Star Chef Starts From the Food Stall

Chapter 21

Ron led his old man and a group of gray haired old men in. A group of old people were dignified, like leaders\' inspection. Many of Zhang\'s customers secretly swallowed saliva. Mom, isn\'t this UFA star 6 handsome? Oh, and 6 handsome family members, why are you here? Are you here for dinner? At the thought of this, the whole person may be excited. I have had the same meal as ufaxing 6 Shuai. I really want to show off.

Ufa star 6 handsome refers to the famous six people on UFA star. They have made great contributions to the development of Ufa star. UFA star can become a five-star planet. Their credit can be said to be the greatest. The title of Ufa star 6 handsome comes from the Internet and is the favorite name of netizens.

"Weston, it seems that it\'s really good. It smells good," said Rett\'s lover to Weston. [Weston is the old man\'s name]

Weston: "that\'s right. I come to Longxing to eat every day, and I\'m not tired at all. On the contrary, the more I eat, the more addictive I become.".

"Is it really better than mo de\'s cooking?"

Weston: "I dare not say this, but I personally prefer Zhang Shen\'s" because the weight is sufficient, the food is refreshing, and there are not so many rules.

"I eat as much as you. I should like his cooking. Ron, show us in quickly. I can\'t wait to try it."

Ron took more than a dozen people through the crowd. The crowd automatically made way for a way. It was quiet. No one spoke. When everyone entered the private room, the crowd outside exploded.

"God, I saw ufaxing 6 handsome for the first time in my life. It was in a restaurant. Boss Zhang is really my lucky star."

"What Weston just said was Zhang Shen. It turned out that boss Zhang\'s name was Zhang Shen."

"Ah, I\'m going to become Zhang Shen\'s brain powder."

"Brain powder + 1"

"Does anyone have a video? Give me one"

Here, Zhang Shen is in the kitchen. At the beginning, the cooked five grain health porridge is first served. Then Zhang Shen puts the pickled mutton leg into the oil pan and fry it. Add the homemade sweet flour sauce and scallion, cover the lid and start the pot for 04 to take it.

Then there is spicy fish. Put the pickled fish for an hour into the frying pan, add a small amount of oil and fry, then start a pot, saute garlic and ginger, add pepper, salt and other seasonings, stir fry a few times, pour it into the fish pot, cover the pot cover, stuffy the fish and start the pot.

When serving cereal porridge, a table of people ate the cereal porridge in the bowl. Many of them were thinking about what they saw in the public restaurant. The porridge tasted good, but what they saw in the public restaurant made them like it more.

04 push the door in, holding a large bowl of jujube red meat, with green scallions on it, it looks delicious.

A table of 16 people, Ron Fu, Ron\'s father and grandmother, Leite and his wife, granddaughter, the other 4 handsome and their families, one person and one chopstick is almost the same.

"It\'s delicious, but it\'s a little less"

After eating the meat, followed by the fish. The spicy fish smelled so delicious that people couldn\'t help swallowing their saliva, but Rett was very upset that he couldn\'t eat spicy, so he had to divert his attention.

Rhett: why hasn\'t the wine come yet

Dan\'er: "yes, I\'m waiting for that bite, and the green dragon crosses the river." after that, I quickly put a piece of fish in my mouth, chew it, chew it and swallow it.

Weston: "Ron, you go to God Zhang"

Baijiu Baijiu Baijiu, Ron answered the sound, and went out of the house to give Zhang Shenfa information, Zhang received information, entered the room where the storage materials, took out liquor from the space, last time to Ron too many wine, this time Zhang Shen did not wine, but on the liquor, I believe they will also like the liquor.

Zhang Shen put the Baijiu in a small bottle and put it in 04 minutes and two times.

Love Baijiu, the room of the room, is very beautiful. The Baijiu is strong, but it is very fragrant. He likes it very much.

It\'s said that Zhang Shen is a good-looking guy, and this master level craft. It\'s better not to let his granddaughter and Zhang Shen everywhere. If his granddaughter sees Zhang Shen and Zhang Shen\'s character and character pass the test, it\'s also good for them to be together. If they don\'t see him, it\'s also very good for them to make friends. Seeing his granddaughter grow old and have no future half, he is really worried to death.

"Angelina, how do these dishes taste and your appetite?"

Angelina is a beautiful girl with silver hair, a pair of purple pupils emitting a confusing light, and her palm face is very delicate and lovely.

Angelina nodded to her grandfather. "I like it very much."

"Just like it. Wait till you get to know Zhang Shen. Young people, it\'s always good to make more friends."

Angelina understood her grandfather\'s meaning. Although she didn\'t like her grandfather to arrange these for her, she couldn\'t lose his face in front of so many of his old friends. She had to nod and say, "I know." God knows why her grandfather likes to introduce her so much. She\'s only 22 years old this year.

How could the other people on the table not understand what Rett meant, but they had their own ideas in their hearts.

Witts: Zhang Shen is not such a superficial person. If so, he would go to UFA star with him instead of staying here to open a small shop, but can he refuse beauty? I\'ve seen too many people in my life. West really doesn\'t know if God Zhang will have any ideas about women.

Several other people who haven\'t seen Zhang Shen think it\'s half done. As long as Angelina nods, which man will refuse? Regardless of Angelina\'s appearance, let\'s talk about her family\'s industry. There is a planet dedicated to growing vegetables. There are supermarkets and fruit and vegetable markets on all planets. It can be said that half of the vegetables bought by Zhang Shen are from their family.

Ron was in a bad situation. He saw early in the morning that Zhang Shen and Yuntian might be together. Now Angelina can\'t get in. Ron quietly sent a message to Zhang Shen.

Ron: be careful. Someone here wants to introduce you to someone. You can do it. Don\'t refuse. If you promise, you may have to be redundant.

Zhang Shen was cooking spicy meat slices. He had a light head on his hand. He didn\'t open the information until the spicy meat slices were cooked. After reading it, Zhang Shen frowned. He hated being introduced to him. When he was on the earth, his stepfather introduced him to someone. The woman liked him very much, but he didn\'t like it. The woman even made such dirty things as medicine in order to get him to marry her. Fortunately, he made up his mind to push the woman away, otherwise the next thing would be unimaginable.