Splitting the Heavens

Chapter 1365

The four members of the Wan Yunhui and the four real people of the Double Star Pirates discussed something in the void. It was not until more than half an hour later that the two parties returned to their respective starship fleets.

"Twin Thief?"

When Master Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo returned to the giant starship, Shang Xia asked the two for proof.

Gong Zhuo glanced at the guild master next to him, while Master Zhang Shun smiled and said, "It seems that these twin thieves are really not unknown people in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, even Master Shang knows their names."

These words vaguely implied that Shang Xia was ignorant, but Shang Xia didn\'t take it to heart.

In fact, in the process of communicating with the two high-ranking Wan Yunhui before, Shang Xia has timely shown that he was obsessed with Talisman and Dao in the past, and he was not very clear about human relationships and the world of the starry sky.

Shang Xia smiled and asked again: "It seems that the two of you should have reached an agreement with that twin thief?"

Master Zhang Shun nodded with a smile, and said: "It\'s going well, I, Wan Yunhui, have nothing to ask for this time, just a piece of foundation land, and the rest will be taken by the twin thieves. But as the saying goes "It is essential to guard against others", I don\'t need to say too much about you, Daoist Shang should be aware of it, the old man and Junior Gong have always covered up your existence, and the twin thieves have not noticed your existence just now, why? Just in case."

Shang Xia nodded and said: "Shang also thought of this, you two can rest assured that Shang will do his best then."

Zhang Shun nodded first, and then turned his gaze to Gong Zhuo. The two seemed to have reached a tacit agreement on something in an instant, and then Master Zhang Shun said: "I think Master Shang has already understood the target we are targeting this time." It is guessed, yes, it is a spirit-level world, but this spirit-level world is somewhat special!"

Shang Xia didn\'t answer, but stood still and waited for the next sentence.

Upon seeing this, Master Zhang Shun had no choice but to continue: "The plane world we are targeting is called \'Lingchen Realm\', which itself is attached to a subsidiary plane of the Yuanjie Upper Realm, so our actions may take some risks. risky."


Shang Xia immediately recognized some tricks in Zhang Shun\'s words.

Master Zhang Shun has already seen that although Shang Xia is ignorant about many things, it does not mean that this person can be easily used. On the contrary, in many cases, this person is actually very shrewd. It was only due to the ignorance of some common sense that the reaction seemed to be slower.

"Yes, it is possible!"

Master Zhang Shun affirmed Shang Xia\'s conjecture, and said: "The seventh-level master in the Tianyu where the Lingchen Realm is located seems to have some problems. There are rumors that something went wrong during the retreat, and some say that they are investigating a certain starry sky. It disappeared during the ruins, in short, it is very likely that the master will not be able to make a move."

Shang Xia thought for a while, then said hesitantly, "It\'s just some rumors?"

"Of course more than that!"

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "Because not long ago, a low-level plane to which this Tianyu belonged was just raided by several star pirate fleets, the sky barrier was broken, and several sixth-order real people were killed in the battle. In the end, more than half of the land and the origin of heaven and earth were plundered, and finally the experts from the adjacent plane world came to help, which prevented the fate of the entire plane world from falling and being divided. But even so, after that battle, the plane world No matter how difficult it is for the world to maintain its current level, I\'m afraid it will fall from the spirit-level world to the Cang Realm."

Master Zhang Shun looked at it and listened carefully.

Shang Xia said with a smile: "From the start of the attack by the star pirate fleet to the final retreat by the masters who came to help from the neighboring world, there has never been a seventh-level real person in this sky region from the beginning to the end."

"Afterwards, I heard that the attacked plane world united several real people from neighboring plane worlds to visit the seventh-rank master in the Yuan-level upper realm of the sky domain, intending to ask the master to come forward to uphold justice, but unexpectedly, the master Those above the sect to which the person belonged were retreating to a critical juncture, and they were sent away on the grounds that it was inconvenient to go out to meet guests at this time."

"And this move seems to have further confirmed the fact that the seventh-rank master was unable to make a move."

Shang Xia nodded slightly, but remained silent.

Gong Zhuo, who was next to him, smiled and said, "Perhaps Master Shang has heard of the plane world that was raided."

Shang Xia looked over curiously, but Gong Zhuo said with a smile: "The plane world that was raided is the \'Lingxi Realm\', and the star bandits that participated in the raid on the Lingxi Realm were the Cloud Piercers, and Later, the Pirates of the Cloud Piercer used the ark to trade a fragment of the world they looted with the Chen Dynasty, but unexpectedly disappeared on the way to the real world. Gong Mou had mentioned this matter to the real person in the secret realm of the lair before, and wanted to come to the real person I also got some news from the population of Chen Chao and Qingling Palace."

Shang Xia nodded and said: "It is true, but according to Chen Chaozhang, the inside story seems to be very complicated. It is very likely that the one who intercepted and killed the Ark Piercing Cloud Pirates halfway was the abandoned son pushed by Qi Chao and Yu Chao. But unexpectedly, when he succeeded, the other party who broke out came to a black hole."

Speaking of this, Shang Xia couldn\'t help thinking of something, and said with a smile: "It is said that Zhang Zhenren from the Chen Dynasty came to the door in person to test whether Shang was the one who finally intercepted the ark."

