Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

v5 Chapter 6: The sea festival is about to begin (4,000 words)

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[Storm and Sea Wave] Tavern.

Pirates and adventurers from all walks of life love to buy drunken lively places, and it is also the main activity area for the Vatican informant Argo.

The back of the tavern was partitioned into several separate rooms for pirates in need to play cards and throw dice for fun.

One of these chess and card rooms filled with the smell of tobacco, alcohol and sweat is quite special. In the most corners, never lend to outsiders, only for those thugs hired by the tavern owner Argo.

On the surface it is employee welfare, but in fact, this is just to cover up the blindness of the secret room behind the secret door of this room.

Tavern secret room.

Dorne, who returned to Port Marlow on the white mist, appeared here without a doubt.

This place can be regarded as the information processing center installed by the Holy See in the Pirate City, and almost all the intelligence clues reported by the informants will eventually be gathered here.

On the big round table in the center of the secret room, there are piles of various letter papers and paper strips with different writings.

Dorn sat at the side of the round table and looked through all kinds of information that Argo had recently acquired with great patience.

And Vivienne sat quietly beside him.

Greg Lu was half leaning on the ottoman in the corner.

Both of them were helping to read the information, mainly looking at some "waste paper" judged as "useless information" to avoid missing important information.

As for the little brother hyena, he did not appear in this secret room.

He has listened to the opinions of the big brother and the master now, and is staying in the story world to practice using [Screamer] to hit moving targets.

Only Cardinal Meyer stayed here on the side of the Holy See.

The two archbishops who were accompanying them, when they first arrived here this morning, put on their ordinary clothes and went out to find contacts with informants.

"By the way, go to the island on the west side to find the other two bishops, as well as Adele and others. If the matter over there dealing with the evil **** statue ends smoothly, let them turn with us and act together against the demigods on the sea."

Before the two bishops left, Meyer told them like this.

At the same time, the sister of the nun of the Holy See herself had already changed that black and white nun\'s uniform at this time and put on ordinary clothes.

Because her own scroll is very heavy, she sits opposite the round table and reads information quietly, like a reliable secretary.

After lightly overlapping the left leg on the right leg and changing the sitting position, the sister of the nun said: "Sir, the information sent by the informant inside the child of the storm is here, I found it."

Since leaving the Holy See, the cardinal\'s name for Donne has become "Mr.".

Although her title has changed, her pious and respectful appearance has not changed.

Now it doesn\'t look like a secretary anymore, but a bit like a personal maid who knows well.

"I have to say that the information network of the Holy See on the sea is really powerful." Dorn sighed like this, and took a stack of fishy letter paper from Meyer.

Most of the stationery records very little.

The date is written on the back of the paper, but the date is not the same as the handwriting of the previous text. It should be the online counterpart of the informant, or the person from Argo marked it when collating the information.

Dorn simply flipped through a few of them.

From the intelligence point of view, the informant within the son of the storm has not been developed for a long time, and his status in the cult is also very low.

Therefore, most of the information recorded on the letter paper is relatively trivial.

There is not much value.

When Donne flipped through the information to the one with the closest date, it only had three or two words written on it—

[The sea festival is about to begin. ]

"Sea Sacrifice?" Dorn raised his eyebrows slightly, and began to read through the savory information.

Then, he found an introduction about [海 Festival] a little earlier, probably in a piece of information with more characters this fall.

The content of it, roughly summarized as-

The devotees of the Storm God hold a sea sacrifice for their gods every year.

Time is beginning to spring.

Usually when the weather picks up and the sleeping storm **** on the bottom of the sea wakes up.

The so-called sea sacrifice is a savage and cruel sacrifice to living people.

The believers who claim to be the sons of the storm will use various methods, coaxing or hijacking, to let a large ship full of people travel through the area occupied by the **** of the storm within a suitable period of time.

Let this ship live as the first dish of the new year of the big octopus.

After the big octopus is fed by the living people, it will give the believers "God\'s Feedback" by responding to prayers.

They are usually equipment or props with "God Power" attached.

