Starting from Zero

Chapter 278

The dragons have gone to rest and cure, and the players in Asia are basically offline. The dark army will not be able to come back until at least 8:00 tomorrow morning. Now, Eisinger is very lonely! I thought about the intention of the Legion of light alone, and the more I thought about it, the more strange I felt! Now I hold a lot of clues in my hand, but I can't connect them. I feel as if I understand something, but I can't grasp the main points!

"President?" Three beautiful figures suddenly jumped out of the side.

I looked up and saw that they were the three leaders of the women's Federation brought back from Germany. Before the war, we arranged that Asian players would be responsible for defense between 8:00 and 24:00, while German players would be responsible for the latter half of the night. This arrangement is mainly to ensure that Eisinger is available at any time, and the German players do not have to stay up late after midnight due to their different time zones! Now it's past zero, German players have begun to go online.

"Are you here?"

"Yes! How is the war going? " Katrina is concerned about the war.

"I had a battle with the temple of light this afternoon, but there were some small accidents. The ambush turned into a encounter battle, but the overall effect was OK. The target was basically completed, but the casualties of the dragon clan were slightly larger."

"That's fine!" Christina patted her chest with ease. "What about the dark army?"

"There are basically no casualties, because the number of enemies actually contacted in the end is less than expected, so the casualties are also reduced. Now the dark army has left the ambush and is heading back I remembered that these German mm research did not know how the progress was, so I asked, "how are you doing with the technology you bought from Germany last time?"

Christina said: "because the super cannon contains a lot of Chinese technology, the drawings are being modified and there will be no products for the time being. The structure of the crossbow is relatively simple, and it has been basically finalized. However, since the factory has not been completed, it can not be produced in mass production for the time being. It has only been assembled by hand and has been installed on the wall! The armored ship thinks that the dock has not come out yet, and it will take a long time for us to have the production capacity, so we haven't studied it for the time being and concentrate on dealing with other items! "

"In the end, there is no result?" I've been studying for a long time and nothing has been found out!

"That's not it!" "We have mastered the floating technology and produced a lot of products," voma said. In particular, we have basically completed the sky city plan you told us! "

"So fast?" When I knew that floating technology could lift big things into the air, I immediately thought of the sky garden in Babylon and the flying mountain in Chinese mythology. Eisinger is carved out of a whole mountain, and its underground part is also made of rock, and it is closely connected and will not loose. That is to say, Eisinger is a whole, even if it flies, it will not drop any bits and pieces! As soon as I got the technical information in Europe, I wanted to make eisenegger a city of the sky, but I knew it would not be easy. So I gave the plan to the women's Federation of these skilled mm. I didn't expect that they would have a result in a short time, but I didn't expect to have a result so soon!

"The iron Crusaders have already achieved considerable results, and have basically entered the practical stage, so we can quickly transform them into practical ones," voma said. Besides, the flying machine is a design principle. There is no big difference between making Eisinger fly and making the elevator fly. As long as the instrument is scaled up and the output power is increased! "

"How is it going now?"

"The equipment has been completed, knowledge has not yet started installation without your command!"

"What are you waiting for? Install it ha-ha! I don't have to guess what plans the temple of light has. I'm not afraid of any plans they have! When the floating equipment is complete, Eisinger will be able to fly. Although the damned floating technology doesn't know why, once started, it will remain horizontal and still, and can move up and down, but can't move left and right. Even if there is external force, it can't move at all! If the external force is big enough, it will only deform the floater and can't make it move! However, as long as you can move up and down, that's enough. Lift isinger to the sky. How can you attack the city if I don't touch the ground? As long as the two magic light cannons are dealt with again, there is nothing to threaten Eisinger. We have rifles and dragons. Who is Eisinger's opponent in the air force?

Found a way to deal with the temple of light, I quickly pull three people to see the floating equipment! Woma took me to the heart of eisenegger, which is below the stupa. This is the geometric center of Eisinger, because Eisinger is highly symmetrical, so it is also the center of gravity of Eisinger.

Through thousands of stairs to the outside of the core room, 200 goblin knights and 100 dark Rangers guard here. Behind them is a huge 10 meter wide 10 meter high copper door. The two door panels of the gate are made of 100 tons of pure copper, up to one or two meters thick. There are half magic circles on each side of the door, which can be combined into one when closed. Seeing me approaching the guards on both sides, he saluted immediately. A Demon Knight with a team came up and said, "Lord of the city!"

"Open the door!"

