Starting from Zero

Chapter 183

"What is this?" When the son of the night saw what I called, he was startled. Thirty nine snow demons lined up in line. It was really spectacular!

"These are snow monsters, ice dark creatures, absolute fire brigade!" I turned around and nodded at the Snow Demon. All the snow demons immediately began to cast magic in the face of the burning forest. They used a very advanced combined magic, ice and snow. The biggest advantage of this magic is that the attack range is super large. However, 39 snow demons seem to be reluctant to use this magic. The power of magic seems to be greatly reduced, but it is enough to put out the fire.

Seeing the fire solidify in an instant, even the smoke in the sky is frozen into black snowflakes falling on the earth again. For a time, the whole forest is covered with black goose feather snow, which is absolutely unforgettable!

"Look The son of the night pointed to the tree trunk and called to me.

I noticed that the original tree trunk was almost burnt out, but the light green crystal was standing there with a faint light. It seems that the so-called crystal is not afraid of fire. Now most of the forest is full of these strange crystals, one by one standing there, there is no trunk!

"It's everywhere. Take whatever you want." The son of the night joked.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. I knew that it would not take so much effort to cut down the tree, and it could be burned down by a fire."

"Now put these things away?"


Now this half of the burned forest is completely full of crystals standing there. I just need to leave them one by one. In the same way, because we don't know how much is needed, we simply take it from the long to the short, until the night shadow is completely unable to move.

After clearing the crystal, we rushed back. So far, we only spent more than 3 hours. It seems that the time given by the necromancer is still very abundant. When we got back to the cemetery, we saw deken standing there.

"Are you back so soon?" When he saw us, deken seemed to have some disbelief, but when he saw the crystal like a hill on the back of the night shadow behind us, he was immediately silly. "Oh, my God! so many! Too Excellent! Now my experiment can be finished! "

"And this one!" I took the ore to deken, too. "I don't know how much you need, so I took these. I don't know if it's enough?"

Seeing me pour out nearly 5 tons of ore, deken's jaw fell directly. He pulled his chin up with his bony hand and said, "how did you get so much?"

I shine my bracelet. "It's Clark's, don't you remember?"

Deken immediately realized: "you said Clark's infinite space wrist wheel! He gave you all this stuff! What is your relationship? "

"I'm his brother!"

"Strange, not so!" Deken looked at the ore on the ground. He wanted to put it on himself. Thinking that there were too many things, he said to me, "put these things away first, and then come with me!"

"Good!" I quickly collected the ore and followed him out.

In fact, deken didn't take us far. His destination was the graveyard we saw at the beginning. There was also a tombstone of deken. The tombstone was actually the living place of deken. The straight-line distance from the treasure point we found was not more than 200 meters! As he walked along, deken said, "I used to live in the town. Later, I accidentally let me know that the loyal bone I needed was buried here, so I often came to study it. But you know that the distance between here and the village is too far, so I just settled down here."


"Home, of course! I'm a necromancer. Where do I live if I don't live in a cemetery? "

"That's what I said!" I forgot! The necromancer is basically a kind of dead person, and the purpose of living is nothing to blame.

"That's it!" Deken suddenly stopped, his own tombstone at his feet. I saw him in his name gently, the whole tombstone suddenly moved back a section, exposed a one meter square hole, under the hole is a long ladder directly to the deep underground. "Come in! The last one closes the door behind you

Following deken into the passage under the tomb, the son of the night finally comes in and closes the door. When the door was closed, a row of magic flames suddenly lit up in the underground passage. The originally dark basement was instantly illuminated. Although the light was still relatively dark, it had no effect on seeing things!

"What is this?" I suddenly saw a lot of small insects crawling on the wall. They looked very similar to my tank, but the biggest of them was only an inch long, which could not be compared with the 100 meter long tank in full body shape!

Deken grabbed one of them and showed me his stomach. There was a pair of forceps on the mouth of this little thing, which was very large relative to its volume. Moreover, its six legs had grown into sickles, which seemed to be very aggressive. When I finished, he put the little thing back on the wall. "This thing is called the dark claw beetle, level 5 creature. It is usually very quiet. But if their master, i.e. I, instructs them to attack with magic, these things can instantly eat a mammoth! Although they are small, their food intake is very large, if necessary, they can eat the whole city even stones! Although level 5 is very weak, the number can make up for the lack of level. ""Is there anything so terrible?" The son of the night also heard us.

"Do all necromancers have this skill?" I'm also worried about this skill. If all the Necromancers can master this skill, it's OK. These insects have nothing to eat. Even if I take a dragon with me, as long as they catch me, there will be no bones left to gnaw. It is estimated that only tanks and phoenixes are not afraid of them. The tank is too hard for them to chew. Xiaofeng is full of fire. They can't lean on it at all.

