Starting from Zero

Chapter 96

"Why are you so bad! Ha ha ha Everyone laughed together.

However, to our surprise, daguofan himself began to laugh. We thought he was hit too much, and then we laughed at him when he came back, so he couldn't bear the mental pressure, leading to mental breakdown!

Xiuluo purple clothes embarrassed push big pot rice. "Are you all right? We didn't mean to laugh at you, really

Said she looked at us, we quickly and violently nodded until the point of their own head dizzy. "You see, everyone is kind. We are not laughing at you

On time, the big pot rice suddenly compared a V gesture to me. "Thank you for pushing me under the bridge so that I can enjoy the feeling of happiness!"

"He didn't fall to his head, did he?" The eagle looked at the big pot rice and didn't know what he was doing!

Yu Zhe looked at the footprints of big pot rice and said, "it may have been trampled on and lost my mind."

Heartless suddenly found a strange situation. "Didn't you fall into the river? Why are you still a footprint? You don't have any water on you? "

"Yes! Didn't you fall into the river We found that there was something wrong with the big pot rice. Why was he so happy when he fell to the bottom of the river and didn't get any water.

After listening to our question, the big pot rice just looked at himself and said, "water? Where can I find water? Brother ziri, I admire you so much! My admiration for you is like a torrent of river water

"What am I doing, me?" What he said made me feel very angry.

"You don't know! You and your Demon Knight pushed so many people down the moat. In addition, the moat was not deep, so the whole bridge was flooded with people! I fell down when a lot of MM Oh! I actually fell in a mm body, that feeling Sobbing How touched After that, he was moved to cry! Is not a few mm, as for Lecheng like this!

The eagle interrupted the exclamation. "Well, let's get down to business! Purple moon, what about magic crystal cannon

"I put it in the central square, and the sky fire is watching over there! But I don't think I have to worry about anything. The lost city is like a ghost town, and there is no personal shadow at all! "

"In fact, it's good here, and no one is better." I led the way to the central square, chatting with them as I walked. "I'm just like a city Lord here. Everything can be used at will! It feels great! By the way, eagle, do you still have the money from my last sale? "

"Yes, I've been carrying it with me all the time. Anyway, death doesn't blow up money. It's troublesome to deposit money in the bank! Do you want it now? "

"Yes, give it all to me. I'll pay back the money!"

"Pay back the money?" Purple moon looked at me and asked curiously. "Do you owe anyone money?"

"It's a NPC here. My armor was repaired last time, but I didn't have enough money. Later, the NPC helped me to pay for it. I didn't have any money to pay back. Now, of course, I have to pay back the money quickly! "

"NPC can also help people advance money?" All but rose and chin fell off!

"What, can't you?" I patted the eagle curiously. "Give me the money. You go to the central square first, and I'll be there later."

"Clark?" I rushed into Clark's store, but there was no one in it. This guy, looking for him ten times and absent nine times, must have gone to the clothes store again! This guy, the typical sex wolf! All the way to the clothing store, Clark is here. "Why do you like to run around without staying in your shop every day? Well, here's your 150000 crystal coin. "

Clark took the coin and said, "Why are you suddenly rich?"

"I sold something and made some money. Oh, yes! Do you know how to use the cannon? "

"Cannon? You don't mean magic crystal cannon

"Yes, the magic crystal cannon. We stole a magic crystal cannon, but we don't know how to use it! And we don't know how to use it better! " Clark has been commander-in-chief of the demon army, which is the most suitable thing to ask him.

Clark thought for a moment and said, "where is your cannon? I need to see it. My troops used to have mobile guns and fixed forts. Their styles are different, so I have to see them before I know how to use them! "

"Come with me then." I bypassed Clark and yelled to the landlady inside, "sister-in-law, I'll borrow it from you!"

"Go!" The boss's wife would be embarrassed!


