Start 1861: I Just Inherited the Dutch Throne

v3 Chapter 112: Upheaval in South Africa

"I lived there for more than 5 years, life there is like returning to nature, there is no smell of money, only strong suffocation self-indulgence, plus that strange life there, really, I am there to make me It doesn\'t feel the same on this planet."

"Is it as good as you say?"

At the same table who asked the question to William IV just now, another boy who was no more than fifteen or sixteen years old said: "In my opinion, Rotterdam is the most beautiful, everyone think about it, the many landforms of Rotterdam and the The location, coupled with the cultural environment, this is the beauty, first of all, I just came back from New York, the United States, in the impression that my father and I traveled around the Netherlands these days, Rotterdam is a very suitable city for survival, Also great for walking around the city.

Walking in the old town of Rotterdam, even people who do not understand art at all can feel the rich cultural atmosphere.

If you can walk slowly and take a closer look, there are travelers like me who are enjoying the sight of Rotterdam.

On a beautiful afternoon in the sun, in the street cafes, watching the locals and the tourists who came to have a conversation with broken Dutch and gestures, I felt that the locals are sincere and willing to let the tourists. Learn about Rotterdam\'s historic mission spirit"

The man said this, then changed his tone and said, "Especially I found that although the painters there have some Parisian context, they also have their own innovations. I think Rotterdam is the most beautiful."

And here, in addition to the boss and William IV and Charlie, several others have joined the debate.

William IV saw these people arguing about the ranking of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands, and he was amused, but he did not participate. In his opinion, the Netherlands is the most beautiful. As for these cities, they are all so many beautiful flowers in the Netherlands In it, the petals embellish only a part of the whole.

There was no registered person to argue the conclusion, and William IV directly interrupted the conversation of several people. When several people were about to be dissatisfied, they saw William IV nudging his mouth to the boss. Now, several people are embarrassed, because They have been fighting for a long time, but the final answer has not been announced yet?

The boss seemed to have been waiting for this moment for a long time, as if he was about to announce the winner of the award, the boss said mysteriously: "I think the most beautiful city in the Netherlands should be Honolulu on Oahu Island in the Hawaiian Islands, where the The most beautiful place in the Netherlands”

William IV, who didn\'t care at first, was taken aback for a moment. He didn\'t expect that the boss would actually say there.

After a meaningful look at the boss, he took Charlie and left after paying.

Is Honolulu so famous?

And why did the face of the man who obviously came back from the United States change drastically, and what is the identity of the middle-aged man?

Charlie observed the words and expressions. After he made a few gestures around him, a person who was no different from ordinary people suddenly came to the two of them. Charlie spoke in the person\'s ear for a while, and the latter quickly left.

"Your Majesty, the boss and the middle-aged man are foreigners who have just returned to the Netherlands from the United States. The middle-aged man is an American businessman, Thomas Seth, who specializes in reselling goods to earn the difference.

The young man was his nephew, Thomas Alva Edison, who was now the founding owner of a small American newspaper, The Herald.

He came back from Michigan with his uncle to be a relative in the Netherlands, and it is said that their family took the young people to stay in the Netherlands to take refuge in the Netherlands. Everyone can finally see that the war in the United States is difficult to expect to end for a while.”

"What, what\'s his name?" William IV looked at Bill Charlie in disbelief.

The latter did not understand why William IV had the only major change in his complexion over the years.

"Thomas Seth"

"It\'s not the middle-aged man, I\'m asking the name of the young man at the back." William IV stared at Bill Charlie, for fear that he would say a different name than the one just now.

Can William IV not change color?

If it is him, and he also achieves the same achievement, then Holland, but he really made it, and he seems to be recognized by God this time. He has unexpectedly made big gains one after another, especially, If he is that person, then the harvest of this trip will be enough to save the Netherlands from struggling for more than 10 years in the future, and even in the next 200 years, the Netherlands will be enough to become one of the strongest industrial players in the world.

But it all starts with whether that young man is the future Dutch tech giant.

Bill Charlie didn\'t want to disappoint William IV, but he was afraid that what he said would be different from what His Majesty thought.

"Thomas Alva, Edison."

"That\'s right," William IV said excitedly: "Have someone bring that middle-aged man into the William Group, and that young man, and bring him into the R&D department, but don\'t have any problems with loyalty, you understand."

Bill Charlie nodded and left quickly.

William IV thought to himself: "This time, the rise of the Dutch industrial revolution has added another giant. As long as Edison in this life is not water, then the development of Dutch electrical industry technology in the world will run over all countries, even today\'s Britain, the most powerful in industry, will also be trampled underfoot by the Netherlands, and will take back what the Netherlands has robbed by the United Kingdom.


Started on July 5, 1862.

The colonization of Africa continued, and this wave finally defeated the British desire to eliminate the other side for a period of time, and continued to go north to eradicate the Transvaal Republic, etc., so that the strategically important South Africa was completely returned to the United Kingdom.

The 100,000-strong British army that landed in South Africa started the war of annihilation with the Zulu People thought it would end soon, but the Zulu Kingdom seemed to be like a god, and the guns were full. The United Kingdom is blocked on the outer layer, even with the cooperation of warships at sea.

This army of 100,000 people seems to be just like the previous army. They are very heroic all over the world, but when they come here, they are lying on their stomachs, which is embarrassing.

So it was maintained like this, and there was no progress for half a month.

At this time, an internal fission occurred in the Republic of the Transvaal Republic.

Martinas, the leader of the Transvaal Republic, announced on July 26, 1862 that he would step down as the leader of the Transvaal Republic, and announced that 300,000 people of Dutch descent would follow him out of the Transvaal Republic. After the Republic of Vanuatu, they will fight with the United Kingdom for many years, all return to the embrace of the great Kingdom of the Netherlands, and migrate to the Congo River Basin, a new overseas territory of the Netherlands, to help the Netherlands develop there.

George Nash, the head of the Orange Free State, also announced on the same day that he would lead 100,000 Orange Dutch people to evacuate all of South Africa and migrate to the new Dutch overseas territories of Tanzania and Kenya under the control.