Deken's words relieved me. He pulled down his collar and showed me the back of his neck. There was almost a ruby embedded in his skin. "See that?"

"I see it!" I reached out to touch the little thing, the surface is very smooth, and ice feel very good, but I seem to vaguely feel that there is a gap in the middle of the red thing. "What is this? Control their ruby? "

"You take your hand off me, and I'll let it open the shell for you to see," said deken

I just took my hand away and saw that Ruby actually opened from the middle. The son of the night and I were stupid. It was not Ruby at all. This is a beetle, and the shiny red part is just the beetle's Coleoptera. After opening the Coleoptera, we can see a beetle with a huge abdomen. Of course, the so-called huge is only relative to the size of the beetle itself. The beetle's abdomen is not completely outside. I can clearly see that a part of the beetle's abdomen is deeply inserted into Deccan's body, and I feel that this insect has completely become a part of deken.

"This is what controls those bugs?" The son of the night finally recovered from his surprise.

The beetle's Coleoptera closes again. It turns into a beautiful ruby again. Deken touches the shell to make sure it's closed. Then he pulls his clothes back. "This is the female worm. It's very beautiful, isn't it?"

"Mother insect?"


"Yes! How to put it? The female is similar to the queen bee in the hive. All members of the whole population are the offspring of this female insect. In other words, these small dark stem worms are the children of this female insect. But in this group, only this female can reproduce. The other insects are neutral, neither male nor female. When the female needs to reproduce, there will be a lot of males left. When the males grow up, they will mate with the females. After that, the females can reproduce continuously for a year, but the males will die immediately after mating

"What if the mother worm died?" The son of the night asked a strange question.

"The mother insect and the host, i.e. I, are one. If the mother insect dies, it must be me! If the female is dead, the entire population will immediately dissolve, and each insect will suddenly become a female. These mutated females will quickly find suitable hosts in all directions. As long as one of these females finds a new host, the population will be able to reproduce immediately

I exclaimed, "a race too terrible to be destroyed!"

"What do you say?" The son of the night and deken were both attracted by my words.

"The whole ethnic group is equivalent to a creature. Any individual of it is very important to become a group, and any individual in the group can be abandoned. If you want to eliminate this group, you have to eliminate all the individuals of this group, but it is almost impossible. According to chaos theory, the success rate of completely eliminating a race is lower than the probability of being hit by a meteorite on the road! Therefore, it is impossible for this ethnic group to be exterminated, and as long as it is not exterminated, they can regenerate into an ethnic group. And if many of the scattered females find their hosts, the population is actually getting bigger and bigger! "

"That's not going to happen!" Deken interrupted me. "As soon as the parasitism of the first female to find its host is over, the other females will immediately turn back into soldiers and gather together. A tribe will be restored! Although I don't know how they know who parasitized first on such a large scale, it seems that they have this ability. And the way their females control them is telepathic. No matter how far away they are and what's blocking them, they always have a way to contact their children

"It's all stuck in your skin. Doesn't it hurt?" The son of the night seems to be very afraid of this.

"When parasitizing, there will be some itching, but when the parasitism ends, there will be no feeling. It's just like that you have a little longer and become a part of the body completely! After parasitizing, the female insect will insert its central nerve catheter into the host's spine. Then the mother insect will establish the most direct neural connection with you. Your thoughts can be directly felt by the mother insect. Therefore, it is necessary to give orders and think important. It is one with you

I asked curiously, "does it have no intelligence?"

"So far, no intellectual response has been found, and the behavior is very single. The female will only instinctively look for a host. Once found, the female will be completely silent. It will do nothing but reproduce. As for the larvae, let alone the larvae. If you don't call them, they will move on their own, but they will not leave you too far away, so that they can come out to protect the female insects at any time. They don't actually protect you. They know how to protect the female worms. But because the death of the host will directly lead to the death of the female worms, these things will also protect you thoroughly. In order to protect you and the female insects, they will spare no effort to attack the enemy. The insects don't seem to have the concept of their own. Because they don't know what they call themselves, they don't have the sense of selfishness, so they are very brave! ""I want one to hear that!" I tried to say to deken, everyone knows that this thing is powerful, giving others is making trouble for himself, so I'm not sure whether this deken will give it to me. Besides, it seems that the female worm is not easy to copy according to the statement just now, so he has to tell me whether he has a female worm!

"Do you want it?" To my surprise, this deken is more excited than I am. "I've long wanted to experiment with female insemination, but I haven't been able to find the right person! Because the success rate of forced parasitism is very low, and I was dizzy when I was parasitized, so I still don't know how this thing is parasitized

"Isn't it? You use me as an experiment? "

"What's the matter! You don't want this thing to parasitize. Many people have a look at the process! " All of a sudden his eyes were shining at the son of the night. "Would you like to have one?"

