satellite analysis, the second missile accurately followed the trajectory of the first missile and directly poured into the hinterland of Shenshan mountain.

And then

Looking at the satellite image, the solid mountain in reality leaps up and then collapses rapidly. The original sharp peak collapses in an instant. After a burst of vibration, the first peak in Lima was cut off nearly 100 meters high.

All the military intelligence departments under monitoring were silent for a while. All the surveillance personnel were staring at the screen and the data displayed. After a long time, someone murmured: "nuclear explosion It's definitely a nuclear explosion... "

"The bomb It's a nuclear bomb This time it's a nuclear bomb... " The head of the British intelligence service covered his face in pain, and he didn't want to accept the fact. He knew what it meant.

"Based on data analysis and calculation The nuclear explosion should be about 100000 tons of shockwave bombs... " The technicians on the side quickly drew a conclusion based on the data monitored by the satellite.

Hearing this, general Macaulay's old face suddenly turned gray, and an event deep in his memory suddenly came to mind.

Not long ago, although the theft of the X51 missile was listed in the top secret file, as the chief officer of the intelligence department, he was very clear.

although the terrible thief was hit by the missile while driving the F22 to escape by force, the stolen X51 was not recovered after the incident, and the thief was also long before the F22 was hit, They had already disembarked.

And after the event was locked in the nuclear warehouse was finally opened, after investigation Two 100000 ton shock wave tactical nuclear bombs were missing. Finally, two tactical nuclear bombs, two agw88 and two experimental X51 missiles were lost

However, all this is top secret, so no one knows that X51 has not been recovered, and no one knows that the nuclear bomb has been stolen, except for some senior officials.

However, Macaulay is very clear, and he is now even 50% sure that the supersonic cruise missiles and nuclear bombs are related to the theft.Because no country dares to do such things in front of several powerful countries, except some independent organizations with special background, dare to do so.

and the other party must have very strong technology, otherwise, how could the locked nuclear bomb be easily cracked without a password, and the United States' efforts could not be solved The long-range, high-speed and stable problem of X51 has been solved completely in a short year, and even greatly improved the technical difficulty, and the accuracy is amazing.

What a terrible thing it is for such an organization, or a country, to take away the bomb of state m and carry out such an attack

"Closely observe the situation, and at the same time sound the second level combat readiness alert I'm going to contact the Secretary of defense and report all this to him, and to Mr. President, in case of a nuclear war! " General Macaulay took a deep breath, calmed himself, and calmed down his somewhat flustered mood.

When Yang Guanglian arrived at the intelligence analysis room of the general staff of Yanjing, he found that all the people in the room were solemn and talking about something.

"What's going on?" Yang Guanglian asked in a deep voice.

"Minister Two minutes ago, the temple of Lima was destroyed with a tactical bomb The director of the Third Bureau of intelligence, with an ugly face, reported in a deep voice.

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