The goblin Knight immediately turned back and motioned to open the door, and the dark Rangers immediately began to spell. The magic lines on the door suddenly lit up, and the door slowly slid to both sides. Because there were only four of us, the door just opened a gap more than two meters wide and stopped!After passing through the gate, I entered the power core of Eisinger. This is an absolute forbidden area. No one can enter except get my order. Voma, every time they come to do research, I call the guards before I let them in. Now I know that they always run here for this thing! The power core provides energy for the whole of eisenegger. Night lighting, urban drainage system, automatic gate, magic crystal cannon, mechanical winch and so on, all of these things rely on the magic crystal of the power core! Now the power core is still coming back from Atlantis, which cost a lot of money. The magic stone in the power core, which is one circle bigger than basketball, was the biggest piece I could find at that time.

When we enter the gate, we actually enter a place like a balcony. The core room is a big space, and it's really empty. This balcony is in the room's half waist position, only 20 meters wide, more than eight meters. Because of the lack of face-to-face, you can't see the opposite side, the roof and the room below, so it gives people a feeling of infinite room!

At the center line of this terrace there is a step extending out of the hearth. The steps are only more than one meter wide and incline upward, but the angle is not very steep. It looks like five or six meters out of the terrace. At the end of the steps is a circular platform. On the platform, there is a curved bow beam across the center. In the middle of the bow beam, there is an original disc-shaped object extending downward with three fingers. On the ground, there is just an upward tray, which seems to be used to fix something!

Now, the magic stone that provides power to Eisinger floats between the two fixers, and is evenly emitting soft light. In addition to the red magic warning light on both sides of the steps to prevent people from falling down, the magic crystal is the only light source in the room!


"Isn't this still the driving force of the past?" I looked at the platform road.

Woma took me to the platform and pointed to the West. "See below?"

When I looked carefully, I found that the ground of the platform had been replaced with transparent materials. There were some large instruments under the platform, and some large pipes were connected to the instrument. "Is this the flight instrument?"

"No! This is only the power conversion part, because the energy required for takeoff is far more than the power of other equipment, so we can't get energy from the urban power pipeline. We have set up a new dedicated line for it. It's mainly for fear of overload of urban pipelines. It's not good if it explodes! "

"Yes! That's it! But what about the flight controllers? "

"The mainframe is under the room, but it's too dark to see here. There are 108 extensions in total, which are located in different parts of the city. But they haven't been installed yet! "

"Then install it, install it immediately, and I need them to work right away!"


I followed the three of them to see the extension of the magic anti gravity device. Those things were vertical metal boxes, which looked like the giant computer group of dragon edge, but they were bigger! The installation lasted until 6:00 a.m. and all the devices were almost finished. A large group of players and NPCs were doing the final debugging.

My private conversation suddenly started. It was a German MM who arranged to guard Babel Tower. She wanted to study Babel Tower's technical principles. I asked her to help me monitor the operation of the two light legions. "President, something's wrong. You'd better come and have a look!"

I quickly ran to Babel Tower, after entering, the MM immediately pulled me to the screen. "Look

The picture clearly shows the army of light stationed in the canyon. It seems that there is nothing special about it. It is just a red line on the ground. I don't know what the Legion of light is doing on the ground! The German mm asked me to take a look at the whole camp. I saw the problem as soon as I pulled it up! The whole camp is covered with that kind of red line, and you can see that this is a magic array! The Legion of light has arranged a magic array as big as the whole camp! Now the magic circle is obviously not finished, and many mages are still painting, but it seems that it is not far from the completion!

Quickly switch the picture to the army of light in the rock valley. You can see that they have stopped cutting down trees, but the cleared space is just a huge circle. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, the one!

The German mm continued: "look at the army in the canyon again!"

I cut the picture back into the canyon. She went on: "watch out for the giant carriages! You make me pay more attention, so I often observe, but you see. Do you see anything? "

I watched it for a long time and finally found out that it was wrong! "Two missing?"

"Look at the features of the box again!"

I looked at the box. Although the cars were camouflaged, the stacking of boxes was different. I paid special attention to the boxes placed on the other two carriages with magic light cannons last night. And now "The magic light gun is gone?" The two chariots with magic light cannons are gone, and the rest are fake! I quickly looked for the water wheel again. "Is the water wheel gone?"The German mm said: "I just found out that the water wheel disappeared. It was because the water wheel was not there, so I looked for other carriages. As a result, I found that two carriages carrying magic light cannons were not there! According to the situation, it's long gone! Look here again She switches to the Legion of light across the valley, and zooms in on a place in the woods.