In order to obtain such a gift from God, the believers are very active in holding sea sacrifices, and they are always happy.

"Living sacrifices? No wonder Miss Plague would say that the belief in God of Storm is primitive and barbaric. In addition, the big octopus can actually respond to prayers. It can only be said that although it is a beast, there is a demigod in the ranks. ."

After reading the contents of the sea festival, Dorn roughly perfected the image of the hunting target God of Storm in his mind, and then handed over the information with the taste of salted fish to the others present.

"The sea festival is held in spring? It seems that the time is indeed fast. Maybe this is a good opportunity for us to hunt that big octopus? We can take advantage of that thing to attack the ship and kill it by surprise."

Greg Lu, who sat the farthest, was the last to finish reading the information. After reading it, I expressed my opinion.

"Or, let\'s act as the living sacrificial vessel by ourselves, and give that octopus a pig to eat a tiger." Dorn nodded when he heard the words, and then added.

The term "playing a pig and eating a tiger" sounded a bit strange to the other three people present, but it was inexplicably vivid.

So no one went deep into this issue of coinage.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus and agreed that the "Sea Festival" was a good hunting opportunity that could be used.

After finalizing the general direction of action, you must begin to clarify the specific content of the plan.

The specific time and location of the sea area when the sea festival started this year.

And whether the children of the storm have already found the target ship for the sea sacrifice.

These problems are all solved somewhat.

"I will ask Argo to contact the informants of this cult to see if I can get specific and targeted information about this year\'s sea sacrifice."

The cardinal of the Holy See and Don\'s temporary "private maid" Miss Mayer preached so softly.

However, at the end she added: "However, limited to the position of the informant in the Storm Order, this path may not work. We have to prepare second-hand."

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay. The status of the informant is too low, so we can hire a few high-level informants of the Storm Order." This time it was not Dorn who answered, but Greg Lu, who was hanging on the side.

"Does Mr. Adventurer have any ideas?"

Meyer turned her head, and when her gaze moved away from Dorn\'s face and moved to Gregrew\'s place, the lamb-like and respectful expression disappeared instantly, replaced by a cold and impatient face.

This high-level Holy See doesn\'t see everyone looks like a docile maid.

"Ah..." Miss Mayer\'s unkind look made Greg Lu almost choked with his saliva:

"I mean, the transformation potion, which I used before when Dorn and I were in Kesardum. As long as you secretly solve a high-level of the Storm Order, and then become the other side, you can just get their high-level to know. Information."

It is indeed a very good idea to blend into the Storm Order through transformation.

Moreover, through temporary "acquisition" of high-level identities, it is possible to try and arrange the target of this sea sacrifice for the children of the storm.

In this way, if you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, you have a plan.

"Oh? You still have a transformation potion?" Dorn\'s spirit was lifted up.

"Of course not. The bottle left after Kaiserdom was used long ago when I had a tryst with the wife of the royal capital." Greg Lu knocked on the bridge of his nose.


How did this guy say such a headache with a proud face?

In addition, the sister of the nun, who always feels that the Holy See is pious and pure, has a hardened fist after listening to Greg Lu\'s bohemian speech...

"If the potion doesn\'t drop, this road won\'t work." Donne shrugged helplessly.

Before coming to Port Marlow, according to Gregor\'s request, the group went to Golden Oak City through the white mist to find the alchemist Miss Fafna.

The reason is that the hyena is about to finish drinking the alchemy potion that tempers the body and mobilizes the magical induction. Seeing the function of the white mist is so convenient, just stop by and get it.

Greg Lu\'s method of cultivating hyenas is a combination of practice and drug use.

This is also an indispensable part for almost all human adventurers in the land of miracles in training themselves to become stronger.

After all, humans have limits.

Inappropriately take some weird potions to assist him. Just relying on exercise and fighting practice can really not break through this limit.

Of course, these are all digressions, and it doesn\'t matter to Donne, a self-contained opener.

In addition, Greg Lu himself also needs to purchase some alchemy potions from his old enemy Favna.

