Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1085

November 30, 2010, today is the fourth day of China's banished immortals falling.

Department of orthopedics, Jinhu District, Jinghua City, Jiangnan province.

Liu Sheng on the hospital bed, because absorbed a drop of God's blood, the body injury is recovering at an incredible speed.

Due to excessive blood loss, the pale and frightening face was gradually ruddy.

It was evening, and the sky was getting dark outside the window. The restaurant of the orthopedic hospital was also crowded with people. There was an endless stream of people coming to eat and play.

"Dada Da..."

On the corridor outside the intensive care unit, suddenly came a subtle sound of high-heeled shoes. Shen Xinghan, who was guarding the door, immediately looked at him, and his internal power was almost instantaneous.

After seeing the face of the visitor, Shen Xinghan put down his heart.

"Miss Shen, I've been guarding all day. It's hard. This is the food I brought from the restaurant just now. Eat it while it's hot."

It's ningfeixuan, the beauty of iceberg.

The hospital has changed many people's clothes.

At the moment, he was wearing a black tunic with high-heeled boots of 10 cm on his feet, and his long wine red hair was deeply covered by the gray Jazz cap.

However, even so, this dress is still unable to cover her iceberg like queen temperament.

Along the way, many patients have been impressed by the cool and gorgeous temperament of Ning Feixuan. The rate of return is absolutely 100%.

When she handed Shen Xinghan a piece of food packed in her hand, Ning Feixuan asked intentionally or unintentionally:

"although the Shenjiazhuang garden was not destroyed by Meng ran himself, the hundreds of lives of Shen family are inseparable from Meng ran. Can you really put down this hatred?"

Shen Xinghan, who wants to catch the food, has a shaking palm. Even if she conceals it well, she is still caught by Ning Feixuan.

"As early as I was cursed by him, I was willing to give him as a slave and a servant. The destruction of Shen family's garden has nothing to do with me."

Shen Xinghan took the meal and said calmly on his face.

However, Meng's father could not easily be killed by her blood.

But Shen Xinghan's words and deeds at the moment, as if he had already looked down upon life and death, did not put this blood feud in his heart at all.

It seems to be aware that Ning Feixuan doubts himself. Shen Xinghan says with self mockery:

"Captain Ning, my life and death are controlled in Meng Ran's hands. Do you think I dare to betray him?"

As soon as this speech came out, it seemed that he really dispelled Ning Feixuan's suspicion. Ning Feixuan nodded slightly and said, "yes, if you really dare to betray Meng ran, once he returns, I'm afraid that when you want to die, it's extravagant."

After a word, Ning Feixuan will no longer say more, push the door and enter.

Shen Xinghan outside the intensive care unit, his face is iron blue, the pair of chopsticks in his hand has been pinched into pieces by the internal force of his palm!

"Ning Feixuan, if you're not a vase, I'm still suspected by you even if I'm so hidden!"


Ning Feixuan push the door sound is not small enough to wake the sleepy.

At the moment, however, Su Fangfei, lying on the sickbed of Liusheng and piaoyue, was totally oblivious.

Since yesterday afternoon, this intelligent and elegant beauty of Jiangsu University has been guarding the hospital bed.

It was as if it was not the Japanese woman lying on the bed, but her beloved Xiao ran.

Because the previous people's hospital was attacked inexplicably in the middle of the night, Su Fangfei could not rest assured and asked to protect Liu Sheng.

It had been a whole day and a night without a rest. Just half an hour ago, Su Da Mei, who was really unable to support herself, just leaned by the bed and fell asleep.

"Why do I always feel that her relationship with Meng Ran is more than just a sister-in-law?"