Clark followed me to central square, where Eagles were already there. Seeing Clark coming with me, the hawk quickly drew out his sword. "Purple sun, be careful! There's a shadow warrior behind you

I didn't look back. "It's OK. It's my friend!" Clark and I went directly to the cannon. Clark seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to me and other people outside the ice. It seems that the charm of eagles was not high at the beginning!Clark looked at the two meter high cannon in front of him, then went up and fiddled with it for a while and said, "it's very good. It's the largest fortress with magic crystal cannon! There are many lost! "

"Lost city also has this kind of magic crystal cannon?" I don't seem to have seen it before!

"Yes, in the moat. When the eye of hell is fully open, it will come out of the water and attack all nearby enemies. It is invisible now! Did you steal this door from Yunxiao city? "

"Ah?" I was startled. "How do you know?"

Clark pulled a huge Amethyst the size of a human head from below. "There's a sign of Cloud City on the magic crystal. Look at this!" We all looked together, and there was a strange sign. Although we didn't understand what it meant, it seemed to be a mark or something.

"This crystal is the energy source of the magic crystal cannon. You should pay attention. Every time it's launched, the crystal will be lighter. When it's completely white, it won't work! " Clark jumped down and said to me, "don't throw away the crystal when it's finished. Come back and sell it to me. I'll recycle it!"

"What do you want this for?"

"But what do you want for high-grade armor? By the way, the cannon can't be fired continuously. The interval between the two shots is at least 30 seconds. If it's too close to fire, it'll explode soon

"Oh! I see! " I didn't expect this thing to be so troublesome. "Well, if this Amethyst is used up, where can I get a replacement?"

"I don't know about this. I think you can go to Domingo. The boy must have a way!"

"Yes. Well, what about the operation? "

"Here Clark pointed to something like a handle on the gun base. "Pull back, pull once is a gun, it will automatically return to its position after the end of the shelling."

Thank you

"Don't thank me, as long as you can help me collect more materials. You have to collect the list of materials you gave you last time."

"Good! Never forget it

I saw you off, Clark hawk ran up to me. "Is that really NPC? How does it feel different from the others? "

"The NPC in this city is not the same. Anyway, you can be polite to them! Okay, what do you do now? What do we do with this cannon? Can't you just leave it like this? There is still a long time to go before the national war! "

"I know a place to use!" Merciless suddenly came out. "It's Anti Japanese anyway. It's better to fight at sea first."

"Sea war?" The hawk looked at me again. "What is a naval battle?"

Mercilessly, we all don't know, so we begin to explain it to you slowly. "Ziri, didn't you go to the ends of the Earth last time?"

"Yes! Yes, that's where I met you

"You ran in a hurry last time. The end of the earth is actually a port city."

"Port city? Are there many boats? " Passerby a excitedly asked, "my original wish was to be a sailor! If there is a boat here, I can realize the sailor's dream

Bailing also asked excitedly, "is there a bathing beach? I think I'm going on a tour

Heartless smile way: "have, but have one thing you certainly don't know!"

"What?" This sentence was asked by everyone together.

"Japanese pirates!"

"Little Japan?" There was a surge of sagacity at the same time.

"Yes, little Japan!"

"Isn't the national war still open?"

"We didn't watch the national war, but don't you know that the world is connected? All countries in the world of this game exist in the same environment. We are actually connected with Japan, but there is a sea in the middle! The border between the country and China is only blocked. In other words, you can go to any country, that is to say, you have to go through a specific area. Game companies create artificial barriers between countries, dividing different countries. It is said that after the beginning of the national war, there will be various channels to contact the countries, and then the national war can really begin. Although we can't start the national war at this time, a small team of thirty-five people can still cross the border! The border line between China and Japan is the same sea, so you can cross it by boat. "

"That's not to say that little Japan can ship all their people here?" Ziyue is a typical Chinese nationalist extremist. She is easy to get excited when she encounters problems involving Japan!