For adventurers like him, buy some battle alchemy potions before the war, and don\'t talk about whether you need to get them, but the sense of security immediately comes up. It is always better to have it than nothing.

You can also map auspicious or something.

In the process of visiting Favna this time, Dorn had learned that the magical transformation potion named [Fish] was still in zero inventory.

Miss Alchemist once said that the raw material of this potion is a kind of fish that lives on the sea of ​​storms and can be transformed into the shape of any creature.

This kind of fish is very rare and difficult to buy on the market.

Therefore, it takes only a few years to produce a batch of transformation potions. This is still with good luck...

Recalling this way, Don\'s mind suddenly flashed.

"The raw material is a kind of fish that lives in the stormy sea and can transform into any living thing that has been touched."

What Favna had said before kept flashing back in Dorn\'s mind.

"Hey, Gregory, shouldn\'t you?" Dorn looked at Gregory on the bench.

The latter snapped his fingers happily: "That\'s right! You really know me best. Guess what good things I found in the information I just read?"

Greg Lu pulled out a yellowed note from the intelligence clues judged to be "not of high value."

It reads impressively-

[Oh! My old buddy. This is the second unbelievable thing that happened after I experienced the accidental cure of rheumatism after falling into the sea last time! ]

[This happened while I was fishing on the beach of Turtle Reef to the south. I saw a fish climb up to the beach with my own eyes. Yes, yes, climb! I assure the original that what I said is true! ]

[The fish crawled and found out its hands and feet, but it turned out to be mine in the end. ]

[I was so frightened that I ran away, but fortunately, the ‘I’ that the fish turned into just stood in place, and the dementia didn’t chase me. But this thing is still terrible, like the apple pie baked by Susan next door! ]

There is also the date on the back of the note.

It was two days ago from now.


The handwriting is a bit familiar, and the strange narrative tone is also familiar.

In addition, the text clearly mentions falling water to treat rheumatism...

It was the same informant who had encountered [Plague] and revealed the secondary authority.

"This informant is really a magical existence... He loves to write nonsense, and the information he submits is always treated as a waste clue. But the nonsense he wrote is inexplicably valuable..."

Dorne was a little dumbfounded.

It seems that a deformed fish monster once appeared in the Turtle Reef south of the Storm Islands.

So as long as you can catch that fish, there will be a transformation potion!

"So, let\'s go fishing!" Greg Lu snapped his fingers happily again.

The wind is sunny.

Turtle reef.

This rocky island is not far from Marlow Harbor.

After Don turned on the [White Mist Jump], it only takes three to two minutes to reach the White Mist.

The time is around 4 pm.

After seeing that piece of information related to the deformed fish, Dorn came here with Vivian and Greg Lu.

As for the sister of the nun, she stayed in the secret room of the tavern and continued to check the information.

According to the cardinal, she also plans to formulate a few more different battle plans that can be flexibly switched.

In short, the work is very serious.

But Dorn and others, who came to Turtle Reef rashly, seemed very unplanned.

The three of them left the secret room. After taking a few breaths of fresh air by the beach, Greg Lu suddenly touched his nose and said, "Then what, Dorne, have you ever fished?"

"Huh? It\'s true, no."

Dorn recalled his own fishing experience.

I can think of it, it seems that I only followed my father wild fishing when I was young, and then sat idly for an afternoon without fishing. In the end, the father and son bought two crucian carp from a fishmonger on the side of the road, and never went home to boil the soup.

"Don\'t tell me you won\'t. UU reading" Donne was helpless.

"Although most adventurers like fishing, except for me, I really don\'t." Greg Lu dunked his hands.


If you can\'t, why did the phrase "Let\'s go fishing" just scream so magically!

In the end, the last hope of the two fell on Vivian, who had not spoken at all.

Miss Fairy felt the pressure immediately, and she waved her hand again and again, and she spoke with a bit of big tongue:

"Don\'t, don\'t look at me. I won\'t, and...Isn\'t it saying that this fish will become anything alive? How should you catch a deformed fish?"

All right.

This is a difficult problem.
