Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 938

Medicine King City.

One of the most prosperous cities in the western wilderness and snow region.

Just outside Yaowang valley.

The reason why it is prosperous is naturally due to the existence of Yaowang valley.

This is an existence that no sect or force can ignore.

In the eyes of many people, the medicine refining sect of Yaowang Valley is more respected than the weapon refining sect of Qiyuan sect.

Although the tool refiner and the medicine refiner are equally respected, in a sense

In case of serious injury, medicine can save lives;

When longevity is approaching, medicine can prolong life;

Medicine can break through the bottleneck of cultivation;

From these points alone, no one wants to offend the refiner.

No one can guarantee that one day he will come here and ask for help

Yaowang city is densely covered with trees and lakes, surrounded by countless farmland and pastures, connected by paths, and smelling chickens and dogs. It is a village for several miles and a town for ten miles.

In the four directions of the southeast and northwest of Yaowang City, four peaks with a bottom diameter of tens of miles and no top are pulled up from the ground.

The four peaks just form a square, and each peak is on a corner of Yaowang city.

At the top of the mountain, there is a large arrow tower more than 30 feet high. It is built with an invulnerable xuanjing, combined with a strong defensive array. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

At the moment, Yaowang city is shrouded in heavy rain.

In the sky, countless thunderbolts shook wildly, and silver snakes tore through the dark sky.

The rain poured down like a waterfall.

On the high restaurant, a boy in black quietly looked at the heavy rain outside the window and remained silent for a long time.

The burly man at the table with him, although he has the momentum to look out at the world, his eating appearance is really frightening... Just like people who haven\'t eaten for thousands of years, he eats the sea and drinks, and his mouth is greasy.

This scene doesn\'t match his king temperament.

Not far away, a row of hotel bartenders are serving food and wine with fear.

They couldn\'t help but be afraid, because the big man had poured fifty-five jars of daughter red into his stomach.

And roast whole sheep and roast suckling pigs, changed again and again, almost more than the sum of this floor.

Everyone is guessing that this big man is likely to be a demon family, a transformed demon family.

Otherwise, how can the stomach be like a bottomless hole and be dissatisfied with it?

However, there are countless strong people in Yaowang city because of Yaowang valley. There are all kinds of people, so no one dares to gossip casually.

The strong people who come here want to ask for the medicine King Valley. There are three kinds of good and evil demons!

Even demons, barbarians, Luocha and so on

No one can be sure that the man who eats and drinks the sea now will be a demon giant owl or an Evil Overlord!

Where there is a mixture of good and bad people, everyone is more cautious.

For fear that a careless will cause disaster.

Especially now, even big cities like Yaowang city have been attacked by dark creatures for seven days!

People\'s hearts are tight, and their confusion about the future haunts everyone.

At this time, who is willing to pay attention to a "big stomach king"?

These two people are naturally Shen Lang and dinaros, the king of the Yan devil.

Shen Lang quietly looked at the heavy rain outside the window. The power of the gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram was pouring on him all the time. The particles of the ten gods and beasts were coming out crazily all the time. The chaotic gods were growing continuously.

Even if he is like now, quietly looking at the scenery in the rain and doing nothing, the growth of chaotic God body has not stopped.

And his accomplishments are climbing madly!

Shen Langtou didn\'t look back and said, "at least he is also the king of Yanmo. Can\'t you pay attention to eating?"

Dinaros, the king of the burning devil, smiled awkwardly and said, "it\'s not an example. It\'s not an example... My Lord, my subordinates really can\'t control it. You know, I\'ve been trapped in that place for ten thousand years... And ten thousand years ago, those guys in yumudong blessed land didn\'t give us such delicious food?"

"Those guys closed the blessed land of Yumu cave and had a pure heart and few desires. It\'s just... Alas, human beings really enjoy it. Sir, look at this rhinoceros meat. It\'s fresh, tender and smooth. It melts in the mouth!"

"You see, this daughter is red, fragrant, thick and mellow. It\'s really a great pleasure in life to drink a hundred jars of him and sleep for three days and three nights!"

Shen Lang shook his head again and again: "you\'re still excited to say that you keep up with the last meal on the execution ground... Haven\'t you heard that Yanmo eats goods?"

With a simple and honest smile, the king of the Yan devil asked in a low voice, "Sir, why do we stay here? The medicine King Valley is only a spiritual copper level force, and the highest internal cultivation is only the triple heaven in the imperial martial realm. It\'s easy for us to deal with them."

According to the meaning of the king of Yanmo, you can directly enter Yaowang Valley and take them?

Do they have to "think long-term" in the face of a small Yaowang Valley?

Shen Lang took a sip of wine from his glass and said, "it\'s just the right time to see the excitement."