I recognized for a long time before surprised way: "this is not the carriage of magic light gun?" The carriage was camouflaged by a large number of leaves. If you don't pay attention, you can't find it! "When did you find it?"

"Just now! I called you because I saw it

"The two places are so far away that such heavy equipment can't be transported so quickly, unless it's a transmission array! Is it really a teleportation array? But what are they doing transporting this thing from here to there? Isn't it getting farther and farther? "

"Then I don't know!"

The behavior of the temple of light is becoming more and more strange. Now it seems that the unfinished magic array is the key. I quickly ran to find Weina. Although her strength was sealed, her memory was not lost. She should recognize all magic circles! I found vena and took her to see it. She immediately recognized the magic circle. "This is a large asymmetric transmission array! Draw a large magic array with complex structure on the ground, and then draw a small guiding magic array where you want to go. After that, we can transfer all the things on this side of the large array to the opposite side at one time. This kind of array needs a lot of ruby dust to draw magic array, and the accuracy requirements are extremely demanding, so it is rarely used! But this kind of array needs only a simple magic array to guide the location, so it is very suitable for rapid layout of transmission channels. It is commonly used in sneak attacks on the battlefield

I probably know what the temple of light is going to do now! It seems that they are going to use the teleport array to transmit the troops at one time, but it's not right! "Verna. You said that as long as the small array can guide, how big is the small array? "

"About 15 meters in diameter."

"Does that mean that as long as the temple of light sends people to draw this magic array near us, it can send all the troops here?"

"No! I just said that. This magic array requires extremely strict accuracy. It is almost impossible to draw temporary pictures! If the temple of light sends someone to draw it, it will take at least 20 mages here to devote themselves to painting for 8 hours! A little distraction is over! Generally speaking, people who use this kind of array usually carve the magic array on the stone slab in advance, and then transport the whole stone slab to the destination. Round stone slabs with a diameter of 15 meters are not very difficult to transport! The magic crystal cannon is much bigger than that, but it is not carried away as usual

"Slate? That's impossible! It's understandable that the temple of light sent several mages to come here. It's impossible not to find a stone slab of that size. Unless they can make holes and walk underground! Wait I suddenly thought of something!


Underground! Under the ground! Under the valley! It's the same with the rain in the south. The mountain is high, the water flows to the lower place, and the water on the mountain will surely converge into a river at the foot of the mountain. But around the valley, let alone rivers, there are no streams. So where's the water? Evaporation? impossible! It's not tropical. It's not that evaporation! Storage? There are no lakes nearby. Where to deposit them? That is, there is no surface runoff and no evaporation, that is, infiltration into the ground!

If such a large amount of water goes underground, it must flow. The limestone in the mountainous area of yangu area is easy to corrode and will become underground river after long-term scouring. Does the temple of light use the underground river to transport troops? In that case, the rafts can explain. But it's not right! How big can an underground river be? Ten meters wide is rare, this is a game, not necessarily according to the reality, plan to underground river bigger, 20 meters wide support dead!

Although the Legion of light in the valley is almost infantry and does not carry any heavy equipment, it has 15 million troops after all! When will the transportation of a 20 meter wide river reach 15 million troops? So it can't be a troop movement. So the only possibility is

Transporting stone slabs? The underground river is not big and its transportation capacity is limited. The magic array requires strict requirements and is not easy to make temporarily, and the magic array stone slab is not easy to be hidden and transported. But if you put two things together, it's easy to understand!

All of a sudden, I figured everything out! I got the information yesterday, and then I saw the strange behavior of the temple of light. All this is easy to explain! What a big scam has been arranged in the temple of light for us to drill! They may even have known that we are going to intercept them at the mouth of the canyon. They are even willing to exchange 5 million troops for the success of this scam!

When the Legion of light first came out of the city, it was announced that the soldiers were divided into two routes, which were all false! They only separated because a magic circle could not transmit 30 million troops at the same time! In order to confuse us, 15 million cavalry and mages carried a large number of siege equipment through the canyon, just to make us think that they were acting according to our plan, and let us relax our attention to the other army. The fact is that we did ignore the 15 million troops in Rock Valley!