"No more!" The child of the night shakes the hand of fear. "It's disgusting to think it's going to grow on me!"

I also advised him: "it's nothing. I don't feel it after parasitism. Besides, it looks like a ruby in the back of the neck from the outside. What's so disgusting about it

"But it's not a ruby! It's still disgusting insects in it

"What do you care what's in it? It's more disgusting to kill people than to open their stomachs! "

"No, I'm still sick! You have to do it yourself The son of the night was determined not to do it.

Dekken pulled me to the end of the passage. There was a stone chamber. There were many anatomical drawings on the wall of the room, and there was a stone bed full of blood beside it. Deken takes a glassware out of the workbench by the door and carefully takes out a red female worm from it. "You go to bed on your stomach!"

Looking at the blood on the bed made me nervous. "Forget it, I'll stand still."

"All right! Take off your armor first The collar of the magic dragon suit is very high. There is no way to see the neck, so if you don't take it off, you can't put the female insect on it.

I put my armor in the locker and sat down on a stone bench. "All right My heart began to ordinary jump up, feel like a child when the family doctor gave me the feeling of injection!

Deken came to my back and held the female insect with one hand and said, "when parasitizing, you should pay attention not to resist. The female worm is actually very fragile, and your resistance consciousness is likely to kill it. I have only two females. If I die, it will be gone! What's more, the mother insect and you and your body will invade your nervous system, blood circulation system and magic operation system. You can choose which system to open to it, or give it all three. But be aware that the system you open will no longer have the ability to respond. The energy the female worm uses to control the larvae comes from you, but in order not to overload you and die, it will only absorb your extra strength, that is, resilience. If you open the blood circulation system, you won't be able to return blood automatically in the future. If you can only recover with medicine after injury, your health value will not recover a little. Similarly, if you open the magic cycle, your mana will no longer be able to recover. As for mental power, it must be turned on, otherwise the parasitism will not be able to carry out. But mental openness doesn't affect your ability.


What's more, the number and capacity of the larvae that the female parasitizes are affected by your attributes. If you open the blood circulation system, then your total health and recovery speed will affect their ability. If even magic power is opened, their attributes will be more affected. In theory, the more blood you have, the higher your magic power, the more powerful these things are. "

"Well, I see. You can let it go! The more time you delay, the more nervous I am! " As the saying goes, death is not terrible. What is terrible is the feeling of waiting for death. The more time I delay, the more scared I am!

Deken finally put the female beetle at the back of my neck. I could feel a sharp pain clearly. It was not like what deken said just itching. What I felt was the pain that made people go crazy. Seeing that I fell from my seat in pain and rolled all over the floor, deken said a word that almost made me vomit blood. "Ah! too bad! I forget, I am a necromancer, so there is no pain! This thing parasitism should be very painful

"Ooh, I've been cheated...!" The feeling of pain is really unbearable, and it is the kind of pain but will not feel dizzy, if directly dizzy also ah! Fortunately, the pain time is not very long, although I feel the time is very long, but about 1 minute later it is over.

The system prompt went off. "You are parasitized by the black claw worm. Do you open the spiritual channel?"


"Is life open?"


"Is the magic channel open?"


"Open mind sharing?"

Yeah? Why is there one more item? No matter what, it must be the setting of increasing capacity. "Good! Open up

"With assimilation, the dark claw beetle can absorb pure evil and evolve into crystal demon beetle. The system confirmation is finished, you can use the beetle's ability nowAt the end of the system prompt, I quickly jumped up from the ground and touched the beetle behind me. It felt as smooth as that of deken's, and it felt better, but my bug seemed to be bigger than his!

"How much does your mother worm reproduce?" Deken ran up to me excitedly.

"I don't know!"

"What? Didn't you show it? "

"Display? oh Wait I was confused by the pain just now. I felt completely scared when I opened the attribute, and I sat on the ground. There is a crystal demon beetle command ability in the attribute, and there are many zeros in the back number. "One, two, three, four, five, six! Six zeros? My God? A million! "

"What a million?" Deken sat down on the ground, too. "Are you right? I can only control a thousand! "

I read it again: "yes, a million!"

"What day!" "You know what?" deken said? A million level 5 Dark tweezers can eat a village

"I'm not a dark tweed here! It says it's a crystal monster beetle, level 20 creature! "

Bang! We shook him for a long time before we woke him up. As soon as he opened his eyes, his first sentence was: "my heart beat for the first time in 500 years!" The necromancer belongs to the necromancer. The heart should have stopped beating for a long time!

"Are you all right?"

"Well, it's just a blow! Do you know what a million crystal beetles can do

"What can I do?"

"You can chew down the city walls in a minute, or you can eat a marching cavalry brigade!" Something suddenly occurred to him. "Do you have a pet?"

"Yes, there are many. What's the matter?"

"You didn't just give yourself a life sacrifice, did you?"