After all, Shang Xia couldn\'t help but shook his head and laughed, but he was thinking in his heart: Lingxi Realm and Lingmorn Realm, one "evening" and one "morning", seems to be suitable.

Master Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo exchanged a look indiscriminately.

Gong Zhuo then asked again: "Then Master Shang thinks this is feasible?"

Shang Xia smiled and said, "I\'m a guest, so of course the guest can do whatever he wants! Besides, even if the situation is wrong, that seventh-rank master can really make a move, at least he won\'t target Shang right away?"

After saying that, the three of them laughed out loud.

Although Shang Xia still agreed to continue cooperating with Wan Yunhui and Twin Pirates, he should still be cautious.

At least that side of Tianyu has already encountered a joint attack of star robbers, and after doubting whether the seventh-rank master of his own Tianyu can make a move, how could he not strengthen his guard?

The timing of Wan Yunhui and the twin robbers\' actions this time is hardly good, except that the opponent\'s seventh-level master may not be able to make a move. It is even very likely that their actions have already fallen into the eyes of some interested people, and they have become It is the forerunner of the opponent to test that side of the sky.

Of course, if the actions of Wan Yunhui and the Twin Pirates go well, then it is almost conceivable that the various forces in Chaotic Star Sea and Starry Sky will set off a gluttonous feast in this heaven!

As for the reason why Shang Xia is still willing to participate in a fierce battle that has nothing to do with him, even though he knows that it may usher in a fierce battle that has nothing to do with him, apart from his wanting to truly understand the starry sky world outside the Guantianyu, what is more important is that he Confidence has already mastered the means to protect itself!

The Square Monument in his mind had undergone some changes after devouring one-third of the source sea in Tongzhou Prefecture of Yuanxing Realm.

I remember that Shang Xia used to be in

During a certain crisis, he briefly summoned a phantom of the Sifangbei. At that time, even he himself was not sure whether the Sifangbei had helped him during the battle.

However, now Shang Xia is almost sure that he may really be able to summon the Sifangbei from his mind to help in the battle!

Of course, it might just be a phantom. After all, under the current situation, it is unlikely that he would actually summon the Stele to see if it was a phantom, a projection, or a real entity!

As for whether it is a projection or an entity, Shang Xia will not doubt its power.

After all, since Shang Xia discovered that the Sifangbei has the ability to swallow the origin of heaven and earth, starting from the Cangyu and Cangling worlds, the Sifangbei swallowed all kinds of Cangjie, Fudi, Dongtian, Lingjie, and even the Yuan-level upper realm. However, in terms of the amount of swallowing refining alone, the power of this square monument cannot be underestimated.

In the next period of time, the joint fleet formed by Wan Yunhui and the twin thieves was stealthily prowling in the void.

Both sides have their own means to cover up their whereabouts during the fleet\'s voyage. Wan Yunhui still uses some kind of extension of the joint attack, while the twin pirates use the sails. The sails on the four starships are all certain. This kind of secret treasure can cover the entire starship.

And Shang Xia also witnessed how the two forces cooperated and how they prepared to attack a spirit-level world before launching.

Attacking a plane world, even if it is a spirit-level world, even if one\'s own high-level fighters have an absolute advantage, it is absolutely impossible to directly drive the starship to the opponent\'s sky barrier, and then fight with the opponent. .

All kinds of preparations that need to be made are complicated, and the warriors involved are even more varied. It is already an extremely remarkable task in Shang Xia\'s view just to coordinate and arrange these people and affairs without any trouble during the process. something happened.

It is not that Shang Xia has not witnessed conquests between other plane worlds in Guantianyu, but compared with the level shown by Twin Pirates and Wanyun Club, even the two top spiritual worlds, Lingjun Realm and Lingyu Realm The joint action also looked like a mob, and this further deepened Shang Xia\'s sense of crisis.

There are only more than ten years left before the boundary barrier of Guantianyu disappears. Once Guantianyu is exposed in front of all the heavens in the starry sky, what will the various planes in Guantianyu use to resist the invasion of these foreign forces?

The two combined fleets were submerged in the void while making all kinds of tedious preparations before the battle. Soon, more than a month passed.

At this time, even Shang Xia himself didn\'t know where he was in the starry sky, but he had added a few more Tier 6 Martial Talismans in his hand.

However, at this time, the preparations for the two major forces are coming to an end, and Shang Xia has also received some basic information about the Lingchen Realm shared by Zhang Shun, as well as the Yuanling Tianyu and Yuanling Realm to which the Lingchen Realm belongs. Case.

On this day, Shang Xia was quietly browsing in the cabin, a Yuan-level upper realm in the Yuanling Tianyu, two spirit-level worlds (the Lingxi realm fell to the Cangxi realm), and the six heavens and above in the five sky realms. During the master\'s introduction, he suddenly noticed that the joint fleet of the two parties gradually stopped in the void.

Before Shang Xia got up to leave the cabin, Gong Zhuo walked in with a serious face, and said, "Really Shang, the turbulent flow barrier of the Yuan Ling Tianyu has arrived!"