Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1316

Abyss demons are born from killing.

Their nature is destruction. They don\'t know what death is.

Even if he felt the terrible breath on Lu Tian, the abyss Lord still attacked him!

The thick tail, like a whip, with a sharp and piercing sound of breaking the air, directly pulled it towards Lu Tian!

The power of the tail of the pit lord is terrible.

It seems to be a random wave, but it contains powerful hegemonic power and evil energy that corrodes everything!

Don\'t say it\'s an ordinary human flesh and blood. Even the mountains straight into the sky can\'t resist such a crazy attack!

The corner of Lu Tian\'s mouth tilted slightly, and his whole body became half bright and half dark when the tail hit him.


The violent wind and waves swept through, and Lu Tian\'s body broke into countless pieces, like thousands of leaves, flying all over the sky in the storm.

Then, all the leaves gathered together and changed into Lu Tian\'s original appearance!

Such a fierce attack has no effect on Lu Tian!


The tail of the abyss Lord turned in the air and pulled to Lu Tian at a faster speed.

Five times in a row, Lu Tian was like this, turned into countless fragments, and then gathered into one.

"Small skills!"

The abyss Lord also fired, his eyes became fierce, and a demon halberd like a huge column appeared between his hands.

The whole body of the huge demon halberd is wrapped by evil energy, and it looks like a divine soldier condensed by evil energy.

As soon as the demon halberd appeared in the hands of the Lord of the abyss, it broke the air, stabbed forward and stabbed Lu Tian!

The power of this stab is really sharp, destroying mountains and mountains!

In the dark nightmare court, there was a rumble of thunder in the night time, like ten thousand thunder!

Lu Tianleng snorted. He didn\'t retreat but moved forward. His two fingers pointed together like a sword. He simply pointed at the devil\'s long halberd, which came in a hurry, and touched it on the devil\'s long halberd!

The size between the two is not at the same level at all;

It seems that strength is also very different.

However, Lu Tian simply pointed out that the huge demon halberd could no longer enter!


The unparalleled strength is centered on the connection between Lu Tian\'s fingers and the devil\'s halberd, and is sweeping in all directions!

Before the covetous abyss demons around them reacted, they were howling and flying out, and fell in a mess!

"Toast without penalty!"

Lu Tianleng drank, and the strength on his fingers suddenly vomited!

With a loud noise, the huge demon halberd was swung back, hit the pit lord on the chest and flew the Pit Lord out!

However, he is the abyss Lord of emperor Wujing\'s seven heaven. Even if he has the advantages of indestructible flesh and evil energy, he is not qualified compared with the land sky of emperor Wujing\'s seven heaven!

The abyss Lord and the abyss devil lying on the ground now showed fear in their eyes.

As if they were not abyss demons at all, Lu Tiancai was abyss demons!

Although the abyss demon was born from killing, it is extremely evil and only knows destruction.

But the abyss demons who can reach this level have extremely high intelligence and know to seek good luck and avoid evil.

Only those low-level abyss demons will know that there is a dead end and rush wildly.

Lu Tian\'s power is far beyond those of these abyss demons.

At the moment, the great eyes of the abyss Lord were rolling around, and he was already considering his way back.

Run if you can\'t fight. It\'s the same with any creature.

The same is true of abyss demons.

At this time, Lu Tian walked slowly towards the abyss Lord with his hands on his back.

"I want to cooperate with you, but you are shameless." Lu tianyouyou said, "in that case, I will destroy you all."

Said, Lu Tian\'s right hand lifted up.

A circle of shocking blood light wrapped his whole palm. At first glance, the palm seemed to be a sea of blood, releasing disgusting blood gas.

"Wait!" the pit lord felt the crisis of death and shouted, "who are you and what do you want to do?"

Lu Tian smiled coldly, "what are you doing? I told you to go to the world for a walk?"

"You are not only ungrateful, but also dare to fight this seat. You are simply impatient!"

The abyss Lord said in a deep voice: "Sir, the endless abyss full of evil energy is the home of our abyss demons. The human world is not suitable for us to survive... And once we appear in the world, we will almost become the target of all living races..."

The former overlord of the abyss trembled like a big white rabbit in front of Lu Tian.

Lu Tian said lightly, "it\'s your business whether you want to go to the human world. I\'m here just to talk about cooperation with you."

"There is a crack in the earth and a crack in the endless abyss in the desolate valley of the broken soul mountain, which is about 500000 - miles away from here..."

"I will give you the coordinates. Take this group of hands and go down to the crack of the endless abyss of the valley."

"Open the crack, and this seat will help you seize the crack in the earth."

"After success, the earth crack will be given to you, and the most Yin Qi in it will belong to you. This building only needs the eternal tree on the edge of the earth crack."

The abyss Lord was skeptical and said, "but as far as I know, all these cracks in the earth are guarded by legendary sect strongmen. How can I break them with my strength?"

Lu Tian smiled: "do you know a lot about things in the world?"

"I just said that I will help you seize the crack in the earth... You just play a chaotic role. It\'s me who finally took the shot, okay?"

"What if I refuse?" asked the pit lord timidly.

Lu Tianyin said, "no grass left!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Tian stretched out his palm and grabbed it towards the abyss Lord!

The huge body of the abyss Lord, with no resistance, just soared into the air!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Lu Tian hit the abyss Lord with his hands.

The pit lord howled wildly.

All around the abyss, the demons were so frightened that they retreated one by one and didn\'t dare to get close to Lu Tian.

After a while, Lu Tian threw the huge abyss Lord out and smashed the solid ground into a big pit.

"I have laid a death ban on you. Do what you say, and nothing will happen in the end."

"Otherwise, hum!"

Finally, the last "hum" came out of Lu Tian\'s mouth. The abyss Lord immediately rolled wildly on the ground, holding his head and Howling miserably!

As soon as Lu Tian\'s sleeved robe was thrown away, he mysteriously disappeared on the spot.

"Hurry to the abyss crack in the valley of desperation as soon as possible. I\'ll tell you when to impact the seal of the endless abyss crack."

"Don\'t expect to escape. I have planted blood ban on all the abyss demons in your nightmare court, not just you."

"If you dare to resist, you have only one way to die and never surpass life!"

Lu Tian\'s words sounded long over the nightmare court, and the faces of all the abyss demons present changed greatly!

These monsters of the abyss, with their heads bowed and trembling.

Whether the human race or the demon race is alive, these killing abyss demons are the law of the jungle.

In front of the real peerless strong man, the abyss devil can only bow his head