Now the army in Rock Valley is almost all infantry, and it doesn't carry any siege equipment at all. Pretending to be transported by water from Miyun to ashinger is actually intended to let us attack Miyun! The players who guard Miyun in the autumn wind of the world of mortals are just non staff members who are ready to sacrifice in the temple of light. The temple intends to let us destroy Miyun! When the city of Miyun no longer existed, they pretended that the plan failed and ran back in confusion. In fact, they changed their way and ran to their real target rock valley. The only reason was that there was an underground river in the valley leading to the vicinity of Eisinger! This 15 million army circled such a big circle and sacrificed Miyun city just to cover the two stones to reach the rock valley smoothly! With the help of the underground river under the rock valley, the two stone slabs engraved with guiding magic array can be quickly sent to a place near Eisinger.The reason why the army that passed through the canyon was to attract our troops out of the city, knowing that there was an ambush! All of a sudden, I thought of a more terrible trick!

The dark army is undoubtedly the main force of this defense, but the light Legion cheated the dark army out of Eisinger at the cost of 5 million troops. On the other side, the army carrying the stone slabs will probably arrive at Eisinger before the dark legion, which means that the light Legion may use the teleportation array to catch up with the dark Legion to reach Eisinger. At that time, only the dragon clan and the city defense forces will be left in aisinger, but the army of the dark army will be blocked outside the city! As long as the light Legion turns back to eat the dark legion, and then turns to attack isinger, we will be defeated!

Now we know why the Legion of light has broken through the canyon after losing 5 million people, and that's because they don't need to go any further. The mission of this unit is to take the dark Legion out of Eisinger and hold it for hours. Now their mission is completed, so there is no need to continue to pursue, but stop to start camp and set up magic array!

No wonder the air force of the temple of light appeared in the sky before the war. No wonder only 5 million troops were blocked by us. No wonder the bright army that crossed the canyon camped in situ. No wonder the soldiers of the temple of light were divided into two ways. No wonder the defense of Miyun City was so weak. No wonder the 15 million bright army would run to the rock valley to cut trees!

It's a huge temple of light! They have planned it before the war. Since the army of the temple of light left the city, we have been in a scam. We even recruit players to attack us. We are all suspicious, just to find some ghost in Miyun!

Now I think of why the 5 million troops that were annihilated by us have no mages, and almost all of them are low-level NPC of human alliance. It turns out that they are to be sacrificed. The NPC level of human alliance is low, and it is not the main attack force. It doesn't matter if they die! This is the wishful thinking of the temple of light!

It's already 7 o'clock. According to the time, the troops of the temple of light will appear in the periphery of Eisinger within an hour, while the dark army is still more than 100 miles away, and can't come back until 8 o'clock! At that time, it will be blocked outside the city. Without the support of the city, the dark army will surely be eliminated soon. According to the calculation of plain operations without walls, it is conservatively estimated that eight to nine million troops will be left after the bright army annihilates the dark army. These forces of isingri can not block so many troops in any way! This is over!

Our only hope is that the floating system can be installed before the Legion of light eats the dark legion, and then only a few days can be allowed to fly in the sky until the battle time is over! It's miserable, but it's better than being captured! However, Arni, who was ready to take this opportunity to make a big profit, lost 30 million troops for no reason, and didn't get a single penny. I wonder if he will take it out on me?

Why the original good plan suddenly changed all team road? No, I can't let it happen. Now the only thing to do is to find and destroy the two stone tablets with guiding array. As long as there is no slate, the plan of the Legion of light will be ruined. At that time, the two armies will have to run from the land, wasting a day in vain. In this way, they will not have much time to attack the city, and their defense will be much easier!

Yes! We must destroy those two slabs! He rushed out of Babel Tower and called out, "plague!"

A gust of wind hung, and the plague fell next to me. "What's the matter?"

"Take all the dragons out of the city and search the area near Eisinger to find two pieces of stone slabs with a diameter of more than ten meters. The stone tablet is carved with magic array, which may be protected by a small number of enemies. Once you find the target, call your partner and destroy the two slabs at all costs

"Yes The plague roared out and circled over aisinger. Other dragon people followed.

I got Vida again. "Come on! Send all the troops you can mobilize out of the city Vida, tell me to take the slate out. In any case, Eisinger's garrison team has been immersed in the blood pool. Even if it is blocked outside the door, it can be revived once after death. This resurrection is not resurrected in situ, but resurrected in Eisinger's barracks, which is equivalent to returning to the city! (the dark army has no chance to revive)

the Eisinger guards can't leave the city too far away, they can only find them nearby, while the dragon people are responsible for a little farther away. I sent out my own Asian Dragon cavalry, steel silver bee and other people. At last, there were crystal devil beetles. These guys had a large number and were most suitable for finding things, so I sent them out. I don't believe I can't find it. As soon as it is discovered, you can summon the dragon clan to besiege. Even if the other side has high-level arms to guard, the dragon should be able to destroy the stone slab!

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