"Don\'t you realize that the medicine King City is a little strange now?"

"Strange?" said the king of Yan devil in a daze. "I noticed before that the dark creatures around Yaowang city seem to be too active. Compared with tianque City, they are just heaven and earth!"

"Miss xian\'er is really powerful. When she has no strong generals and soldiers in her hand, she frightens the group of demons and doesn\'t dare to get close to tianque city and xuandaozong... No, she doesn\'t dare to get close. I\'m afraid those demons have been destroyed by her!"

The king of the Yan devil said, and the terrible thoughts spread out like a tide in an instant.

This mind, like the ocean, covered and lived in such a big medicine King City, and then continued to spread outward.

Without anyone noticing, the king of Yan devil has heard and seen a lot of things.

"Interesting, ha ha, it\'s really interesting." Gudong Gudong, the king of the Yan devil, poured a jar of wine into his mouth and said with a smile: "we wanted to fill the idea of Wang Gu, but I didn\'t expect anyone to dare to rob business with us!"

In the mind induction of the king of Yanmo, the dark tide of the drug king city is surging, and there are five powerful forces ready to move.

In the primeval forest more than 200 miles away from Yaowang City, there are 12 strong breath hidden!

Although this breath is extremely convergent and weak, it is difficult for ordinary strong people to notice.

But in the mind induction of strong people such as the king of Yan devil, it\'s like twelve suns. It\'s hard to pay attention!

A whole dozen strong people in Huangwu appeared near the medicine King City.

Plus this group of people in Yaowang city

Even the king of Yan devil, who is not familiar with the world, knows that it must be aimed at Yaowang Valley, not coming here to watch the play in the rain.

"So adults like to watch the excitement? Well, let\'s have a look with adults." the king of Yan devil smiled darkly.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I\'m not interested in this kind of excitement."

"This......" the king of Yan devil was stunned and didn\'t understand.

Since you are not interested in this kind of excitement, why don\'t you just kill these guys who dare to "rob business"?

Shen Lang pointed to the wine and vegetables on the table and said, "you ate 58 jars of good daughter Hong and dozens of dishes in one meal. You don\'t think you want money?"

"You are already like this. Your men are not much worse than you in terms of food, are they?"

"Ga?" the king of Yan devil was a little tongue tied.

Although he has high intelligence and excellent accomplishments, he has stayed in the lava land for thousands of years. He can\'t even say a few words. He still doesn\'t pursue human and worldly sophistication.

So Shen Lang has said so clearly that the king of Yan devil still doesn\'t want to understand... Yan devil can eat. What\'s the connection with those demon sect\'s attempts to deal with Yaowang Valley?

Shen Lang couldn\'t help turning his eyes and continued, "maybe you and the seven can not eat for a long time, but the tens of thousands of low-level guys will consume no less."

"It needs money to feed so many people and Yan demons. It needs a lot of money. Do you understand?"

The king of Yan devil suddenly realized: "I see. Your excellency is really insidious... Oh no, it\'s wise! Wise!"

"These strong sects are definitely from Lingtong forces. Catch them, take their money and their magic weapons... Well, I finally think of something more fun than eating. I can\'t wait!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "if you can understand, money is always too little, not too much."

"It doesn\'t hinder us from practicing or doing things."

Shen Lang just said a word or two, and he pulled out the crazy tyranny in Yan devil\'s bones.

Even Shen Lang didn\'t expect that the king of the devil finally became a frightening "demon king" with wild geese plucking their hair, ants squeezing oil and cockroaches scraping paint on their backs

But Shen Lang didn\'t dare to let the king of Yan devil do such a thing for the time being.

This guy\'s head hasn\'t been enlightened yet. He still needs to be adjusted for a period of time.

If you let him go out and toss now, I\'m afraid you\'ll have to level those demon sect doors directly!

I don\'t think we can even keep one or two alive.

"Anyway, if you don\'t look at the monk\'s face and the Buddha\'s face, there is an old acquaintance in this group. At least you should give xian\'er a face."

Shen Lang smiled and picked up his glass.

Just then, footsteps came, and a group of young people in uniform came up.

The oldest of these people is only 25, and the youngest is only about 16, both men and women.

Their faces were full of pride, and they walked with their nostrils facing the sky.

As soon as the party came up, their eyes fell on Shen Lang and the king of Yan devil.

Without hesitation, the leading young man led a group of people towards Shen Lang and shouted, "waiter, get ready to serve good wine and food. My martial brothers are hungry!"

As soon as the voice fell, the young man threw a small bag of spirit stones in front of Shen Lang: "we are from Yaowang valley. I want the position by the window. You two can change another position."

"Get up and leave now!"

"Bastard!" as soon as the king of Yan devil patted the table, he suddenly stood up.