"What sacrifice of life?"

"It's the life sharing magic of the dark. As long as you use it, you can share your life with the pet. As long as the pet doesn't die, you can't die. "

"I don't know that life sacrifice at all, but I have this one!" I summoned the dart out and showed him the collar around his neck. "This thing can let me share my life with my pet!"

"No! Where can such a small thing bring so much life? Even if you two add a dollar, you shouldn't have paid a million! "

I laughed. "I'm not only a demon pet, but also some dragons and other things. But they have all gone out to do business and haven't come back yet."

"Are you a Dragon Rider?" Dekken was startled! "I see you're riding a fake dragon?"

"Oh! It's night shadow, it's a nightmare, and it's imitated by a gem. The real dragon is still out there

"No wonder! It's not a problem to summon a million dragons with the vitality and recovery speed of dragons, not to mention you have more than one dragon

I touched the female worm on the back of my neck again and said, "I can take a million of them? Why don't you come out yet? "

"A million of them are not created all at once. We have to wait for the mother insects to grow slowly! The speed of female oviposition is certain, as long as it does not reach the upper limit, it will not stop laying eggs. Your one million is estimated to be nearly full in three or five days! It's still very fast! "

"Another question, how does this thing lay eggs? It won't be born to me, will it

"In you, of course, it can't leave you! But don't worry, it doesn't affect you. Put your left hand out and have a look

I stretched out my left hand and saw a hole in the armor on the inside of the wrist, which was directly inserted into my arm. The magic dragon suit does have the ability to change the shape of the wearer's body. The last time it was changed into a werewolf's armor, this time it has evolved a hole. There is a cover on the hole that will open and close automatically, which seems to prevent other things from pouring into the body.

"This hole is the larva's birth tube. The larva hatches in it when it's born, and the larva will climb out of it once it's grown up," deken said

"How long will it take to grow up?"

"Two hours. The worms grow faster."

"Ah! I feel more and more impersonal! "

"What's so strange about that?" Deken didn't think it was different. "Just get used to it. You're just using it as a food extractor for the female worm. It's it. You're you. Even if I'm parasitized, am I still a necromancer? It won't take your place to direct your body

The son of the night also said: "if only it could replace the commander! When I'm offline, I'll give it the level training work. It's more powerful than plug-in! "

"Thank you for thinking it out!" I said with a smile: "but it's really a good idea, but it can't be realized!"

"By the way, where's your helmet?" Deken reached out to me. "You've helped me so much that I'll see if I can fix it for you."As I handed him the helmet, I said, "Clark said you fixed the dark crystal."

"I have repaired it, but the crystal is not as bad as you. Last time, only a corner was broken. Although you didn't disconnect, the central part has been completely broken, which is much more serious than the broken one! Besides, I borrowed the dark star in the dark temple to repair it

"The dark star?" I quickly took out the demon crystal bottle. "Here you are!"

"Demon crystal bottle? How did you get it? But what are you doing with this? It won't be... " Deken was surprised at the possibility.

I put my hand in front of my mouth and made a silent gesture. "I stole it. Don't tell me about it."

"You are good! You stole this stuff! But the death knight is not a fake

"Ha ha! Don't ask me about this. Mountain people have their own tricks I can't tell him that I've got an insider to do it. Isn't that hurting Domingo!

"If you don't tell me, I also know that you must have an agent in the temple. It's impossible to break into the temple with your strength! Two death knights can kill you

"I can't say it anyway. You can guess what you like! Now that everything is given to you, you should help me repair the gems quickly! "

"Good! I see! " Deken dug the whole gem out of his helmet. As soon as he took it out, the gem clattered into more than ten parts, and the small arrow in the middle fell out. Degan looked at the pieces of a table and said, "it's impossible to recover completely. Why don't we try to glue it back?"

"What is gluing back? You think it's crafts? What I want is the calling power of gems

"But this thing is so broken that it is very troublesome to stick it back, not to mention its complete recovery."

"What about that?"

"Why don't we try to regroup in a gem furnace?"

"Can crystal be smelted again? You're not going to make me a heap of crystal solution, are you? "

"That's not necessarily true, but you can't fix it anyway. Why don't you do it all at once, maybe you can succeed?"

"All right, then." I really can't help it. It's much worse than I expected. It's good to have a chance of life! Clark, when he said it couldn't be repaired, I actually didn't give much hope!

"Come with me!" Deken stood up to take us to the smelting room.

It was inconvenient for deken to hold a pile of debris. I ran to the door to help him open the door. He was still cleaning up the debris on the table. As soon as I opened the door, I saw something head-on. I was suddenly bumped out of the room. Fortunately, the mirage and my harmony had not been lifted. The mercury shield helped me block the first impact, but the impact force was all borne by me! , the fastest update of the webnovel!