"In theory, it's OK, but I don't know why they didn't do it, but they still often organize players to rob and kill our coastal players.""What?" Purple moon's eyes are red, I'm really afraid that she will go to seek revenge on Japanese pirates! "What are we Chinese players doing? Let them do it? "

"We Chinese players also have patrol teams organized by various guilds, which are training at the seaside while monitoring the sea surface. Moreover, it is said that many guilds in coastal areas have their own warships, but the time and place of the Japanese pirates are irregular, and we can't look at the sea 24 hours a day, so most of the time we let them take advantage of it! "

"I'm so angry! I can't stand it! " Purple moon now looks like a bull with two nostrils puffing, which is very frightening.

"Calm down! Calm down We a group of people to help her cool down, so that she can not do anything! This girl is so brave and frightening! Think, magic crystal cannon she dare to make a decision, what else she dare not move!

I quickly digress the subject. "What do you mean the magic crystal cannon can be used?"

"You think, when the Japanese invaders come, they all want to go by boat. What if we sink the enemy ships?"

"Good way!" Purple moon jumped up again, I and Eagle two people Leng is not to suppress her. "Come on, let's take this cannon to the sea!"

"Wait a minute!" Bailing stops everyone. "China has 26000 kilometers of coastline. This gun can't play a very important role?"

"This...!" Everybody sank. Although our motherland is beautiful, it seems that it is too big. How to defend such a long coastline!

"Isn't it true that some guilds have warships? How about we build ships, too? " Big pot rice put forward a very insightful opinion. "If you put it on the fort, you can only intercept the enemy in a small area. If you have a warship, you can do it!"

"Yes, yes, yes! That's it! Quick, quick, quick Purple moon in the third rampage! "Sky fire, take off!"

urged by the purple moon, so many of us came to Hongliu City, one of the largest port cities in China. The reason why we didn't go to the ends of the earth was mainly because it was a small city and could not build large ships, and our magic crystal cannons were obviously not suitable for those small sampans! When we arrived at Hongliu City, it was already at night. Under our repeated dissuasion, purple moon finally agreed to let us take a rest offline and start planning tomorrow.

The next morning, after entering the city, we went straight to the port area, which was really spectacular! The huge port more than ten kilometers wide is full of all kinds of ships, large and small. Besides a few fast ships that are obviously capable of fighting, the most common ones are fishing boats.

One of the biggest sailboats has attracted everyone's attention. Many people are busy on the huge wooden sailing boat. I can't tell which are the players and which are the NPC! There is a huge triangular sail hanging from the huge main mast with a small flag on the top of the mast. In fact, it seems that the mast is not very high. There is a sun on the flag, just like the Japanese plaster flag, but there is a shark beside the sun, which is opening its mouth to eat the sun.

We were looking at the stupor when a strange voice suddenly appeared. "The Haiwei is the biggest warship in Hongliu city. In the past two months, we have sunk seven Japanese pirates' ships."

I looked back at the people behind me. About 1.78 meters tall, a black helmet that should have been good, but it's very rusty! A very common public face, coupled with the imposing thick eyebrows, is actually a good-looking appearance.

Seeing that I noticed him, the other party politely extended a hand. "Hello, my name is Chuang Wang, President of the Anti Japanese Federation."

"Hello! My name is ziri I also politely shook hands with him. "Is this your guild?"

"Yes! This is a large-scale sailing boat that our guild donated to order. At that time, it cost us 500000 crystal coins! But for the sake of her sinking so many Japanese warships, it's worth the ticket price! Would you like to join us, miss? Can we? Miss

I've fainted on the ground, foaming at the mouth, another one to admit my mistake! Hurt your self-esteem! Purple moon took over the hand of Chuang Wang in the air. "The Anti Japanese Federation, right! Good name! China needs such talents! "

Chuang Wang just saw that I didn't see the purple moon. Now he is surprised and can't react! He pointed to the purple moon, then pointed to me, and then pointed to the purple moon. Finally, he took a big breath and said to the purple Moon: "your sister?"

Purple moon did not answer him, but directly asked, "where did you fix the boat?"

"Miss, would you like to order one? It's very valuable! "

"Just tell me where it is!" Purple moon is now in a hurry to build ships and fight Japanese pirates.

"Come with me, young lady." Chuang Wang was leading the way in front of us, and he didn't forget to talk to us. "What do you call Miss?"

"Purple moon."

"Purple moon, purple sun? You are really sisters! No wonder they look like this Purple moon just looked back at me and laughed but didn't help me explain. I finally got up and fainted again!It took Chuang Wang a long time to get to the border area of the port. There is a huge berth here, but this berth is obviously separated from other berths, and there is a ceiling! "Here we are. This is the dock. Just find the NPC inside and you can order the ship. "

He was about to take us in when a man came in and saw the man running over. "I found you at last! Come on! Come on! Little Japan is coming again, and the hayway is about to set off. "

"Again? OK, let them know we're good! Go Running out of a section of the king suddenly turned back: "we kill that group of Japanese thieves will come back, and then we will chat with you." Then he ran out.

"Interesting people The eagle looked at me and said, "come on, let's go and order a ship of our own, and we can fight pirates in the future."

"Yes, yes!" Purple moon came again, dragging me to run. "Sister, hurry up!" This girl is angry with me!

When I ran into the dock, I saw a lot of people busy inside. The keel of a medium-sized ship was lying there. Many people were loading wooden plates on it. It seemed that it was a new business in the dock. I grabbed a man who had run by to find out who the order ship was looking for. The man told us to go to the small room inside and find the designer.

A group of us immediately ran to the shabby house in the corner of the dock, pushed the door in and saw an old man drawing something on the paper. Seeing us come in, the old man put down his pen. His light blue cloth clothes and a large waistband around his chest make him look like a carpenter. The only difference is that he still wears gold rimmed glasses. "Are you going to order ships?"

"Yes! We need a special boat! " I quickly open my mouth, here I am the most charming, and NPC talk or I am more convenient.

"Come here, then." The old man came over and opened another door of the room. Unexpectedly, there was a back door. As the old man came out of the door, the first thing to see was a row of huge sailboat keel. The old man pointed to the smallest one and said, "this is a model keel. It depends on the size of the boat. The smallest one is the keel of an ordinary fishing boat. If you want to catch whales or sea monsters, you need these large keel here

"Just a moment, please." I interrupted the introduction of the old man. "We need warships!"

"Warships! Did you say that earlier? " The old man continued to walk forward, bypassing the keel. There were still many keels behind it. But it was obvious that the keel was not only much larger, but also had dense skeletons. It seems that the firmness of the warship is higher than that of ordinary ships! "These are the keel of a warship. The equipment can be determined later, but the keel determines how big a ship will be, and it must be the first to decide. Are you watching? Do you like it? "

"Do you have anything bigger? To tell you the truth, we have a big thing to load on this ship. Do you have any bigger keel? We need extra large ship. The bigger the better The largest keel here is only about 50 meters, and the built ship is estimated to be larger than the Haiwei outside! However, it is obviously inappropriate for our magic crystal cannon to be installed on this ship. Judging from the recoil force of the tank when launching the cannon, if the ship is equipped with the magic crystal cannon, it will be sunk by the recoil force as soon as the gun is fired!

The old man thought about us for a while and said, "I still have a baby, but..."

There's a door! I quickly forward to say good words, all I know the commendatory adjectives almost used! The old man finally said, "I'll tell you that you are so smart and respect the old man! Actually, I have a huge keel Speaking of this, he suddenly carefully looked around and finally leaned over to my ear and whispered. "It's the remains of an ancient beast after its death. Its sternum is just the keel of a ship. But that thing was originally a monster, so although it had been dead for 800 years, it was still full of evil spirit! If you use that thing as a keel, your boat will not only be very large, but also will be much stronger than the current ones. But The old man stopped talking about the key points! , the fastest update of the webnovel!